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  1. Well, for one thing, Erdogan isn't a country. And no, even if Greece had the capability to restrict naval traffic through the Bosphorus, it doesn't have the right. According the the Montreux Convention, only Turkey does.
  2. Only one part of climate change? This is like saying the issue of why my car won't go has nothing to do with whether or not there's petrol in the tank. I
  3. You've already told us that you haven't been following the story. There's a thing called Google you can access put you in touch with all the information you need to bring you up to speed. That done, you can start asking informed questions for a change.
  4. Actually, the story in this forum about Trump's lawyer Corcoran being ordered to testify is really about the lies told by the Trump team to the Justice Dept. It was Corcoran who composed the document attesting that all documents requested by the National Archives had been turned over. It was signed by another Trump lawyer. Afterwards, when Justice dept officials were on the Mar y Lago premises, they requested to see what was in a clearly visible box being held in the storage area. They were refused permission. Ultimately, when the search warrant was served lots of documents were found in the box including some marked classified. Other documents marked classified were found in Trump's bedroom. So, if the judge's order for Corcoran to testify is upheld, as seems likely, he will have to reveal whether it was Trump who told him that no more unauthorized documents remained. Seems unlikely that a lawyer would have composed a false statement without consulting his client. And a deliberate lie is clearly an instance of obstruction of justice.
  5. What's next? Better not make any jokes about Putin, because he's got nukes? Better buy Putin a nice Xmas present this year because he's got nukes?
  6. Not only is putting them in the same basket misleading, but isn't addressing only the issue of poor pensioners as opposed to al the poor also misleading? Poor pensioners constitute only 15% of those living in poverty.
  7. Very few? Are you claiming that the numbers of poor pensioners and billionaires are equal? "There are two million pensioners living in poverty in the UK - a figure that has risen sharply over the past year. A report published this month by the Centre for Ageing Better found there were 200,000 more poor pensioners in 2021. That means nearly one in five now fall below the official poverty threshold." https://www.itv.com/news/granada/2022-03-24/why-is-pensioner-poverty-on-the-rise Are there really 2 million billionaires in the UK? And does the population of the poor in the UK consist only of pensioners? "How many people are in poverty? Around one in six people in the UK are in relative low income before housing costs (BHC), rising to around one in five once we account for housing costs (AHC)." https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn07096/
  8. Has anyone ever died or had their health impaired because they didn't have TV service? And for what it's worth, which is not much, there actually are discounts and even free service available to some pensioners.
  9. Thanks for the silly word game. But the issue is based in science not semantics. It's not about climate change per se, but about rate of change. To make it clear to you, if you had a choice to make 2 equally safe investments, but one paid 1 percent and the other 10 percent, which one would you chose? According to your way of thinking, since both are increasing, it wouldn't matter which one you invested in. Not only is the average global temperature increasing, but it's doing so at an accelerating rate. The last 8 years have been the hottest on record. And that's despite some of those year occurring during a phenomenon called La Nina, which actually make global temperatures lower than they would otherwise have been.
  10. I don't think you get it. BritManToo is the measurer of all things.
  11. "But experts note all vehicles use concentrated power sources — whether gasoline, diesel or electricity — making them all vulnerable to ignition. Statistics compiled by AutoInsuranceEZ found that for every 100,000 EVs, there are about 25 fires each year. That compares to 1,530 car fires in the same number of gas-powered vehicles annually." https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2022/10/26/electric-vehicle-fires-florida-flooding-what-happened/10553207002/ So it's only about 61 times more likely that an ICE vehicle will burn than an EV. Gotta love them odds!
  12. What about pre-covid? What about the years of cutting back on the NHS will lowering taxes on the wealthy? And I would point out that the energy program in absolute terms benefited a Kensington billionaire with a heated pool in his mansion much more than a poor pensioner huddled in whatever it is that poor pensioners huddle in.
  13. It is a funny thought given that for most of their time in office they would rather have returned that money to the wealthy.
  14. Not a matter of luck. Most major U.S. corporations prefer to incorporate in Delaware. For one thing, no jury trials in civil business suits. Saves time and money. Which in most cases corporations prefer. That's one reason why Musk ultimately capitulated to Twitter. His legal counsel knew he didn't have a legitimate case, and while a jury might have been swayed, a judge on the Chancery Court wouldn't have been.
  15. Not since the dawn of supply-side economics has the Republican Party been run by sensible intelligent people. Or at least by people who don't claim to believe that nonsense. and lots of other foolishiness too.
  16. No one has suggested they were coerced. What's your point?
  17. Maybe next time he should put in boldface oversized capital letters: THIS IS A HYPOTHETICAL CASE
  18. You have offered nothing of substance. Apparently, to your way of thinking, not seeing what isn't there is the same as refusing to see. You got nothing.
  19. Better watch out. Nature abhors a vacuum. And your comment here is utterly empty.
  20. I can't believe that the Russians would deliberately put their ships in harm's way given their past experience. Could they be counting on the USA not to provide Ukraine with coordinates? Seems unlikely.
  21. But there would be more if... Brexit: Thousands Of E.U. Doctors Shunned The U.K. Following Referendum https://www.forbes.com/sites/katherinehignett/2022/11/29/brexit-thousands-of-eu-doctors-shunned-the-uk-following-referendum/?sh=4625421f7071
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