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  1. Providing a link isn't enough. The link actually has to lead to something that supports your claim. There is nothing in her speech that says "humans will soon be extinct". You've got nothing.
  2. She clearly has a better grasp of what scientists are saying than you do: Remember this?
  3. You have a source for your claim she has said that? From the landing page of the World News Forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  4. Utterly irrelevant. This is not about advice This is about facts. Thunberg has accurately reported what the science says.
  5. What does Trump's record or repeated failures in the courts tell you? Anything? The only bias at work I see here is yours.
  6. When it comes to the science, she says what scientists have concluded. So when it comes from them it's so, but when from her, not?
  7. https://www.facebook.com/gretathunbergsweden/posts/recently-ive-seen-many-rumors-circulating-about-me-and-enormous-amounts-of-hate-/767646880269801/
  8. You had no answer for my response to that then, and you've got none now. Here it is again:
  9. You think that they appointed a high-powered prosecutor like Jack Smith not to go after Trump. So much evidence against him.
  10. With the full backing of William Barr who appointed him special prosecutor, John Durham failed abysmally, despite the fact that he had unfettered access to inside information. What rational reason do you have for thinking this committee can come up with anything more?
  11. You state as absolute fact what is a rather murky situation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denys_Kireyev But what is interesting is that you now accept that Russia did plan to attack Kiev in the early stage of the war but failed.
  12. Actually, Russia has condemned volunteers who fight in Ukraine as mercenaries. Maybe it was news to them, too? Russia Vows Prosecution of Foreign Fighters After 16K Join Ukraine Russia threatened to bring "criminal" prosecution against any foreigners who travel to Ukraine to fight with the Eastern European nation as Moscow continues to press its internationally condemned invasion of the country. The Russian invasion of Ukraine entered a second week on Thursday after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the full-scale assault on February 24. Ukrainians have fought back hard by all accounts, with thousands of ordinary civilians joining the fight to protect their country. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced last Sunday that he was establishing an "international" legion for foreigners to join if they would like to assist the country in its defense against Russia. In a Thursday video address, Zelensky said that 16,000 foreign volunteers were already on their way to fight alongside Ukrainians. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-vows-prosecution-foreign-fighters-after-16k-join-ukraine-1684671
  13. I heard that the NRA also condemned the actual shooters on the grounds of bad marksmanship... OK, I confess. I made that up.
  14. If I were you, I'd stop digging that hole, too.
  15. Just because someone contributes input, that doesn't mean it isn't empty of facts or sound reasoning.
  16. First you state it as a fact and now you come up with "that seems to suggest she didn't write much herself". Because she couldn't study it and memorize it? Public speaking doesn't come easily to everyone. Your surmise is just more nonsense.
  17. You clearly have no knowledge of the extraordinary rapid development of alternative energy sources. Here's a starting point for you: https://www.lazard.com/perspective/levelized-cost-of-energy-levelized-cost-of-storage-and-levelized-cost-of-hydrogen/ As for nuclear fusion, I'm reminded of what Brazilians say about their country " Brazil is the country of the future and always will be."
  18. One thing the GOP wants is to sabotage the investigation of Trump by forcing the Justice Dept to reveal details of its investigations including witnesses.
  19. You know, like criticism and fact checking. The same kind of thing that authors go through when they submit their work to decently run magazine, journals, and publishing houses. Does that mean their works are a group effort and not written by" them alone?
  20. Economic growth no longer means higher carbon emissions All told, some 33 countries have in recent years cut emissions while maintaining growth. Around three-fifths are European, meaning, as was the case during the Industrial Revolution, the old continent is leading the way. But the group also includes America, where emissions fell by 15% between 2007 and 2019 even as gdp per person rose by 23%, as well as others that have joined more recently. https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2022/11/08/economic-growth-no-longer-means-higher-carbon-emissions
  21. Really? You're claiming that there are no members posting here who deny the consensus of climatologists? And you repeat the usual tripe about the choice being between living as a troglodyte or waiting for nuclear fusion. Which reveals how little you know.
  22. I'm guessing this is your attempt at humor. Since it's obviously false. The only kind of illumination you offer here is more gaslighting. You've got nothing.
  23. You the saying that begins with Put up or..." Share with us your evidence for that. "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/ And even if you could prove it, which you can't, who cares? This is just more evidence of your gaslighting re the substance of what she says.
  24. Actually, the ones who have an unhealthy fascination with her are those who focus on her personality and motivations, rather than the substance of what she says.
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