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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I can only read the words that are written on the page which don't correspond to your reading. As for it being a scary time for those whom you consider far leftists, I trust the electoral system as a better evaluator of that than the policies of Twitter.
  2. Another Elon fanboy. The guy who tried to wriggle out of buying Twitter after he made a moronic offer.
  3. More evidence of Elon Musk's love of free speech: Red-Pilled Elon Musk Still Loves the Chinese Communist Party The Twitter owner may hate the left now, but he does admire Leninism. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/12/elon-musk-twitter-fauci-lab-leak-chinese-communist-party-tesla.html As the article notes, Musk may blame Fauci for the consequences of gain-of-function research, but nowhere does he suggest that the Chinese govt and its labs are in any way responsible.
  4. It looks like from what has been reported that he was entrapped by the Russians. Entrapment is a nasty thing, but apparently, he took the bait. If so, no one forced him to. And given his past unsavory record, is it actually unreasonable to assume that he might have been guilty of attempted espionage or whatever charge it is that the Russians banged him up for? In most countries that would be a far more serious crime than possession of a small amount of cannabis or hash oil.
  5. So, you're approving of censorship in claiming that Twitter is censoring leftist viewpoints. Confused much?
  6. How ridiculous can a comment be? How does a new industry grow without new workers? The robot revolution hasn't taken place yet. When the petroleum industry began to displace coal, would it have been a valid criticism to complain about the increased number of workers necessitated by the growth of the petroleum industry? And by the way, there were hundreds of thousand of workers in the petroleum industry in the UK when it was at its peak: "In 2014, when investment levels in the UK Continental Shelf were at record levels, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), in partnership with industry, commissioned EY to undertake a study of the UK upstream oil and gas workforce. This was published under the title “Fuelling the next generation”. At that point it was estimated that industry supported some 375,000 jobs1 , 1 in every 80 UK jobs. 90% of these jobs were in the supply chain providing essential services to the sector, as well as providing services internationally from a UK base" https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/535039/bis-16-266-oil-and-gas-workforce-plan.pdf As for this: Maybe you think rational discussion consists of the tired tropes of an insult comic. You've got nothing.
  7. You forgot to mention that Whalen is also a thief and got booted out of the Marines for that reason with a dishonorable discharge.
  8. Please share with us the naes deranged activists who believe this? Are they in positions of power?
  9. Nonsense. What don't you understand about the fact that it's cheaper to build solar and wind power plants than it is to run just run coal power plants. Levelized Cost Of Energy, Levelized Cost Of Storage, and Levelized Cost Of Hydrogen https://www.lazard.com/perspective/levelized-cost-of-energy-levelized-cost-of-storage-and-levelized-cost-of-hydrogen/ Faster Than You Think: Renewable Energy and Developing Countries Annual Review of Resource Economics https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-resource-100518-093759
  10. Actually, the report was from OPEC not APEC. And what do you expect an OPEC report to claim?
  11. But hanugama claimed that Biden was following Trump's plan. And that's not the case.
  12. Nice try at trying to generate confusion. Obviously it's a question of whether you need approval from your employer to work at an animal shelter.
  13. What's more, Musk authorized employees from his other ventures to work at Tesla? Why is authorization necessary if this is strictly voluntary? Do his employees need authorization to work at an animal shelter?
  14. Musk says he only asked Twitter employees to work on a voluntary basis. You think maybe that an employee might consider it dangerous to his job to say no to work that would fiscally help their desperately in need employer. And you were working at a charitable organization that had no connection to your employment. You don't see the relevant difference? And this is assuming that Musk is telling the truth about them being part time. And what contract is there at Telsa that specifies employee hours? Is that the kind of work environment Musk is known for promoting?
  15. First off, you said you hadn't seen this kind of thing. Now you say you have? And as scientists point out, the consequences will be even graver than they already are if temperatures continue to rise. In fact, as has been repeatedlyl pointed out, climatologists have been very conservative in their consensus predictions of the damage caused by warming. Reality repeatedly shows that the consequences are worse than what has been predicted
  16. Sam Bankman-Fried says he donated just as many millions to Republicans as Democrats, but didn’t publicize it because reporters would ‘freak the f–k out’ https://fortune.com/crypto/2022/11/29/sam-bankman-fried-political-donations-democrats-republicans-dark-money/
  17. What makes Musk's claim about "volunteers" even more unbelievable is that this is the guy who demands hardcore dedication to the job. He has no use for timeservers. Yet somehow, it's okay with him for his employees to spend time at Twitter. Are they doing this instead of sleeping?
  18. Tesla approval rating dips into negative territory: survey https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-approval-rating-negative-territory-survey/
  19. Maybe you haven't been looking hard enough ‘Dangerously underexplored’: Experts warn climate change could lead to extinction of humanity The world needs to prepare for humanity’s extinction because of climate change, according to a shocking new study. Scientists say global warming could become “catastrophic” for humanity if temperatures rise by even more than they are predicted to, or if the rising temperatures set off an unpredictable chain of events in nature. The team, led by Cambridge University academics, says people should prepare for horror scenarios ranging from the loss of 10 percent of the world’s population to the end of all human life on Earth. https://studyfinds.org/climate-change-extinction-humanity/
  20. You seem remarkably keen as to what climate scientists don't say but utterly oblivious to what they do say.
  21. I think he just pulled specific numbers out of thin air to give his claims an air of authority and credibility.
  22. Where did you come up with the idea that they were volunteering after hours? From elon musk? More fanboyism.
  23. So the crowd was just making random noises? Or posing questions about recent developments of a sodium based battery?
  24. You are confused. I have never seen a moderator issue a characterization of the content of an aseannow member's posts or give advice on how to respond to them.
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