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  1. "speaks libertarian"? Here's a link to an interview with Reason, the pre-eminent Libertarian magazine: https://reason.com/2023/02/08/mike-pompeo-says-he-grew-up-libertarian/ As the article makes clear he's anything but. Well, except he did support cutting entitlements. That's going to go over well. Even if were true that he's a libertarian, you think that's a plus with Republican voters? Maybe 40 years ago. Maybe. And if the Republicans try to make Afghanistan an issue against Biden, Pompeo isn't going to be an ideal candidate.
  2. What you don't prefer is providing links to support the validity of the evidence you provide.
  3. Are you claiming that this is how drag queens dress when they go to schools? Does the photo you include here link to a site that provides evidence to support that?
  4. What do you think a drag queen show is going to do to the minds of young children? You seem to confuse sexually explicit or suggestive shows with shows where men are dressed as women. Small children will just think of this as being silly and funny.
  5. Thanks for providing so many facts. What don't you understand about the economy as a whole. So what if some sectors are engaging in layoffs. The balance is positive. You just need to master basic arithmetic to understand this. And please share with us 2 consecutive months where inflation was the highest and in the following month the lowest. Stop making things up.
  6. By "out of control" do you mean "sharply declining". Because that is, in fact the case over the last 6 months.
  7. If you want to give the previous administration credit for the 6.3% rise, then what about the previous decline? In fact, big jump is due to what's called the rebound. Starting from a low level But now the economy has rebounded and it's still growing. And unemployment is at a record low.
  8. Well, for one thing, the economy is growing strongly. For another, unemployment hasn't been this low since 1969.
  9. And your perspective doesn't account for the inflationary effects of supply side shortages. edit: And the effects of the war in Ukraine.
  10. False about volcanoes and false about impossible to alter the course of warming. And on the one hand you want to stop building in flood zone but on the other build sea walls? The other actions you mention make sense.
  11. Now we know who the real groomers are. (Actually it was Markos Moulitsos who tweeted something to that effect)
  12. Deficits for an annual phenomenon. What you 're claiming now may be what you meant, but it's not what you wrote before.
  13. To commemorate my victory, I'm going to put a trophy up on my mantelpiece. Of course, this means that I have to actuall buy a mantelpice. And build a fireplace to justify that purchase. A pyrrhic victory, it seems to be.
  14. Engulfed? So far 4 MEPs have been charged. With Tarabella, that would make 5. How many MEPs are there? Somewhere over 700 I believe. What's more, this bribery case was about Qatar and Kuwait paying bribes to be exempted from visa requirements. This is not about malfeasance in respect to EU funds.
  15. I think that 3 out of the 4 reactions being laugh emojis supports my case.
  16. Engulfed? Really? This bribery case, was about Qatar and Kuwait paying bribes to be exempted from visa requirements. This is not about malfeasance in respect to EU funds.. And, of course, whether or not the EU is heading into recession has little bearing on the issue of trade.
  17. So many problems with "Tax rules are the same for everyone" Tax rules are not laws of nature. They are created by legislation. The rules may be the same for everyone, but many rules are designed to advantage the few who actually have the means to take advantage of them. This particular kind of stop swapping could easily be made illegal. After all, this is clearly just a paper loss that bears no relation to reality. It was for that reason that it is illegal to sell and buy in close proximity the same class of stocks issued by a particular corporation.
  18. Another issue is the death of birds and bats due to wind power. There is clearly some basis for this but again the issue is relative. Donald Trump’s issue with windmills might not be about birds If the president were really worried about birds, he’d be talking about cats — and probably wouldn’t be trying to scrap penalties for industries that kill birds "The US Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that cats are responsible for the deaths of 2.4 billion birds each year. After that, collisions with building glass and vehicles are to blame for about another 800 million deaths. By comparison, about 230,000 birds are killed after colliding with a wind turbine every year. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/10/23/21530123/trump-presidential-debate-windmills-kill-birds#:~:text=The US Fish and Wildlife,a wind turbine every year. Of course, this article was written about 2 years ago. As the number of wind turbines increase, the toll might go up. But not in any way that can approach the numbers killed by cats and buildings. Also, mitigaton efforts are under way. For example: Biodiversity Mitigation Measures are Saving Bats from Wind Turbines Working in collaboration with local wind farms, the Greater Kromme Stewardship (GKS) initiative, which focuses on conservation in the Kouga region, has noted the positive strides being made by some of the wind farms with regard to creating no net loss to biodiversity from their operations. Through the installation of acoustic deterrent devices on selected turbines, two wind farms in particular are seeing significantly reduced bat fatalities. For some turbines this reduction can be as much as between 80% and 100%. https://conservationmag.org/en/wildlife/biodiversity-mitigation-measures-are-saving-bats-from-wind-turbines Here are few links to wider ranging reports of mitigation efforts. Institutional acceptance of wildlife mitigation technologies for wind energy: The case of Israel https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030142152200578X Wind Power and Its Impact on Wildlife: A Look at Current Efforts to Minimize Harm https://www.powermag.com/wind-power-and-its-impact-on-wildlife-a-look-at-current-efforts-to-minimize-harm/
  19. Well, when it comes to which generates less CO2, wind power seems to beat photovoltaics. How Wind Energy Can Help Us Breathe Easier https://www.energy.gov/eere/wind/articles/how-wind-energy-can-help-us-breathe-easier How Green Is Wind Power, Really? A New Report Tallies Up The Carbon Cost Of Renewables "Analyst Deepa Venkateswaran at Bernstein Research looked into it. Citing data from the likes of National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Vestas, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, and Bernstein estimates, Venkateswaran determined that the biggest contributors to the carbon footprint of wind turbines are steel, aluminum and the epoxy resins that hold pieces together — with the steel tower making up 30% of the carbon impact, the concrete foundation 17% and the carbon fiber and fiberglass blades 12%. Good news: amortizing the carbon cost over the decades-long lifespan of the equipment, Bernstein determined that wind power has a carbon footprint 99% less than coal-fired power plants, 98% less than natural gas, and a surprise 75% less than solar." https://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2021/04/28/how-green-is-wind-power-really-a-new-report-tallies-up-the-carbon-cost-of-renewables/?sh=15636c2a73cd
  20. Well, to be fair, at the end of the article it notes that an Australian battery manufacturer, Recharge, has put in a preliminary bid for the company. The Australian battery company Recharge Industries has already made a preliminary bid, as it seeks to capitalise on closer ties between Australia and the UK. From the article linked to: "Recharge Industries founder David Collard said “a potential Anglo-Australian deal for Britishvolt” would be preferable to a takeover by a company from China, which “dominates global supply”, reported The Times."
  21. Can you supply some actual evidence to support your assertion?
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