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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Exactly how many threads do you plan to be rebutted in?
  2. Maybe you've been vomiting for the last 2 years. That could explain why you don't know about the huge bills that the Biden got passed into law.
  3. Not surprised you're a QAnon believer. I'd linger longer and point out how many of those conspiracy theories have been blown up, but I'm feeling faint and need to drink some children's blood to restore my faculties. Underground pizzeria here I come!
  4. How do you know that's how it works? Maybe it's believers who go to hell and the atheists who go to heaven.
  5. Because the obstructions weren't long enough for it to be definitively established that's what Gazprom was up to. And now that the pipelines are blown up, it never will be. And even if malfeasance could be established, the amount of damages could only be limited to the period before the explosion.
  6. It's a shame that you haven't once, in this thread, offered anything specific that you object to in Biden's comments. Instead you resort to empty generalizations and unsupported assertions. You've got nothing.
  7. Well, Gazprom for one benefited. Before they were claiming all sorts of dubious reasons why their shipments of gas were being curtailed. That could have left them liable for huge damages in a lawsuit. But if the pipelines were blown up, Gazprom could claim "force majeure". In other words, the reason they weren't shipping gas was because it was outside their control and therefore they weren't legally liable.
  8. And She will cast those misogynists down into a pit of everlasting fire. Even worse, they will have to share that pit with Andrew Tate.
  9. Is it that poster? Or is it the other one? Or possibly the one I didn't mention previously? Or could it be, (be still my heart) me? I would be so flattered to finally have a fan!
  10. not move forward = blowing up? You get hold of the terrorist version of Webster's Dictionary?
  11. The NY Post editorial board is your source? Really Here's one whopper from them: "(the chamber was in an uproar at his fake claim that Republicans want to slash Social Security and Medicare)" I cited a few links above that showed his claim is true. Here is the evidence again: Entitlement, Spending Cap Plans Linked by GOP to Debt-Limit Deal The Republican Study Committee, the largest group of House Republicans, released a budget plan in June that called on lawmakers to gradually raise the Medicare age of eligibility to 67 and the Social Security eligibility to 70 before indexing both to life expectancy. It backed withholding payments to those who retired early and had earnings over a certain limit. And it endorsed the consideration of options to reduce payroll taxes that fund Social Security and redirect them to private alternatives. https://about.bgov.com/news/entitlement-spending-cap-plans-linked-by-gop-to-debt-limit-deal/ Republicans Signal Cuts To Social Security, Medicare With New House Majority House Republicans are making clear that they intend to seek cuts to entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare with their new majority in the 118th Congress. Their plans to target health care programs follow demands from a group of conservatives that helped elect House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) over the weekend. Those far-right lawmakers have sought across-the-board spending cuts in order to tackle the growing national debt. https://news.yahoo.com/republicans-signal-cuts-social-security-175927429.html
  12. Aparently, at one point she said "The choice is between normal and crazy." She is the person who worked for almost 2 years for Donald Trump. Clearly, that didn't teach her what "crazy" looks like. She had another chance to learn what it looks like when Marjorie Taylor Green shouted out "Liar!" to something truthful and evidence-based that Biden said. Huckabee is clearly a very slow learner.
  13. Well, considering he outpointed the Republicans during his speech, if that's true, what does that say about them?
  14. Glitter was in a minimum security prison. Not a lot of violence-prone prisoners there.
  15. I'm not going to sit through a speech when I can read the takeaways. Can you share with us any specific proposals she made? Republicans have made spending the major issue. What exactly did she propose to lower spending? Given that no one reported it, it seems pretty certain that cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits did not figure in her speech. I did see that she criticized Biden for being twice her age.
  16. I see you have no defense for showing children sitting in the lap of drag queens. What has that got to do with drag queens reading books to kids in school. And strip clubs are about sex. Are drag queens performing strip teases in school? They're men dressed as women. How is that sexualizing them. It I were a kid, I'd think it was funny and silly.
  17. Entitlement, Spending Cap Plans Linked by GOP to Debt-Limit Deal The Republican Study Committee, the largest group of House Republicans, released a budget plan in June that called on lawmakers to gradually raise the Medicare age of eligibility to 67 and the Social Security eligibility to 70 before indexing both to life expectancy. It backed withholding payments to those who retired early and had earnings over a certain limit. And it endorsed the consideration of options to reduce payroll taxes that fund Social Security and redirect them to private alternatives. https://about.bgov.com/news/entitlement-spending-cap-plans-linked-by-gop-to-debt-limit-deal/ Republicans Signal Cuts To Social Security, Medicare With New House Majority House Republicans are making clear that they intend to seek cuts to entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare with their new majority in the 118th Congress. Their plans to target health care programs follow demands from a group of conservatives that helped elect House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) over the weekend. Those far-right lawmakers have sought across-the-board spending cuts in order to tackle the growing national debt. https://news.yahoo.com/republicans-signal-cuts-social-security-175927429.html
  18. For one thing, a propeller-equipped ballon can stay more or less stationery over a site and monitor it for extended periods. Unlike a satellite.
  19. Think of Trump as an agent of karma and Desantis getting his due for the all B.S. about minors being groomed by teachers acting on behalf of the LGBGT community.
  20. I'm not so sure that the current situation is entirely or even mostly owed to the Fed. It's becoming very clear the most of the rise in inflation was due to supply side problems created by the pandemic. There was a shortage of workers and production fell. The worldwide chip shortage is a particularly vivid example of that. That affected huge swathes of industry including automotive manufacturers. We can see that this is the case because as production has recovered inflation has sharply declined in the last 6 months. It's useful to keep in mind that that ordinarily inflation is measured on a year to year basis to discount seasonal variations and statistical flukes. The problem is that in unusual situations like the one that the US economy is in today. that is misleading. For instance, increases in rent and housing account for 40% of the inflation measures. But according tp privately gathered data, like from Zillow, rents have declined sharply in the past several months. That decline won't be reflected in federal figures until a year from when it started to happen. That's one reason why inflation is now much lower than the official annual figure shows.
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