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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. NATO was an alliance against the Soviet Union Keep in mind that when NATO was created, some of central europe, and all of Eastern Europe was under Soviet control. Russia is the successor state to the Soviet Union. So NATO continues as an alliance against Russian attempts to yoke those liberated states once again.
  2. What I most enjoyed about your comments was the absolute lack of links to back up what you are claiming.
  3. Arabs are not allowed to live where they want to. Israel refuses to give them land to accommodate their growing communities.
  4. It's clear that you haven't actually read the Bible. I don't know how much credence to give it but according to that bizarre document, God led Moses to the Promised Land, namely Israel. Moses himself never entered it.
  5. And Native Americans murdered European settlers and their descendants. This kind of thing is inevitable when you treat one group of people badly. Starting in 1967 the Israelis tried their best to make the Palestinians miserable. And I wasn't just referring to land on the West Bank. Israelis confiscated territory where Arabs lived inside of Israel.
  6. Is this your way of not answering that Israel has grown increasingly worse in its treatment of Arab citizens? This is what separate and unequal inevitably leads to.
  7. Sure, But if the land was expropriated without compensation, as was mostly the case, they should have no right to live on that land.
  8. And what is the trend in Israel? Are Jewish Israelis growing more moderate or more extreme? According to the article, there was a big jump in the numbers supporting special rights for Israeli Jews. And in 2011, Israel approved laws that in effect allowed new communities to exclude Arabs from living there.
  9. Can you enlighten us as to where present day Jews come from then?
  10. About half of Jewish Israelis believe in separate and unequal when it comes to rights for Arab citizens of Israel. And 80% of Jewish Israelis believe that fateful decisions about Israel should be made by a majority of Jewish Israels. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-01-15/ty-article/.premium/about-half-of-israelis-believe-jews-should-have-more-rights-than-arabs-study-shows/00000185-b5ea-d11e-a1cd-b7ead62e0000
  11. You mean there was nobody there before? The 12 tribes just marched into vacant territory? You know this how?
  12. And very few remained for about 1500 years. The notion that the rights people whose ancestors emigrated 75 generations or so ago takes precedence over those who were living there already is nuts. If someone was born there and was living there they have at least as much right as do settlers. More really. Israel wasn't established because of some long felt connection to Judea. In fact, the Orthodox were very much opposed to resettling Israel, It was secularized Jews, especially socialists, who pushed for resettlement in Israel due to their persecution in Europe. And, of course, the resettlement was based on this lie: "In 1914 Chaim Weizmann, later president of the World Zionist Congress and the first president of the state of Israel said: "In its initial stage Zionism was conceived by its pioneers as a movement wholly depending on mechanical factors: there is a country which happens to be called Palestine, a country without a people, and, on the other hand, there exists the Jewish people, and it has no country. What else is necessary, then, than to fit the gem into the ring, to unite this people with this country? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_land_without_a_people_for_a_people_without_a_land
  13. Mining for electric car batteries ‘hundreds of times’ better than petrol car emission cycles https://electrek.co/2021/03/01/mining-electric-car-batteries-hundreds-of-times-better-than-petrol-car-emission-cycles/ "Fossil fuel is getting cleaner and greener over time." Or to put it another way, it's getting less dirty. But is that enough? It's an irreducible fact that when methane is 100% combusted it still creates CO2. And the problem doesn't stop there. Methane is actually 80 times more potent a greenhouse gas than is CO2. It just doesn't last as long. Research shows oil field flaring emits nearly five times more methane than expected Flares, or fires lit at oil and gas wells to burn off excess gas that cannot be transported and sold, are a common sight at oil fields around the world. Some are even visible from space. But a new study published in the journal Science Thursday found that the process is not eliminating nearly as much methane, a greenhouse gas many times more potent than carbon dioxide, as assumed. "Our findings indicate that flaring is responsible for five times more methane entering the atmosphere than we previously thought," says Genevieve Plant, lead author and assistant research scientist at the University of Michigan. https://www.npr.org/2022/09/29/1125894105/oil-field-flaring-methane-report Satellites discover huge amounts of undeclared methane emissions "These are large emissions, and we see quite a lot of them on the global scale, much more than we had expected." Scientists have only recently worked out how to detect methane emissions from space, but what they have seen since has taken them by surprise. The greenhouse gas, which is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide, is leaking from gas pipelines, oil wells, fossil fuel processing plants and landfills all over the world. https://www.space.com/satellites-discover-huge-undeclared-methane-emissions
  14. Amnesty report The report states that, taken together, Israeli practices, including land expropriation, unlawful killings, forced displacement, restrictions on movement, and denial of citizenship rights amount to the crime of apartheid. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_apartheid#
  15. Do they have enough money to export to outer space all the greenhouse gasses created by the burning of said fuels?
  16. You made absolute judgements and predictions, the kind that no actual expert would make. Hence the irony in challenging your qualifications as a legal scholar or psychologist.
  17. If you don't want your comments to be criticized, don't make them. And I don't care what an anonymous member of aseannow.com claims are their credentials.
  18. Your psychological credentials are about as impressive as your legal ones.
  19. What makes you think he's going to testify in court? What makes you think the prosecutors are going to have the opportunity to question him in court?
  20. As for strip mining...it's a question of comparative harm. What is more harmful to the environment? Fossil fuel mining or rare earth mining? And unlike coal, which is also strip mined, these materials can be recycled. And as for uranium mining... http://large.stanford.edu/courses/2017/ph241/longstaff1/#:~:text=Uranium mining facilities produce tailings,and arsenic into the water. As for forced labor...it's a good thing that the IRA is pushing for the creation of battery factories outside of China. Europeans are doing similarly. And as renewables rise and fossil fuel usage, there will be a lot less people seriously and fatally ill from air pollution.
  21. https://insideevs.com/news/564366/jb-straubel-battery-recycling-profitability/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/16/australian-research-finds-cost-effective-way-to-recycle-solar-panels
  22. I have relatives who will be returning from Bangkok to China in a few weeks. Are PRC tests widely available at hospitals or clinics? And how long does it take to get results?
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