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  1. Every tax break that hasn't been repealed. You think they only have an effect the year that they are passed? Or that some law of Nature is stopping Republicans from proposing tax increases?
  2. I have no doubt. But you asked why he didn't surrender to the Ukrainians? I pointed out that the fact that he served in the Wagner Group might explain that.
  3. The rules might be different for mercenaries like ex-members of the Wagner Group. .
  4. I think it's more like an explosive hazard, actually. That said, I believe that Toyota has come up with a lightweight container for hydrogen. I don't know whether that's scalable to the size a service station would need, though.
  5. It's remarkable how selective your memory is. As you clearly don't recall, Obama inherited the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. What would his record look like if that first term of his was not included? Or is it only Trump who gets the inconvenient years excluded?
  6. If they saw a picture of him with his wife and children I suspect they would
  7. You made the claim that "Tax breaks are not part of this latest mad spending, so no need to include them." How else but to conclude that you think tax breaks and the resulting loss in revenue are irrelevant to the present situation. As I pointed out, apparently, you don't believe that the cumulative effect of tax breaks, which cut revenue, are relevant.
  8. So much nonsense here. Among other things that your tax facts leave out is that the wealthy derive their income far more from capital gains than they do from earned income. The Forbes 400 Pay Lower Tax Rates Than Many Ordinary Americans https://www.americanprogress.org/article/forbes-400-pay-lower-tax-rates-many-ordinary-americans/ One tactic of theirs is to borrow against shares of stocks they hold. That makes it a loan, not earnings so not subject to tax. In addition, you fail to note the total tax burden on citizens. If state and local taxes are included the it turns out that the wealthy poy less as a percentage of their earnings than do working class citizens. Check the 2 charts and compare 1980 to 2018, "For the first time on record, the 400 wealthiest Americans last year paid a lower total tax rate — spanning federal, state and local taxes — than any other income group, according to newly released data." https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/10/06/opinion/income-tax-rate-wealthy.html
  9. Republicans supported increased spending and slashed taxes when Trump was President. . They also voted 3 times to raise the debt limit back then.. Oddly enough, the reoccurrence of their concern about debt only happens when a Democrat is President. And, actually, there's not nearly enough spending reduction to be done that except ones that are drastic like cutting SS benefits and Medicare. And that's what they are aiming for. Damaging cuts' to Medicare and Social Security are looking more likely with McCarthy as House speaker. Here's what it will mean for retirees. https://www.google.com/search?q=Republican+debt+limits+require+slashing+social+security+and+medicare&tbs=qdr:m&sxsrf=AJOqlzVLyhih600pXF0qtqIkIEZePz0KjQ:1674203819811&ei=q1LKY76NManO2roP5-yByA4&start=10&sa=N&ved=2ahUKEwj-jtif39X8AhUpp1YBHWd2AOkQ8NMDegQIBhAW&biw=1536&bih=726&dpr=1.25
  10. Taxes could be raised. But for Republicans, that's always anathema.
  11. Or it could be that the same failings that afflict the Russian military elsewhere also afflict the border guards. Maybe they had a previous appointment with a bottle of vodka.
  12. They need to take those measures because unlike the case in most countries, there's a U.S. law that requires Congress to raise the debt ceiling. Well, let's wait and see how long it takes for the Republicans to give up on the self-harm. They're already proposing cuts in Social Security and Medicare for future retirees. It should be fun to watch them squirm.
  13. Another person who doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate. Global heat records are outpacing cold records by 10-1, data shows https://www.kktv.com/2022/07/18/global-heat-records-are-outpacing-cold-records-by-10-1-data-shows/ The Last 8 Years Have Been The Hottest Ever Recorded on Earth https://www.sciencealert.com/the-last-8-years-have-been-the-hottest-ever-recorded-on-earth
  14. Whatever the merit of what you claim here, it has nothing to do with your previous claim that Obama was somehow threatening the EU while Trump was not. Only a massive disregard of Trump's and Obama's respective records could allow for your ridiculous claim.
  15. I see you've dropped your characterization of the economy. I guess that's because I used to back me up. Whereas, as per usual, you've got nothing.
  16. The big problem with hydrogen is that it is far more expense to store than fossil fuels.
  17. Really? Inflation is declining rapidly. Unemployment is very low. And if default occurs, it won't be the Democrats' fault. And if history is any guide, it's the Republicans who will get the blame. Which is what they would deserve.
  18. Actually, Muslims are free to dislike it. Just as other Americans are free to dislike activities they disagree with. Those other unhappy Americans can move elsewhere, too, right?
  19. It's also your right to engage in self-contradictory thinking as evidenced by your comment about Martin Luther King. Let me remind you what you said, since you seem to have forgotten how you described that renowned trouble maker.
  20. Is that all you've got? That it's your right? What's that got to do with the validity of what you say? It's also a member's right also to claim that the moon is made of green chase. Do you think that claiming it's one's right to say such things constitutes any kind of defense. And of course, it's the right of any member of aseannow.com to point out how baseless your comments are. That should go without saying. As should your irrelevant defense of your comment.
  21. Here's something else I had forgotten about. Trump slams Germany's US trade surplus as 'bad' During meetings with EU leaders, US President Donald Trump threatened to curb the sale of millions of German cars in the US. In comments leaked to German press he said Germany was acting in a bad way. https://www.dw.com/en/trump-slams-germanys-us-trade-surplus-as-bad/a-38986975 With that threat and others in mind, how do you think the Germans would construe Trump's speech about LNG?
  22. And, as per usual, you offer no facts or reasoning to back up your rebuttals. You've got nothing.
  23. So now you're a mind reader, are you? You know for a fact what motivates Thunberg? It's typical of people who don't have facts to back them up that they resort to unbacked attacks on someone's character instead..
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