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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Actually, I'm doing now what I ought to have done before I asked, I'm looking it up.
  2. Have Poland and Hungary met the requirements? What are the requirements?
  3. His approach exemplifies what I call the Law of the Conservation of Ignorance.
  4. And your uninformed opinion is just as good as an informed one? Ridiculous.
  5. Absolutely. Which is why the Euro was a mistake. I don't understand why the most recent entrants have adopted it Unless the rules were changed and now they have no choice.
  6. Both legislative houses are controlled by Republicans. Despite which, the benefits of the Medicaid portion of Obamacare are huge, particularly for rural hospitals which have closing at an alarming rate. That leaves only 10 states that haven't adopted the Medicaid portion of Obamacare. States that have adopted it include several Republican controlled states that adopted it through referendums overriding the will of the republican controlled legislatures and governors.
  7. Anyway, I'm not going to believe it until I watch Murdaugh 2 on Netflix.
  8. They should definitely have fronted that headline with MURDAUGH SPOILER ALERT!
  9. What chance have I got when all I have is mere facts to wield against your bloviation.
  10. A "whistleblower" who takes the Fifth. It is to laugh.
  11. Maybe I don't. But there are those who do: It takes around 24 months to build a polysilicon factory, however, and with the rapid surge in demand, manufacturers have so far been unable to respond, providing a hard cap on the amount of solar PV that can be installed worldwide – but only until mid-2023 when new factories will be operating in full swing.Feb 8, 2565 BE https://www.powerengineeringint.com/solar/polysilicon-shortages-in-solar-pv-markets-to-end-within-18-months/#:~:text=It takes around 24 months,be operating in full swing.
  12. Are you being purposefully obtuse? The point being that it would take years to replace the all the crucial stuff that China manufactures. I pointed out polysilicon manufacture already. Just without that alone, the damage to the world economy would be immense. The world economy now runs on chips.
  13. As the article pointed out, these people are basically conspiracy theorists. And even if they weren't being paid by Trump supporters, the fact is that they don't qualify as the kind of whistle-blower who worked inside an organization accused of corruption and is a personal witness to that corruption.
  14. No, it couldn't be done. Certainly not in months the way a basic raw material like gas where other sources were found or replacements were made.
  15. And that debt figure you're citing for China is a conflation of government and private debt. Whereas the figure you provided for the US is only for govt debt. US total consolidated debt is close to 90 trillion dollars https://www.statista.com/statistics/1083150/total-us-debt-across-all-sectors/
  16. It may be emotionally satisfying to call for such a boycott, but given how deeply integrated China is into the world economy, that's a recipe for economic suicide. For just one thing, most of the world's polysilicon is manufactured in China. Without that, no chips. And I'm not referring to the kind you eat with fish.
  17. I think what you're trading in here is not historical facts but historical fiction. Actually, the Biden Administration estimated the original Russian invasion force at 196000 troops. Which, just in case you don't have a calculator at hand,, is almost twice as many as the 100,000 you claimed. Nearly all of Russia’s initial invasion forces now in Ukraine, Pentagon says Nearly all of the Russian troops that were amassed on Ukraine’s border are now fighting inside the country, a senior Pentagon official said Monday. President Joe Biden has previously said Russia had 190,000 troops in military readiness. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/07/pentagon-says-nearly-100percent-of-pre-set-russian-troops-are-now-in-ukraine.html PUBLISHED MON, MAR 7 20221:38 PM ESTUPDATED MON, MAR 7 20223:10 PM EST
  18. As you know, what makes the EURO issue irrelevant in the case of the UK, is that it isn't required to adopt the EURO. In fact, Poland and Hungary, among others haven't adopted it either, even though they pledged that they would do it. But since no date is specefied, they've put that on hold indefinitely. "Indefinitely", is, I suspect in this case, their way of saying "never." Which is a wise course to follow.
  19. Nothing is more democratic than a referendum: Denmark votes to drop EU defence opt-out in 'historic' referendum Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said the move, which was approved by 66.9% of voters, sent "a very important signal" amid the conflict in Ukraine. "We're showing, that when Putin invades a free country and threatens the stability in Europe, we others pull together," Ms Frederiksen said. "When freedom knocks on Europe's door and it's war again on our continent, you cannot be neutral. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61644663
  20. As a point of interest, Nigel Farage liked referendums so much that he was actually in favor of having 2 of them should the need arise: Nigel Farage wants second referendum if Remain campaign scrapes narrow win Farage told the Mirror: “In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.” https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nigel-farage-wants-second-referendum-7985017
  21. Here's a summary of the possible criminal charges against Trump from the J6 committee https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64034782 Here's a link to the J6 committee report as well as links to supporting materials https://www.govinfo.gov/collection/january-6th-committee-final-report?path=/gpo/January 6th Committee Final Report and Supporting Materials Collection/Final Report
  22. And the Republicans clearly are outraged by this incident and want to pass legislation to strengthen rail safety...just kidding GOP urges no ‘burdensome regulations’ on freight rail, after derailment While a handful of Republican senators have expressed interest in bipartisan legislation on freight trains, others said they need more information first on what went wrong in East Palestine. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/28/republicans-congress-rail-ohio-east-palsetine-00084878
  23. First of all, what do you mean by "defensive"? Since when is critiquing someone's comments in this forum "defensive"? Are comments that point out faults in others' arguments "defensive"? I suggest you look up what the word means. As for "you've got nothing". I explained exactly why I wrote that. Instead of responding to my arguments, you once again resort to ... 'You just don't like to hear what I write so you resort to "you got nothing"' So once again you resort to ascribing motivation rather than addressing arguments. In other words, you've still got nothing.
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