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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. This has got to be one of the most bizarre cases of projection I have even seen. Chomper Higgot asks you to produce the evidence and you accuse him of not doing so. What's more, you characterize that as a liberal failing. If that's true, I guess that makes you a liberal.
  2. Absolutely. He's made Obamacare more affordable. Helped Medicaid include more people. Had passed a major environmental bill. And increased taxes on the wealthy. And there are other accomplishments, too. Go Biden!
  3. I have no doubt that there are tens of millions of ardent MAGAists voters. The question remains, who cares?
  4. I can find lots of positive things that Biden accomplished to applaud him for. I don't need to go scrounging about to come up with things he didn't do.
  5. Where is Neville Chamberlain now that Ukraine and the West need him?
  6. Well, if by "US" you mean MAGAists, is it even possible to make your support stronger? And even if it does, who cares?
  7. Let's all give a round of applause for Putin not committing treason against Russia!!!
  8. Alarming news for all of you Trump voters! According to Jesse Watters, if Trump does get sent to prison, he won't be the only one. Apparently, your votes are in jeopardy of being imprisoned, too" "They better not put my president in prison. He represents 74 million Americans. If he's the nominee, you're putting 74 million votes in prison." https://www.wonkette.com/jesse-watters-trump-indictmentjesse-watters-trump-indictment I just hope the authorities will allow you all visitation rights.
  9. Also, the Child Services Dept said it didn't keep the results of the hair follicle tests. Bizarre, no?
  10. I thought that the government had a very strong case for piercing the attorney-client privilege shield until I read this: "In response to ABC News, a Trump campaign spokesperson said, in part, "Shame on Fake News ABC for broadcasting ILLEGALLY LEAKED false allegations from a Never Trump, now former chief judge, against the Trump legal team." "The real story here, that Fake News ABC SHOULD be reporting on, is that prosecutors only attack lawyers when they have no case whatsoever," the spokesperson said. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/judge-says-special-prosecutor-has-evidence-trump-may-have-broken-law-sources/ar-AA18UOht As noted, this came from a spokesperson. Given how stylistically similar the reply was to Trump's own rants, I think that spokesperson should be promoted to be Trumps mini-me.
  11. Well, if Russia isn't using depleted uranium shells in Ukraine, he could implement their use. Apparently, Russia does stock them in its arsenal: "Russia has a significant number of different DU-rounds in its arsenals. There are reports of mass production of the improved Svinets-1 and Svintes-2 depleted uranium ammunition, for which the T-80BVM tanks were modernized during the last years. It seems that Russia didn’t abandon its DU programme, but on the contrary – it has increased production volumes and is actively modernizing outdated tanks to make them capable of firing DU ammunition. Even though there are no reliable reports yet, considering the DU-capable tanks being used in the invasion, ICBUW fears use of DU in Ukraine." https://www.icbuw.eu/depleted-uranium-weapons-state-of-affairs-2022/#:~:text=Russia has a significant number,modernized during the last years.
  12. Actually, Mexicans are predominantly mestizo, which reflects a mixture mainly of european and amerindian populations.
  13. I think this article ought to have addressed the question of whether Russia uses depleted uranium in its shells in Ukraine.. As a major producer and user of uranium, it would certainly have a plentiful supply of it.
  14. I'm not going to bother fact checking because this has no bearing on whether or not the father was under the influence when he was stopped. And, for what it's worth, the mother tested negative for marijuana use.
  15. There's actually a huge difference between Hunter Biden's conduct and Jared Kushner's conduct apart from huge difference in the sums involved. For one thing, Hunter Biden has never been a government official. For another, he was not doing business with the government of China. In fact, the chairman and found of the Chinese company he was in business with is now in prison for corruption charges brought against him by the Chinese govt. Whereas Jared Kushner's was a govt official in a high-powered job. His purview was the Middle East. He consistently promoted Saudi interests while he was a government official. After leaving govt. service, he benefited from a 2 billion dollar investment from the Saudi sovereign wealth fund. What's more, MbS. the defacto ruler of Saudi Arabia, overrode members of the board who wanted to refuse investing with Kushner. And it gets even worse. While Kushner was still serving in the White House, the Qatar government helped to bail out Kushner's family from a disastrous investment he had made in a building in NYC. It was a sweetheart deal that made no financial sense. I wrote "helped" because most of the funding was kept confidential. Only a small portion was required by law to be made public. And that's the portion that was revealed to be funded by the Qataris
  16. . As I've pointed out, the peaks you refer to are due to years when there was a very strong El Nino effect. Despite that 2020 was virtually tied with 2016 even though that was a La Nina year which depresses temperature.. The same kind of stuff you are spouting was also alleged for what followed the 1997-98 El Nino which up to that point was the highest temperature year on record. Denialists like yourself predicted that the global warming was over because for the next 6 years, that 1997-98 el nino held the record breaking temperature. Then in 2005, a new record was set. Again in 2010. The last 8 years have been the highest temperatures on record. In fact, despite the powerful el nino of 1997-98, it no longer even counts among the top ten years. Which included many years with temperature reducing La Ninas. The trend is obvious.
  17. Lomborg is not the most honest person in the climatological community. But he is a contender for the least: A closer examination of the fantastical numbers in Bjorn Lomborg’s new book But, like his previous contributions to this issue, Dr Lomborg’s arguments are based on fantastical numbers that have little or no credibility. Overall, the numbers presented by Dr Lomborg, who has a PhD in political science, understate the potential economic impacts of climate change and exaggerate the costs of cutting greenhouse gases. And he has promoted them apparently secure in the knowledge that they will not be fact-checked by book publishers or newspaper comment editors. https://www.lse.ac.uk/granthaminstitute/news/a-closer-examination-of-the-fantastical-numbers-in-bjorn-lomborgs-new-book/ Climate cost study authors accuse Bjørn Lomborg of misinterpreting results https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/dec/02/climate-cost-study-authors-accuse-bjrn-lomborg-of-misinterpreting-results This article lists several other whoppers told by Lomborg as well.
  18. No, it was not proven that they were under the influence of marijuana. For one thing, the mother tested negative. For another people can test positive for marijuana up to 3 days after in a urine test and a week later in a blood test long after the intoxicating effect of the marijuana have worn off. So the test didn't confirm that the father was under the influence. I really hope it's the case that he has me on ignore otherwise there's a serious cognitive deficit on his part.
  19. I won't say you're like most right wingers because you simply ignore disproofs of your claim. Because I prefer not to take vacuous cheap shots.
  20. Well, there are a few problems with your reasoning. Sea levels haven't been rising for the past 400 years. The rise has been coincident with the advent of human caused global warming. What's more the rate of rise is increasing. "The rate of global sea level rise is accelerating: it has more than doubled from 0.06 inches (1.4 millimeters) per year throughout most of the twentieth century to 0.14 inches (3.6 millimeters) per year from 2006–2015." https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-sea-level
  21. You've tried on this nonsense about temperatures leveling off before. You clearly don't understand a thing about trends and regression analysis. In fact the trend shows a sharp increase in temperatures. It's true that 2016 and 2020 are in a virtual tie for highest global average. The thing is in 2016 there was a strong el nino which raises global temperature averages. In 2020 there was actually a mild La Nina which tends to lower global temperatures. Despite which, the 2 were in a virtual tie. When the next El Nino comes along, it's a virtual lock that a new record will be set. The last refuge of someone who has no valid evidence to offer is to make the issue personal. You've got nothing..
  22. It's clear you haven't taken account of a thing called tides. So even if the rock wasn't moved, that fact that at some point during the day, the rock is above sea level proves nothing As for what I assume is your point about CO2. You think because there's so little of it, there can't be a strong effect? Do you understand that you are quarreling with the potency of CO2 that was first detected by the great Irish physicist Joseph Tyndall, and later precisely measured by the Nobel Prize winning physicist Svante Arrhenius? And given your belief that such a small percentage couldn't possibly have a significant effect on global temperatures, I guess you're going to dispute that ozone in the stratosphere, which constitute less than 10 parts per million, a number that is about 1/40 the amount of CO2, has a negligible effect on shielding us from ultraviolet radiation.
  23. And not so long ago slavery was legal. So if Putin decides to authorize slavery, will your defense of him be that America once had slaves, too. Got any more lame justifications to share with us?
  24. David Weiss, the US attorney for Delaware was appointed by Trump in 2017, The Biden adminstration kept him on. He's the person responsible for investigating Hunter Biden. Merrick Garland gave Weiss carte blanche to investigate Hunter Biden and to decide whether or not he should be charged with crimes. So far, no charges forthcoming.
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