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  1. Well, there are 2 kinds of trolls. There's the pure kind, who just makes comments to incite antagonism. Like "Russia is going to win" without offering any evidence. The second kind of troll really does believe in stuff and will offer evidence - usually false - and will mix antagonizing insults with the falsities that are offered. That kind I sometimes engage in because it's fun to show that their evidence is fake and their assumptions and reasoning are often self-contradictory. They generally display an extraordinary ability to evaporate when their arguments and evidence are exposed for being the nonsense that they are.
  2. Actually it looks like he bought it to create hypocrisy. Not long ago he was claiming that Twitter would be a bastion of free speech. It turns out one exception of many is speech sharply critical of Elon Musk. Journalists get suspended for that. I will say for him that he does allow his lies to flow unchecked. And of course there's the hypocrisy of all his fanboys who only have a problem with censorship that affects those whom they support.
  3. Not sure what that has to do with bitumen extracted from Canadian tar sands.
  4. That's already been posted somewhere in this forum. The thing is, Musk gets seen with a lot of people.
  5. Which in civil cases is legitimate to use as evidence against him.
  6. Here's something more recent: Third-largest Tesla stock owner says Elon Musk should step down as CEO https://finance.yahoo.com/news/third-largest-tesla-stock-owner-141143515.html?
  7. You think they're so similar? I doubt the NHS would be in the dire straits it's in today of Labour were in charge. I don't believe that Labour would have cut the tax rates of the wealthiest tranche of society and paid for it by inadequately funding the NHS. I don't think Labour would have massively cut or cutting Social Benefits. I don't think hunger would be as rampant among the poor and working classes as it is now. I don't think that energy costs for the massively wealthy would be subsidized at the same rate as they are for everyone else. I think that those most in need would get a far better break on electricity even if that meant some billionaire in Mayfair had to pay full freight for heating their pool.
  8. No, not identical. The main goal for Trump instructors was to sell students on far more expensive but equally worthless courses. As the documents that Trump was compelled to disgorge prove.
  9. The question is how dedicated are the powers that be to keeping it in check.
  10. The problem with your question for one thing is do students who take those course only take those courses? There is a long history in American higher education of something called "gut courses". Courses that had a low workload which allowed students to devote more time to other courses. And what do you mean by worthless. Is it worthless to study History or English Literature, even though it's unlikely that they will lead to good paying jobs? But an organization like Trump University offered nothing worthwhile either financially or intellectually. The goal of the instructors there, as documents revealed, documents that Trump tried to hide from the plaintiffs, was to upsell people into a far more expensive but equally worthless course. Worthless both intellectually and economically.
  11. *Deleted post edited out* If the job of professors at legitimate universiites was to upsell students to take more expensive course, you might have a point. But those were the marching orders to the instructors at Trump University. It was all about upselling with sales techniques laid out in detail. “It was a façade, a total lie”: new documents reveal how Trump University’s scam worked Trump University didn't even pretend its goal was to offer students an education. Internal documents show that it was a scam, with the sole goal of getting its students to sign up for more classes. Jun 1, 2016, 2:00pm EDT "Documents released Tuesday night, which Donald Trump fought to keep secret, show how recruiters were instructed to upsell potential "students" to a $35,000 mentorship, whether they could afford it or not. "The risk isn't spending $35K — it's entering into the world of REAL ESTATE without specialized knowledge, guidance, and trained professionals in the field holding your hands," a "playbook" for salespeople told representatives of Trump University to say. " https://www.vox.com/2016/6/1/11827596/trump-university-scam
  12. They voted to stay in a UK that was a member of the EU. Things have changed hugely since then as Brexiters themselves acknowledge.
  13. Renewable power’s growth is being turbocharged as countries seek to strengthen energy security The global energy crisis has triggered unprecedented momentum behind renewables, with the world set to add as much renewable power in the next 5 years as it did in the past 20 https://www.iea.org/news/renewable-power-s-growth-is-being-turbocharged-as-countries-seek-to-strengthen-energy-security The thing is, you're confusing a the use of petroleum as a fuel, with the use of these metals and compounds as generators. . And the world is rapidly switching over to renewables. So the fuels are increasingly sunlight and wind. Renewable power’s growth is being turbocharged as countries seek to strengthen energy security The global energy crisis has triggered unprecedented momentum behind renewables, with the world set to add as much renewable power in the next 5 years as it did in the past 20 https://www.iea.org/news/renewable-power-s-growth-is-being-turbocharged-as-countries-seek-to-strengthen-energy-security
  14. I forgot to congratulate you for blazing new legal trails. It's true that if you follow them to the end you'll fall of a cliff but still...
  15. If there were a free market in petroleum, you might have a better point. As observers of the oil market have noted, OPEC is once again the swing supplier after an era in which it was the USA.
  16. A government that coddles the rich and slams the poor isn't extreme right? Hmmm...
  17. Mort Sahl once said of a politically controversial actress: "It's possible to dislike her for herself." No need to invoke anti-Semitism to explain why a lowlife like Kushner isn't beloved.
  18. Given that the headline of the article is this, "Discipline the poor, protect the rich – it’s the same old Tories, same old class war" it's clear that either you're peddling falsehoods on purpose or you haven't read the article
  19. It was also definitely a brilliant move to pay a way overvalued price for Twitter. And the offer to waive due diligence to buy Twitter was sheer genius. And we know how scintillating it was because Musk spent months trying to wriggle out of the deal. Always a sign that a mistake hasn't been made. But Twitter management wasn't in the least impressed by his bluster and threats of a lawsuit. The upshot? Musk surrendered 100%. He lost big time. He had to pay the price he offered and not a penny less. And now he's alienating not just members of Twitter, but potential buyers of his autos. Tesla approval ratings drop amid Twitter takeover, survey finds https://www.deseret.com/u-s-world/2022/12/13/23506196/tesla-approval-ratings-drop Tesla approval ratings fell sharply among Democrats but did rise a bit among Republicans. So it really doesn't matter that those global warming denying internal combustion engine loving liberals wouldn't buy Teslas as long as even more woke Republicans will be purchasing its vehicles...oh wait a minute... It looks like it's not just Twitter that's going to pay for his thin skin but Tesla as well.
  20. Really? Twitter's algorithm favours right-leaning politics, research finds Twitter amplifies tweets from right-leaning political parties and news outlets more than from the left, its own research suggests. The social-media giant said it made the discovery while exploring how its algorithm recommends political content to users. But it admitted it did not know why, saying that was a "more difficult question to answer". https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-59011271 Here's the original paper https://cdn.cms-twdigitalassets.com/content/dam/blog-twitter/official/en_us/company/2021/rml/Algorithmic-Amplification-of-Politics-on-Twitter.pdf
  21. I have already given you a link to that information. Twice.
  22. He's a perfect advocate for free speech. That's why Trump chose him to be head of Truth Social. He has accumulated what must be a record number of failed lawsuits for libel. Perfect!
  23. As the resolution noted, the Russians have repeatedly made false allegations about the prevalence of Nazism in Ukrainian government and military. And independent observers have noted that it is the Russians and our allies who overwhelmingly have committed atrocities in Ukraine. It's kind of hard to stomach such resolutions coming from a country that doesn't subscribe to "never again" but rather "let's do it again."
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