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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Let's assume that this deal was, as you aver, blackmail. So Trump has been shown to be susceptible to blackmail. What about if a blackmailer didn't want money but something else from Trump when he was President? Would he have caved in to those demands, too?
  2. But the question is how frequent are these spontaneous fires as opposed to ones caused by accidents. We do know , EVs are far far less likely to burn than ICE vehicles.
  3. I remember when all sorts of predictions were made about how the dire and violent consequences that would follow from the FBI search of Mar a Lago. As it turns out, Trump supporters couldn't even muster a decent sized protest there. It was also prophesied that the search would have dire consequences for the Democrats in the midterm. How did that turn out?
  4. Apparently, you're making the assumption that first that occur in most have nothing to do with accidents. That seems to be a dubious assumption.
  5. So I guess the ratio of 61 ICE fires to 1 EV fire is insignificant
  6. Yes Greta Thunberg did post that. Not only isn't she a scientist but she didn't accurately represent what that scientist said. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/greta-thunberg-deleted-2018-tweet-on-humanity/ What's more, even her comment taken as read does not claim that humanity will be wiped out in five years. You really should learn to read more carefully.
  7. Well, who knows, someone may have said such a thing. The real issue is what does the science say?
  8. Because there's no evidence that Biden knew he had them in his possession. And it's only a crime if you can prove someone willfully refused to hand over documents. It's also a crime to lie about continued possession of said documents. That's called obstruction of justice.
  9. Clueless. Of course they want to establish how Trump reacted after he agreed to turn over all unauthorized documents to the National Archives.
  10. In this article the state said that the hair follicle tests showed the parents testing positive for amphetamines, oxycodone, and fentanyl "The attorney of the family planned to change the results of the hair follicle tests on the suggestion of experts that the test conducted on the couple is known to generate too many false positives. However, they were told by child services that it will not be possible to challenge the results as the drug court does not hold onto them."
  11. If only there were some independent source that backed up what he said. Like maybe the ICC.
  12. Your comments are very confused. Dominion need prove no such thing about voter ID. Even if that was a valid complaint, and to date no state investigations have uncovered anything more than a handful of fraudulent ID cases., that has nothing to do with whether Dominion machines were in some ways rigged, And given the nature of the accusations against Dominion such charges tying it to Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, and the machinatios of George Soros and the Clintons, there's plenty of evidence of defamation. You know, reckless disregard of the truth.
  13. Maybe if we shared your version of alternative reality we might be aware of that. But those of us who dwell in the real world know that this is false. We know that the Ukrainians were desperately pleading for the weapons that Congress had authorized be sent to them to use against the the Russian supported secession.. Trump ignored their pleas for months. It took threats from Congress to take the issue to court and a meeting with Zelensky to get Trump to release those weapons. This was the meeting in which Trump asked Zelensky to do him a favor and investigate Biden.
  14. Right. An outsider who threatened the wealthy by cutting taxes on them and appointing to the judiciary judges who favor corporate interests at the expense of workers. What was his plan? To stuff the wealthy so full of cash that they would explode?
  15. How often are you going to be making empty comments like that?
  16. No, Trump has not been acquitted of attempted coup charges. Not that he would be charged with that. He is being investigated on various grounds for intentionally promoting violence and the invasion of the capitol. And, no, he has not been acquitted of his alleged criminal responsibility in regard to that. Care to acknowledge you got that wrong?
  17. Not just that but MbS, the defacto ruler of Saudi Arabia, overrode his economic advisors who disapproved of investing with Kushner.
  18. Thank you for your detailed and reasoned reply to my comment. Here's a small editing suggestion. Your comment was a bit prolix. You could have dropped the 'No".
  19. What has any of this nonsense got to do with science? Over 99.9 percent of all climatological papers that reference climate change in some way support that human caused climate change is a real thing.
  20. That said, that figure of roughly 27,000 is misleading. It a celling not a median average. So that tells us nothing about the distribution of income. And it's for London, the most expensive areo of the UK to live in. And since this was about determining the extent of poverty in the UK, not just London, there is more useful evidence available. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/personalandhouseholdfinances/incomeandwealth/bulletins/householddisposableincomeandinequality/financialyearending2021 Now this is disposable income, which means income tax is discounted. But given that the personal allowance is 12,5000 pounds, for the bottom quintile that probably won't amount to much.
  21. Yes, you are correct and I was wrong about those figures. You did not make them up. I apologize.
  22. Actually, if you had followed reports on this you would know that Bragg's original team quit because he didn't want to go ahead and prosecute Trump. He's been very reluctant. Two prosecutors leading Manhattan criminal probe into Trump RESIGN after new DA Alvin Bragg raised 'serious doubts' about case: Probe grinds to halt with NO witnesses questioned for a month Two prosecutors leading the Manhattan District Attorney's criminal tax fraud investigation into Donald Trump and his family business have abruptly resigned, it was reported on Wednesday. Attorneys Carey R. Dunne and Mark F. Pomerantz stepped down from the case after new Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg expressed doubts over moving forward with a case against Trump, the New York Times reported. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10544239/Two-Manhattan-prosecutors-leading-criminal-investigation-Trump-RESIGN-doubts.html
  23. Good thing you linked to that report and not to something that could easily be mocked...oh wait a minute... As someone else has pointed out, Garret Ziegler is the party behind this report which was released 5 months ago. Clearly he is a very sober and rational actor. Ex-Trump aide calls female January 6 witnesses 'hoes and thots' and members of the committee 'Bolsheheviks' who 'hate the American founders and most white people' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11035639/Ex-Trump-aide-calls-female-January-6-witnesses-hoes-thots-profane-rant-deposition.html Ex-Trump Aide Sics MAGA Lackeys on Alleged FBI Agents’ Families Garrett Ziegler posted the personal info of purported FBI agents—along with links to one of their kids’ social media accounts. https://www.thedailybeast.com/ex-trump-aide-sics-maga-lackeys-on-alleged-fbi-agents-families MAGA!!!
  24. I think the truth is sadder. Dudleysquat actually believes that Hunter Biden's laptop contains proof of criminality or that the Bidens were acting in concert with the CCP. Come to think of it, I think he believes both.
  25. Making stuff up much? https://www.trustforlondon.org.uk/data/poverty-thresholds/ Let me do the math for you: 52 x276= 14352 And that's for the sector of London where living costs are highest. In fact the poverty level for a couple living in the most expensive area of London falls well below the figure you claim: 19708 is the correct figure. Even if you factor in inflation, the number come nowhere near the one that you claimed.
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