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  1. What evidence would that be? The fact that the unemployment rate is the lowest since 1969? Or that inflation in the USA for the last 6 months has increased at a pace of about 2%? Please share with us the evidence.
  2. Well, if you're going to have Trump take credit for the low inflation rate when he left office, then it's only fair he should be given credit for the unemployment rate, too. In January 2021 the unemployment rate was 6%. Now it's. 3.4%. The lowest level since 1969. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/archives/empsit_02052021.pdf The labor force participation rate was 61.1%. Now it's 62.4% https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CIVPART Of course, you and I could both be honest and factor in the economic effects of the covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine. But why do that when playing fast and loose with the facts is so much more fun.
  3. Still trying to get a rise out of aseannow members?
  4. Interesting. I didn't know that the UK already had bilateral free trade agreements with 7 of the 11 member countries and digital economy agreements with Singapore and Japan. Kind of lessens the impact, no?
  5. Actually, if anybody can't get over themselves it's you. Hotandsticky made a false assertion, and then you decided to share your feelings about Brexit, instead of address the issue he raised and I responded to. And once again you decide to address my motivations, rather than the facts. You've got nothing.
  6. *Removed post edited out* I remember when the Brexiters were touting the benefits of a free trade agreement with the USA. The government came out with an estimate that over time, it would increase the UK's GDP by 0.1%. The fact of the matter is that tariffs are already very low. Which explains why Chinese and Japanese products, among others, have been so successful in the UK and the EU. And claiming that closer ties with Malaysia and Chile will amount to some sort of important success sounds desperate. Malaysia and Chile, really? The fact is that the 2 most important factors that determine trade with other nations is the size of their economy and proximity. Unless someone has a feasible plan to sail the UK a lot closer to Asia, the benefits of this will be quite limited. And, if history is any guide, it won't compensate for the damage done to the UK economy by Brexit.
  7. Again. Your comment is irrelevant to the claim made by hotandsticky.
  8. Not just irrelevant to the assertion made by hotandsticky, but actually in contradiction to it. Here it is again: "Everyone voting "leave" knew that there would be a negative affect on the UK economy........that isn't rocket-science."
  9. Now I see the problem. You don't even know what evidence looks like. Here it is again: Here's what Nigel Farage wrote on Jun 20, 2016 'Don't forget that so many who now insist that we would be diminished as a nation if we leave the EU said that our economy would suffer if we did not join the euro. They were wrong then and they are wrong now.' https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/eu-referendum-brexit-nigel-farage-on-why-you-should-vote-to-leave-a7091021.html Here's Rees-Mogg “I think the economic benefit is the very straight-forward, classical view: the more freely you trade, the better. The drive to do business is much more powerful for making a country rich than governments directing business, which is more what the EU is about.” https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/jacob-rees-mogg-brexit_uk_574dc7a5e4b0089281b4d95d Here's Boris Johnson: Mayor of London Boris Johnson has said leaving the EU would be a "win-win for all", urging those backing exit to "hold our nerve and vote for freedom". The EU was an anachronism which "costs us a huge amount of money and subverts our democracy", the Tory MP said. He insisted there were no downsides to leaving, suggesting the UK could ape Canada's trade arrangement with the EU. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-35783049 You see how that works? I quote information from trustworthy sources. And I provided a link to those sources.
  10. I'll step guessing when you start providing proof.
  11. When someone makes a rebuttal addressing moties instead of the facts, it means one thing: they've got nothing. You've got nothing.
  12. Given your record when it comes to providing evidence, I'm betting that you did too.
  13. Really? Here's what Nigel Farage wrote on Jun 20, 2016 'Don't forget that so many who now insist that we would be diminished as a nation if we leave the EU said that our economy would suffer if we did not join the euro. They were wrong then and they are wrong now.' https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/eu-referendum-brexit-nigel-farage-on-why-you-should-vote-to-leave-a7091021.html Here's Rees-Mogg “I think the economic benefit is the very straight-forward, classical view: the more freely you trade, the better. The drive to do business is much more powerful for making a country rich than governments directing business, which is more what the EU is about.” https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/jacob-rees-mogg-brexit_uk_574dc7a5e4b0089281b4d95d Here's Boris Johnson: Mayor of London Boris Johnson has said leaving the EU would be a "win-win for all", urging those backing exit to "hold our nerve and vote for freedom". The EU was an anachronism which "costs us a huge amount of money and subverts our democracy", the Tory MP said. He insisted there were no downsides to leaving, suggesting the UK could ape Canada's trade arrangement with the EU. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-35783049
  14. Really? Was that part of the "Leave" campaign. I must have missed that. I didn't miss the denials, though. Funny, that.
  15. First off, Trump had no right to be in negotiations with NARA. The laws says hand them over when asked. Second, he claimed to have handed them all over after the first round of negotiations. NARA got word that this wasn't the case. The Justice Dept subsequently asked to be allowed to search boxes where it was suspected documents that Trump denied having might be stored. That request was refused. It was only after this that the Justice Dept got its search warrant. It turned out that many of the documents in question were in the box that the Justice Dept requested access to. By lying to the Justice Dept Trump could be found guilty of obstruction of justice. Also, willful violation of the law is another crime. NARA actually allowed him a huge amount of slack by not invoking the legal system immediately once it was established that he willfully refused to turn over the requested documents to NARA. They gave him lots of time to comply.
  16. I noticed that it lumped in Russia with the "rest of the world". They seem to want to minimize that it poses huge challenges for russia, too.
  17. Well, unless someone quotes this, you're not going to see the answer. As I previously pointed out, the non-cooperation of California was about the Trump administration immigration policies. It has noting to do with other aspects of Federal policy. And the Trump administration has been defunct for over 2 years. It was clear from your other comments that you were making this false point because of your general dislike of California's policies. It is ridiculous to claim that California is in opposition to the polices of the Federal govt when Joe Biden is President. It's even more ridiculous to claim that California, which has very strict gun control laws, would be somehow opposed to the Federal govt taking action in a case like this.
  18. No, this thread isn't about "Ilhan Omar and her anti-semitic comments." If it were, the subject line of the thread would be something like "The Anti-Semitism of Ilhan Omar." But you clearly haven't noticed that the subject actually is "House passes resolution to remove Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee" Do you understand what "House" means in this context? Just to make sure you're not confusing "House" with someone's domestic residence, it's referring to member of the House of Representatives, one of 2 legislative bodies composing the legislative branch of the US. Government. So pointing out the double standards on the part of the majority who voted in favor if the resolution is absolutely relevant.
  19. Maybe the US can gain control of those Rothschild-owned space lasers Marjorie Taylor Green warned us against and use them to eliminate all such anti-semites.
  20. How exactly was my comment "childish ranting"?How does pointing out obvious sloppy thinking qualify as a rant? Is "California likes being anti-Fed" a valid statement? On the other hand, your over-the-top characterizations of my comment does qualify as ranting. Nor am I obliged to give attention to everything in someone's comments. khunla basically raised 2 points. I chose to address one of them.
  21. Who shouldn't agree with this is the same people who support the McCarthy's embrace of Marjorie Taylor Green. And, of course, McCarthy himself. Greene has promoted antisemitic, white supremacist, and far-right conspiracy theories, including the white genocide conspiracy theory,[7][8] QAnon, and Pizzagate.[9][10] Other extremist conspiracy theories[11][12] she has promoted include government involvement in mass shootings in the United States, murders perpetrated by the Clinton family (Clinton Body Count), and 9/11 conspiracy theories.[13][14] Before running for Congress, she supported calls to execute prominent Democratic Party politicians, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie_Taylor_Greene Compared to Green, Omar's beliefs are angelic.
  22. Are you or Greg Price neurolgists? NEUROLOGIST DEBUNKS MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT JOHN FETTERMAN'S STROKE RECOVERY “Neither a language nor an auditory processing problem necessarily indicates an underlying problem with the thinking [the stroke survivor] does,” he says. “Unfortunately, it’s very rare for people to understand that.” https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/neurologist-john-fetterman-stroke-recovery
  23. And what did they bust him for? Co-defendant in GOP operative sex trafficking case pleads guilty A woman accused of taking part in an underage sex trafficking conspiracy with a Minnesota GOP operative has pleaded guilty to two charges and is expected to testify in an upcoming trial. Gisela Castro Medina, 20, pleaded guilty Monday, Dec. 19, to two federal charges at a change of plea hearing before Chief U.S. District Judge Patrick J. Schiltz in Minneapolis. Medina, the former University of St. Thomas College Republicans chair, admitted finding girls on social media and arranging meetings with Republican donor and commentator Anton “Tony” Lazzaro, as well as trying to pay the victims not to speak out. https://www.duluthnewstribune.com/news/minnesota/co-defendant-in-gop-operative-sex-trafficking-case-pleads-guilty Just as the FBI is closing in on this person, he releases alleged evidence that the Omar was married to her brother.
  24. Are you seriously claiming that it wasn't an earthquake that killed people in Syria? You really want to go with that? Here's how the Encyclopedia Britannica defines earthquake: a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action. https://www.britannica.com/science/earthquake-geology
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