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  1. Thank you for your opinion and may the science be damned! Transgender brains are more like their desired gender from an early age https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm
  2. Actually most Americans believed that. Like the Vietnam war, the main exception at first was a few lefties. At Fox, they all stuck American flag pins onto their lapels.
  3. And Trump clearly has no consciousness that he has done anything wrong. That's why he lied about his activities on the day of the riot. He claimed that he was in meeting and didn't follow it on TV. Multiple Republican eyewitnesses said otherwise. Bunch of <deleted>' RINOs if you ask me.
  4. It looks like at least one weaponization committee is falling on its sword. Jim Jordan's Credibility Questioned Over Whistleblowers' Testimony https://www.newsweek.com/jim-jordan-fbi-whistleblowers-weaponization-committee-1785259
  5. Whether or not they believe the lawyers case is a deflection is utterly irrelevant to the fact your latest response is another attempt at deflection.
  6. I did get it wrong that you claimed 18 years. I believe it was only 12. That said your contention that has served 18 years more than the total of sentence is false. All this other stuff about the merits of his case is a deflection.
  7. People blame what agenda all on men? This is just more dishonest B.S.
  8. Try not to drag out tired old cliched tropes. And you just can't help revealing your true stance on womens' issues. What does this topic have to do with how a female politician looks except insofar as how it's used against women. So I guess it's instructive in a way to watch prejudice in action.
  9. Can you offer some examples of recent Marxist legislation in the USA? Exactly how is green legislation Marxist? Is climatology part of the Marxist agenda? I know that Stephen Colbert once playing that reality has a literal bias. Apparently, now it has a Marxist one?
  10. And this opinion from a columnist at the website of arch-conservative The National Review: Who Won the ‘Obamacare Wars’? So, yes, Obamacare was a key part of the GOP midterm landslides in 2010 and 2014, but it didn’t sink Obama’s reelection bid, and Republicans couldn’t repeal it when they had the chance. And now even Republican legislatures are acquiescing to the expansion of Medicaid. I think the Democrats got the better end of the deal. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/who-won-the-obamacare-wars/
  11. De viris mortuis qui vita sua verberant feminas nihil mali dicatur (May no ill be spoken of dead men who, in their lifetime, beat women)
  12. Her voting record is extremely right wing. And she still defends the US invasion of Iraq.
  13. You really are out of touch with the what Republicans believe. About 70% believe the 2020 election was stolen. Do't think too many of those people will vote for Cheney. So that leaves 30%, And I can't predict what percentage of that 30% would vote for Trump anyway. At any rate, I doubt Cheney is politically suicidal.
  14. I agree with you. I've met lots of Russians in Chiang Mai and they've actually been friendly and polite. Very civilized people. But then, given the large number of expats on site who complain about Thai people's conduct, it shouldn't be surprising that we see negative comments directed at Russians.
  15. One of these passionate defenders of women's rights when it comes to transgenderism in this thread asserted elsewhere that the only reason Andrew Tate was being investigated was for a "thought crime".
  16. And, it should be noted, that these videos were released to Tucker Carlson, who successfully defended himself in a court case by claiming that people should know better than to believe what he says.
  17. That you believe that's a FACT, tells us all we need to know about your criteria for ascertaining truth.
  18. Given that reality is against you, not surprising that you'd reach for a fictional alternative.
  19. It has repeatedly pointed out to you how Seymour Hersh has repeatedly made dubious reports on other issues. In addition, a novel also can provide all sorts of detailed information. But most of us recognize that a novel is fiction. There have also been plenty of reports of how Hersh's alleged details simply can't be true. Your continued allegiance to Hersh is one that is unmoored by fact.
  20. This is analogous to there being 2 videos of a murder. One shows the murderer committing homicide and the other shows them leaving the building where the murder was committed. And then claiming that because the latter video doesn't show any murder being committed, therefore no murder was committed and the suspect isn't a murderer..
  21. Yeah, it's a giveway. In most of what you call the "civilized world" the medical profession calls it a fetus. Calling it an "unborn child" is the term used by antiabortion groups. So your use of the term, in contrast to the most commonly used one, is a dead giveaway.
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