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  1. Really? He's making stuff up? In Arizona voters passed a referendum to establish an indendent non-partisan commission to create Congressional districts. The Republicans brought a lawsuit to declare the referendum unconstitutional. It failed. In Ohio the voters passed a referendum that dictated how congressional districts should be drawn. The Republicans actually violated the law in creating districts. Because there wasn't enough time to correct this blatant violation, the court allowed the districts to stand for the 2022 election. In North Carolina, as soon as the right wing supreme court violated their own alleged principle of non-interference in politic issues and voided most of the Voting Rights law, Congressional districts were bizarrely gerrymandered to confine most of the black voters into 3 districts. In Texas, most voters use a driver's license to establish their legibility to vote. But Texas refuses to have motor vehicle registration offices open late to accommodate working people who don't drive but need an identity card to vote. They will allow a fishing license also as an ID. But they won't allow a University ID.
  2. And what do you think they see on the internet? There's plenty of straight and gay twerking. But it's only harmful when trans women do it? If these legislators and governors were honestly concerned about children seeing sexualized behavior, then they would ban all sexualized behavior in public regardless of sexual identity. Goodbye Superbowl show! And no, a biological male wearing a dress is not in and of itself sexualized behavior.
  3. I guess I could but that would mean learning how to do it. I probably will have to do just that. Or call my ISP and ask them to deal with it. Anyway, don't you think it odd that my router would spontaneously rename a channel?
  4. Despite that fact the voter fraud is virtually non-existent, Republicans have repeatedly tried and often succeeded imposing conditions that discriminate against less wealthy voters. In the 2020 elections the former president made accusations that in cities like Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta there was widespread voter fraud. You think that's not a dog whistle directed against minorities?
  5. I've been having problems with my http:/https: connections. (skype works just fine) Anyway, the name of my 2G channel seems to have been changed from Octopus-2G to just plain Octopus. Is my router breaking down? Can it spontaneously change the name of a channel? Or has it been hacked? Is this related to the fact that my http/https connection has been very irregular. Sometimes 0 bandwidth, sometimes slow, occasionally near normal.
  6. Or spouting wild conspiracy theories including that elections are rigged.
  7. Maybe you think it's okay for a parent to insist a young girl carry a fetus to term, but that's not the issue here. In this case, the government is claiming that it knows better than parents, what is good for their child.
  8. Funny how this alignment works. It's pretty much the case that the same politicians who insist that parents know better than government when it comes to vaccination or abortion for minors, insist that government knows better than parents when it comes to gender reassignment for minors.
  9. Because such a large portion of the population is opting for this surgery?
  10. Not that it matters all that much, but I was under the impression that only trans women who have been surgically altered would be eligible to compete. But i don' know for sure. Even so, given that they had a kind of natural steroid boost for the first part of their lives even if surgery was subsequently performed on them, allowing them to compete against biological women is just nuts. One way we know it's nuts is that we don't see too many (any?) trans men competing successfully against biological men. Trans women should compete against trans women and trans men against trans men
  11. Good News! Electric Car Batteries Lasting Longer Than Predicted Delays Recycling Programs https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2022/08/01/electric-car-batteries-lasting-longer-than-predicted-delays-recycling-programs/?sh=5f26187b5332 And this is about the Nissan Leaf the batteries of which are air-cooled rather than liquid cooled.
  12. Sure. It's Biden who is the one claiming that there's widespread voter fraud and that Trump really won the 2020 election. To be fair, I'm sure you don't believe that widespread voter fraud is a problem or that Trump really won the 2020 election,
  13. Excellent article. And since you haven't quoted from it, allow me to do just that: "It was clear when Boris Johnson was forced from Downing Street that British politics had changed forever. But few could have predicted that less than six months later, all angry talk of a cross-Channel trade war would be a distant memory, with Britain and the EU striking a remarkable compromise deal over post-Brexit trade rules in Northern Ireland. Private conversations with more than a dozen U.K. and EU officials, politicians and diplomats reveal how the Brexit world changed completely after Johnson’s departure — and how an “unholy trinity” of little-known civil servants, ensconced in a gloomy basement in Brussels, would mastermind a seismic shift in Britain’s relationship with the Continent." https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-eu-deal-boris-johnson-departure-paved-the-way-brexit-bargain-northern-ireland-protocol-liz-truss-rishi-sunak-tory-conservatives/
  14. Here's some bad news for all of you punters. I'm officially announcing here that I won't be entering the Boston Marathon in 2023. Even though I have about the same chance of winning that as Larry Hogan does of becoming the next Republican candidate for President.
  15. This notion of "huge" is highly relative. Tucker Carlson has a viewership of roughly 3.5 million. NBC nightly news has an audience nearly twice as large. So, if the size of the audience is a relevant figure, then why not NBC nightly news? Or give it to the NY Times which which has a subscriber base of over 8 million. And these are people who are actually willing to pay for the service.
  16. Actually from extreme far right to extremer far right.
  17. Voters may support releasing all the videos. But they're not going to get to see all the videos. They're going to see Tucker Carlson's highly edited version of the videos. And because he currently has exclusive possession of those videos, it will be impossible to for other news sources to challenge his edited version of them. What's more, Tucker has already releases a so-called documentary on Jan 6. And it was widely derided as promoting conspiracy theories based fallacies and innuendos. We watched Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 documentary so you don't have to. Here's why its whitewash of the Capitol insurrection makes no sense. Tucker Carlson's documentary on the Jan. 6 insurrection is riddled with errors and fallacies. A pair of longtime Fox News contributors recently resigned over the three-part streaming series. The film jumps to shaky conclusions and relies heavily on innuendo, not demonstrated evidence. https://www.businessinsider.com/tucker-carlsons-jan-6-documentary-so-you-dont-have-to-2021-11
  18. Why does Fox's larger primetime audience justify it being the only one to receive those videos? Do you believe that current technology is such that only one copy of these videos is available at any one time. Your defense of this exclusive release makes no sense at all.
  19. No, even if you really were a genuine swing voter, you're certainly not average: How Donald Trump Turned Off Swing Voters in 2020 https://centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/how-donald-trump-turned-off-swing-voters-in-2020/
  20. You think swing voters don't exist in every nation where citizens have the right to vote freely? That all voters somewhere outside the USA invariably vote for the same party? I think that's why you got the laugh.
  21. Some of you may be shocked, but it turns out Trump's speech to CPAC was full of falsehoods 1)He claimed killings are at an unprecedented level in NYC. This is false. In 2020 and 2021 murders started falling again. In 2021 there were a total of 433 homicides in NY. In 1990 the total was 2245 2)He claimed the US left 85 billion dollars worth of equipment in Afghanistan. The total was actually about 7 billion. 3)He claimed "windmills" created the most expensive form of energy every developed. False. He also claimed that they kill birds which is ture but the numbers are negligible compared to what slaughter domestic cats , the fossil fuel industry and buildings are responsible for. Isn't Trump in real estate? 4) Trump said he shut down border crossings. Not true. And they began to climb back up again in 2020. 5)He claimed that no previous administration had gotten anything from China. Again false. Tariffs from Chinese imports on a yearly basis varied between 8 and 14 billion dollars per year. 6)He claimed that NATO members were delinquent in paying their bills. 7)He claimed that the Obama administration only sent blankets to Ukraine. Actually, the rendered assistance worth about 600 million dollars. 8)He claimed that the wall between Mexico and the USA was "completed". https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/04/us/politics/fact-check-trump-cpac.html
  22. An average swing voter who has repeatedly expressed his uncritical and undying fealty to Trump. You're not fooling anybody.
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