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  1. There are lots of allegations here, including 6 degrees of separation "evidence" but no proof at all that Hunter Biden actually profited from any of these deals. Given that he was or still is under investigation by David Weiss, the Trump appointed US Attorney for Delaware, it's extremely dubious that Biden made any profit at all from the sale of his business. Certainly nothing on the scale suggested by Schweizer. Had that been the case, he would easily have been able to repay the loan made on his behalf to settle what he owed to the IRS. It's also important to note that Peter Schweizer, the author of these pieces, has a very dubious history. https://www.mediamatters.org/peter-schweizer/twenty-plus-errors-fabrications-and-distortions-peter-schweizers-clinton-cash
  2. Thanks for the rant. Now can you share specific information about how Joe Biden profited from his elected position?
  3. Or how about this National Climate Assessment: Great Plains’ Ogallala Aquifer drying out https://www.climate.gov/news-features/featured-images/national-climate-assessment-great-plains’-ogallala-aquifer-drying-out
  4. Bankers applaud as GOP senator dismisses calls for regulations after SVB collapse Republican Sen. Steve Daines of Montana garnered applause from a room full of bankers on Tuesday after he dismissed calls for tougher regulations following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. "There are a lot of talking heads out there who are saying that the solution is more regulation, and I strongly disagree," Daines said in remarks to the American Bankers Association's Washington Summit, an annual gathering of bank CEOs and other top executives. The Montana Republican went on to defend a 2018 law that progressive lawmakers and experts have said is at least partly responsible for the recent bank failures. https://www.salon.com/2023/03/22/bankers-applaud-as-senator-dismisses-calls-for-regulations-after-svb-collapse_partner/ And the Titanic cruises on.
  5. This is what reasoning backed by evidence looks like: Early climate modelers got global warming right, new report finds Climate skeptics have long raised doubts about the accuracy of computer models that predict global warming, but it turns out that most of the early climate models were spot-on, according to a look-back by climate scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NASA. Of 17 climate models published between the early 1970s and the late 2000s, 14 were quite accurate in predicting the average global temperature in the years after publication, said Zeke Hausfather, a doctoral student in UC Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group and lead author of a new paper analyzing the models. “The real message is that the warming we have experienced is pretty much exactly what climate models predicted it would be as much as 30 years ago,” he said. “This really gives us more confidence that today’s models are getting things largely right as well.” https://news.berkeley.edu/2019/12/04/early-climate-modelers-got-global-warming-right-new-report-finds/
  6. False. "The supposed "global cooling" consensus among scientists in the 1970s — frequently offered by global-warming skeptics as proof that climatologists can't make up their minds — is a myth, according to a survey of the scientific literature of the era. The '70s was an unusually cold decade. Newsweek, Time, The New York Times and National Geographic published articles at the time speculating on the causes of the unusual cold and about the possibility of a new ice age. But Thomas Peterson of the National Climatic Data Center surveyed dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles from 1965 to 1979 and found that only seven supported global cooling, while 44 predicted warming. Peterson says 20 others were neutral in their assessments of climate trends." https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=4335191&page=1
  7. Really? Tell that to the citizens of America's southwest where water levels on the major electric generating reservoirs are approaching the point where they won't produce electricity. Tell them how everything on the Colorado river is just fine. And while you're at it, tell them that Saudi owned farms that are draining the aquifer so they can grow alfalfa to feed their dairy cows in Saudi Arabia are nothing to worry about.
  8. I know of nowhere that such a mandate is being proposed. This kind of allegation comes from conspiracy theorists who would rather fictionalize than take the time to read what 15 minute city programs are really about.
  9. You kind of blew your cover here about asking an honest question. The ‘15-minute city’ backlash is part of the great climate change conspiracy theory Last month, protesters against a new low-traffic neighbourhood system took aim at “15-minute cities” there. They argued that the proposals to reduce reliance on cars are a Trojan horse for controlling citizens’ movement through QR codes and other forms of digital surveillance. On Facebook, a group founded a few weeks ago to protest against 15-minute cities has more than 20,000 users who have posted empty claims that the ideas are communist or Nazi in nature, or make comparisons to the dystopian fiction of The Hunger Games. https://www.ft.com/content/93d58155-5a4e-4135-ac6f-00d5a3c8e4d1
  10. More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2021/10/more-999-studies-agree-humans-caused-climate-change
  11. When someone starts trying to make an issue personal, it's a pretty reliable sign that they've got nothing.
  12. True. The only times loans get sold for pennies on the dollar is when the loans are considered near worthless. The government wants to make sure it can get back as much as it can. Why would it countenance selling loans for less than what can be gotten for them.
  13. The allegation that Biden received money from the Russians is an unproven allegation.. But if you have evidence, please share it with us.
  14. Actually, it was Qatar his family got money from. Which bailed them out of financial jeopardy due to his massively bad investment.
  15. The reason I used "bigoted" instead of "racist" is that it invites denials along the lines that Mexicans aren't a race, etc.. Using "bigoted" makes wading into that nonsense unnecessary.
  16. As for Jared Kushner's experience...Jared Kushner nearly bankrupted his family with an unwise real estate purchase. Then the family was bailed out via a sweetheart deal that made no financial sense. Only the identity of one investor had to be revealed under the law. That investor was the Qatari Government. Keep in mind that Kushner was a govt official at the time of that bailout. His special purview was the Mideast.. Hunter Biden has never been an employee of the govt.
  17. That was novichok not polonium. You're mixing that up with yjr Litvinenko poisoning.
  18. It doesn't seem that the battery is removable which would make it a lot easier to charge for urban dwellers.
  19. Really? They're just hollering? https://www.iea.org/news/renewable-power-s-growth-is-being-turbocharged-as-countries-seek-to-strengthen-energy-security The global energy crisis has triggered unprecedented momentum behind renewables, with the world set to add as much renewable power in the next 5 years as it did in the past 20 "Global renewable power capacity is now expected to grow by 2 400 gigawatts (GW) over the 2022-2027 period, an amount equal to the entire power capacity of China today, according to Renewables 2022, the latest edition of the IEA’s annual report on the sector. This massive expected increase is 30% higher than the amount of growth that was forecast just a year ago, highlighting how quickly governments have thrown additional policy weight behind renewables. The report finds that renewables are set to account for over 90% of global electricity expansion over the next five years, overtaking coal to become the largest source of global electricity by early 2025." https://www.iea.org/news/renewable-power-s-growth-is-being-turbocharged-as-countries-seek-to-strengthen-energy-security
  20. Well, I remember when MAGAist were predicting a massive electoral triumph after the FBI searched Mar a Lago. How did that turn out? And in those elections, Republican nominees backed by Trump but opposed by the Republican establishment fared considerably worse than other Republican candidates.
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