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  1. One problem is that there is no independent judiciary in Russia. So, even if the Russian govt suborning Kaspersky was technically in violation of the law, who would honestly referee it. When the FBI tried to force Apple to give it the keys to unlock encryped info, Apple took its case to court. Eventually, the FBI backed down. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple–FBI_encryption_dispute
  2. A surprising winner in the Supreme Court gun ruling: Hunter Biden As the president’s son prepares to appeal his recent conviction, he will likely renew his challenge to the constitutionality of the federal law that bars drug users from having guns. The high court’s 8-1 ruling on Friday leaves a clear path for that challenge — and even contains some language that could bolster it. “I think at the end of the day, Hunter Biden may benefit from this,” said Eric Ruben, a professor at the SMU Dedman School of Law and a fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/21/hutner-biden-supreme-court-rahimi-ruling-00164480
  3. Now why didn't the US govt long ago think of making possible terrorists and malefactors take that pledge? Your plan is pure genius!!!! Let's just hope that someone somewhere doesn't stumble upon the concept of lying. Until then, great idea!!!
  4. What the headline says is one thing. What the official said is another. As for that note about a Hamas terrorist...what does that have to do with police escorting convoys and keeping public order. The United States certainly doesn't think Israels killing of police escorts was justified. And it called them out on their misleading claim that no drivers were being provided to transport food and other material. More inflammatory nonsense from you. If it was your question about Hamas hijacking trucks, Israel has yet to offer proof that it's a major problem. Right now, the reports are about widespread looting and lack of forces to maintain order. Nothing about Hamas doing the looting. But the lack of police to maintain order is being reported on.
  5. Until today, you maintained that there's no proof to show that the lack of police was due to Israel. Now you've changed your tune by using empty rhetorical questions instead of evidence As the US has pointed out, Israel refuses to provide evidence that Hamas has been engaged in largescale hijacking of trucks. As for the paymasters nonsense...you mean the money is tainted? How do you propose that the police in Gaza get paid? Is Israel going to step up and do it?
  6. It's not a matter of who I think they are. It's a matter of where they are and when the photo was taken. Palestinian police officers walk at the commercial crossing of Kerem Shalom, as Israel ends a ban on exports from Gaza, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip September 10, 2023. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/File Photo https://www.todayonline.com/world/gaza-aid-checks-kerem-shalom-being-tested-crossing-not-open-un-official-2322166 In other words, thanks for the photo from Sept 10, 2023. That was 27 days before the Oct 7 attack.
  7. What you don't seem to understand is that it's possible to protest primarily against the use of petroleum and natural gas as fuels as opposed to their other uses.
  8. Where does the US acknowledge that the police are part of the problem? When they challenged Israel's misleading claim that it wasn't the Israelis fault that trucks weren't being driven into Gaza? When they pointed out that the police had been targeted by Israel so they refused to escort the trucks. Anyway, before you were claiming that the lack of police presence wasn't the fault of Israel. Now that I've exploded that falsehood, you claim that the police, because they are part of the Hamas government, are not legitimate. And, no, the US didn't absolve the Israelis for responsibility of the police absence. All that official said was that now they weren't now doing anything to disrupt the supply system. Why would the police trust the Israelis to refrain from attacking them again?
  9. Clearly you don't understand that Hamas also ran basic governmental functions that had nothing to do with terrorism. Policing is one of those functions.
  10. Common sense should have prevailed long ago. But now there's this: UN chief says most aid going into Gaza is being looted amid ‘total lawlessness’ By AP 21 June 2024, 11:56 pm "We have attacks, we have bombings, and then troops move to other places,” he says. “Hamas returns to the original ones and there is total chaos in Gaza, and there is no authority in most of the territory.” He adds that “Israel does not even allow the so-called blue police to escort our convoys because it’s local police linked to the local administration [Hamas], so lawlessness is total.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/un-chief-says-most-aid-going-into-gaza-is-being-looted-amid-total-lawlessness/
  11. The Headline alleges that Stonehenge was "seriously vandalized". An act that resulted in no permanent damage? Given that the "paint" in question was cornstarch and some soluble dye, it would be more accurate to say that Stonehenge was frivolously vandalized.
  12. A typical recourse of someone who lacks any rational argument is to make it personal. You've got nothing.
  13. As the article point out: "In this effort, precursors of the National Conference of Christians and Jews created teams consisting of a priest, a rabbi, and a minister, to run programs across the country, and fashion a more pluralistic America, no longer defined as a Christian land, but "one nurtured by three ennobling traditions: Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism. ... The phrase 'Judeo-Christian' entered the contemporary lexicon as the standard liberal term for the idea that Western values rest on a religious consensus that included Jews."[19]" It was just one slightly more inclusive belief replacing another. Both were baseless. Come to think of it. there's a class of jokes that begin with "a priest, a rabbi, and a minister". The upshot of the "judeo-christian" rebranding turned out to be a bad one.
  14. Diego Garcia is actually part of the UK and is a relic of colonialism. The UK is not trying to regain control of territory that it has lost due to lack of popular support. It certainly isn't creating artificial islands to establish any claims. China should give up laying claim to territory that it either never controlled or lost control of long ago.
  15. One thing that this law exposes is the massive hypocrisy of the right. One of their main objections to any mention of homosexuality and such in the classroom is that it's inappropriate to expose schoolchildren to subjects which could lead to directing attention to sexual matters. . Yet one of the 10 commandments states "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Another says thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, male servant or female servant etc....
  16. Do you understand that God is not mentioned once in the Constitution? You think that was due to forgetfulness? James Madison, also known as the Father of the Constitution, was opposed to having chaplains in the Congress. He thought it was unconstitutional. So I expect that he would disagree with your bizarre assertion that " Actually, without prayer, there's no US government. ". The Founding Fathers had seen what horrors resulted in the Old World from mixing religion and government and wanted no part of it.
  17. Actually, in Moses' day, if you were a man, I think you couldn't fool around except with anyone except your spouse or spouses.
  18. "some". That could mean anything from vanishingly small on up. There is a huge amount of data showing that the vaccines not only reduced deaths, but also the severity of the cases. There is a positive correlation between severity of symptoms and the incidence of long covid.
  19. A pity that reality has proven these alleged experts wrong. The data on the actual results of covid vaccination is overwhelmingly positive.
  20. Reading between the lines again? Are you seeing invisible ink?
  21. Another name for the Last Supper is....wait for it...Passover. Jesus was a jew and never renounced Judaism. He was one of a number of preachers wandering around Palestine in that era. The creator of Christianity, the religion, was Paul, another Jew. "The “gold­en rule” is preva­lent in every sig­nif­i­cant monothe­is­tic reli­gion and deeply influ­ences many oth­er traditions. In Judaism, the rule is exem­pli­fied in the bib­li­cal oblig­a­tion to “love your neigh­bor,” which was adopt­ed by Rab­bi Hil­lel to mean that which is hate­ful unto you do not unto oth­ers." https://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/book/the-golden-rule-the-ethics-of-reciprocity-in-world-religions#:~:text=The “golden rule” is,you do not unto others. Your caricature of Judaism was to be expected.
  22. Given the lower covid vaccination rate and higher covid death rate that positively correlated with the percentage of Republicans in different regions, it's not clear that Republicans know enough to be scared.
  23. "HPAI A(H5) or A(H7) virus infections can cause disease that affects multiple internal organs with mortality up to 90% to 100% in chickens, often within 48 hours." https://www.cdc.gov/bird-flu/virus-transmission/avian-in-birds.html?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/avian-in-birds.htm
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