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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. Sugary drinks have a lot to answer for: gout, obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, and all the illnesses linked to obesity and all the complications of diabetes. Of course we do have free will so have the choice to drink or not to drink. Parents have the choice to allow kids to drink or not to drink. Governments have the choice to educate the people or not to educate them.

  2. Jomthien Complex Condo did not sue for sea views. The group of co-owners from Jomthien Complex went to court because VT was given permission by City Hall to erect a building higher than 14 metres when the Law says that only buildings up to 14 meters can be built within the 200 metres on the sea side of Jomthien Complex.

    Tammi excuse me if I'm wrong but what is the heading of this thread? "Jomtien Condo Owners Sue For Sea View". :o

    Are you just contradicting yourself now? Don't you think you've lost enough face without making such stupid comments? If you revert back to the original OP, you'll see that the main concern was that co-owners headed by Richard would lose their sea views and sunsets. Who are you to tell the Thai people how to do things? It is farangs like you that give the rest of us a bad name, wishing things here were just like they are 'back home', well go back home you won't be missed here.

    That is not "nasty", it becomes nasty when OMIB starts accusing investors of VT7 of having blood on their hands. Funny, we haven't heard from him for a while, I wonder why.......................

    Sometimes the truth is hard to bare and if that is perceived as "nasty", well so be it.

    What's with the :D (real angry)emoticon? He is bad for your blood pressure.

    I know the title of this topic and I've always thought it inappropriate. It was a ThaiVisa Admin guy, George, who titled the topic. Is George in the StopVT7 group?

    I wouldn't dream of telling Thai people outside my employ how to do things. However, I would hope that they will follow the laws of their country and not be egged on by farangs to break the laws.

    I have to agree with you that the truth is indeed often hard to bare. Bare (verb), in my dictionary, means to uncover, reveal.

    I didn't know View Talay was a farang company? Which farangs are egging City Hall on to break the law? It is strictly a Thai matter and they will do as they please in their own country, whether it suits you or not.

    What exactly do I do to give YOU a bad name?

    I think you have an ulterior motive when you post here and I think that motive is to get this topic closed down, so, from now on I will ignore you.

  3. I thought this thread was about "Jomtien Condo Owners Sue for Sea View".

    Why all these posts about chidren on construction sites? These are surely off topic and are definately deflecting from the main issue.

    Whilst children being injured on construction sites is a terrible thing, surely this should be the subject of a separate thread for those who wish to discuss it.

    Jomthien Complex Condo did not sue for sea views. The group of co-owners from Jomthien Complex went to court because VT was given permission by City Hall to erect a building higher than 14 metres when the Law says that only buildings up to 14 meters can be built within the 200 metres on the sea side of Jomthien Complex.

    Tammi excuse me if I'm wrong but what is the heading of this thread? "Jomtien Condo Owners Sue For Sea View". :o

    Are you just contradicting yourself now? Don't you think you've lost enough face without making such stupid comments? If you revert back to the original OP, you'll see that the main concern was that co-owners headed by Richard would lose their sea views and sunsets. Who are you to tell the Thai people how to do things? It is farangs like you that give the rest of us a bad name, wishing things here were just like they are 'back home', well go back home you won't be missed here.

    Quite a nasty posting. Your "jai" isn't very "dee".

    That is not "nasty", it becomes nasty when OMIB starts accusing investors of VT7 of having blood on their hands. Funny, we haven't heard from him for a while, I wonder why.......................

    Sometimes the truth is hard to bare and if that is perceived as "nasty", well so be it.

    What's with the :D (real angry)emoticon? He is bad for your blood pressure.

    I know the title of this topic and I've always thought it inappropriate. It was a ThaiVisa Admin guy, George, who titled the topic. Is George in the StopVT7 group?

    I wouldn’t dream of telling Thai people outside my employ how to do things. However, I would hope that they will follow the laws of their country and not be egged on by farangs to break the laws.

    I have to agree with you that the truth is indeed often hard to bare. Bare (verb), in my dictionary, means to uncover, reveal.

  4. Where do is the statement measure into the sea measure onto the land come from? It's not in Issue 8 or 9.

    I heard it was used in court. Who first used it in court?

    If we didn't have that law and View Talay or any other developer would decide in the future to build a high rise building 1 meter from MSL into the sea that would be perfect legal for them to do it. That law prevent any developer to do it. I am sure it makes a perfect sense for people, who want to protect the environment and not only their sea view.

    The other thing is that, if the law was like Jomtien Complex people claim, there would make about 30 or 50 buildings in Pattaya not legal and in danger to be demolished.

    Pattaya City Hall has been consistent in applying that law in the last 30 or 40 years. So just accept it, there was no tea party for VT7. VT7 is perfect legal according to Thai law.

    Thailand is country of law.

    Nonsense. Jomthien Condotel, Grand Condotel, Jomthien Complex, were all built 200 meters back. Jomthien Condo and Grand Condo were the very first to be built if I am not mistaken and were built as per the Law. Jomthien Condotel was completed in 1986.

    Yes I agree that are some buildings 200m from the MSL as there are some building 500m and more from MSL, but that doesn’t say anything about the law. Jomtien Plaza(I think that what is called) on the right side, looking from the beach about 60m from the JCC is about 160m. from MSL. and it was completed roughly at the same time, about 30 years ago. So it makes it an illegal according to your law and stopVT7 law. In Naklua there are buildings right on the beach. In Pattaya, I don’t know, I lost the count, but must be close to 50 buildings within 200m. and over 14m. So VT7 fits perfectly with the other buildings on the coastline.

    I don’t know why you are so against VT7 as you don’t live in JCC. Unless you invested in VT5, which is illegal as well, according to your law and scared to lose your sea view.

    It is not according to my law and stopVT7's Law, it is according to a Law of Thailand. We all know there are lots of buildings over 14 meters within the 200 meters. Nobody took the developers to court and therefore the buildings are still standing. I was told by a lawyer that a case must be brought within 5 years of completion of the building or it is too late to apply to have it removed. If the lawyer is correct then there is still time to ask for VT5 to be removed.

    Re sea views: Look at VT internet site and you will see that, in the pictures for VT7, Grand Condotel and VT5 have been removed. Why?

    I think that investors on the north side of VT7 (if it does get built) will lose their seaviews when VT builds A & B blocks. The present blocks are C & D. And if VT builds A & B as close to the perimeter as they did C & D then the facing apartments will be living in each others bedrooms. Yuck.

  5. I thought this thread was about "Jomtien Condo Owners Sue for Sea View".

    Why all these posts about chidren on construction sites? These are surely off topic and are definately deflecting from the main issue.

    Whilst children being injured on construction sites is a terrible thing, surely this should be the subject of a separate thread for those who wish to discuss it.

    Jomthien Complex Condo did not sue for sea views. The group of co-owners from Jomthien Complex went to court because VT was given permission by City Hall to erect a building higher than 14 metres when the Law says that only buildings up to 14 meters can be built within the 200 metres on the sea side of Jomthien Complex.

  6. Bangkok Pattaya has also been a problem with insurance. It is further complicated by some of the people working in the International department.

    There is one person who works there (Lena) that is absolutely useless. Her arrogance, laziness and unwillingness to help, just complcates the issues. Her attitude reaks of, if you don't like it, I will bite your f-cking head off. Not what we should expect from the most expensive hospital in Thailand.

    There's another one called Monika (German). My German friends call her Monika Rottweiler.



    Recently, I've found everybody in the International Dept. perfectly helpful.

  7. This is indeed a very sorry state of affairs and if there are people in Thailand such as social workers or child welfare officers they should be informed immediately. However, it is not the responsibility of the VT7 investors as you claim, it is VT themselves. Most of the financing prior to completion is done through a bank loan, so why not hold their financiers responsible? This is not the issue anyway, from the outset Richards gripe was that he and the other co-owners would lose their sea views and sunsets, there was no mention of the enviroment or social well being whatsoever. This is just something you've brought up because the case has well and truly been lost with no chance of an appeal to go in your favor.

    JCC "gripe" as you call it was that a building over 14 metres was to be built on land that the Law says can only be used for buildings of up to 14 metres.

  8. Buttons. :D

    Yes, Buttons. :D

    Does anyone know where I can buy buttons in Pattaya?

    My wife and I have looked, but can't find any.

    She says she will buy some next time she goes to Sa Kaeo - but that's ridiclous! There must be buttons for sale in Pattaya.

    Surely? :o

    i cant guarantee its still there but on road 2 opp royal garden back towards the traffic a bit there is/was a habadashery ( i know thats wrong ! ) shop, had all sorts,

    The shop is still there. Is it called "Janya Fabric House"? It's on a corner and has materials in the windows, maybe some clothes as well. Good shop. You have to go almost to the back to find buttons and things.

  9. Clearing out old files I came across letter written to Pattaya Mail by a guy (Derek) who had spilled a few drops of coffee on his laptop keyboard and machine would not boot a few days later. Nobody in Pattaya could fix so he took to Pantip Plaza in Bangkok to the Toshiba Service shop who said it would cost 30,000 to 50,000 baht to repair and would still be suspect so better to buy a new computer from them. Derek managed to find out that the Service shop got its spares from Chevalier Telecom Ltd in Barnrungmuang Road and he went there and had the machine cleaned for 1,200 baht and they gave him a 3 month warranty.

  10. The arrow from the sea pointed toward the land is claimed to mean ( <-- 100meters located at Borderline control construction area), you measurer from control construction line at MSL ( –->) toward the sea 100 meter to the Borderline construction control area?

    Look at the on the map and you will see the arrow is point from the sea toward the land. Why does Pattaya City Hall claim to means measure the opposite direction? See Issue 9 map

    How does a witness use a arrow to divide 200 meter from MSL?

    They use the arrows to prove the case for City Hall (and VT) - never mind what is actually in writing in the Law.

    In Law you have to be aware and prepared by making sure you read everything with the mind of your apponent and that you dot the i and cross the t AND, now, that you have no arrows pointing in different directions! It seems - unless JCC group are going to appeal - that it is losing/have lost the case because of a couple of arrows!

    You know, I know, the whole world knows, that it is totally ridiculous to measure 100 meters towards the sea and then 200 metres from that point back towards the land. And, anyway, the written Law would have said so if that had been the intent of the law.

  11. Pattaya Today is definitely better than Pattaya Mail (all those Malhotras - there seems to be dozens of them, besides nothing worth reading). Pattaya today has Ask Andy, and an Editorial, and Up Your Soi, and Moaning Minnie, and many, many other articles that make good reading and round out my education.

    Give Dr Ian his due, he does write good medical articles in Pattaya Mail.

  12. Stopvt7 group has not challenge VT7!

    The Stopvt7 group sued city hall for issuing a questionable building permit.

    The following is Quotation from 16th January Court Order: “The Department of Civil Engineer and City Planning followed the Court’s order and submitted its report which can be summarized that: Measurement must be started from the point of MSL having 0.00 meter. While measured from this point outward to sea at the distance of 100 meter, it shall be the construction control area as shown in the map annexed to aforesaid Royal Decree. And while measured from this point toward the land to reach the building by another 100 meter, it shall be the distance from construction control area of 200 meter referred in Article 3 under the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 9 (B.E. 2521) which restricts the construction of building over 14 meter from road surface.”

    Now read what the updated Regulation Issue 9 said: “ to fix the 200 meters measured from the construction control line (MSL) according to the annexed map to the Royal Decree …….at the sea shore (MSL) in which the following constructions shall not be built: Building of 14 meters higher than road level.”

    Now read what the Regulation Issue 8 said: “ to fix the 100 meters measured from the construction control line (High Tide) according to the annexed map to the Royal Decree …….at the sea shore (High Tide) in which the following constructions shall not be built: Building of 14 meters higher than road level.”Now where does it say divide 200 meters in half and apply 100 meters on each side on the construction control line (MLS). :o

    How could a Court Witness rewrite Issue 9? :D Who could the a court witness move tall building close to the sea than Issue 8 allowed? :D

    Is this the meaning of Amazing Thailand? :D

    Look at the graphic explanation attached or visit:



    Dear StopVT7,

    Please just tell us, in as few words as possible,

    1. what the outcome of the admin court case was.

    2. if the admin court ruling was not in your favour is your group at JCC going to appeal?

    3. will you continue with Asia LawWorks as your lawyer?

  13. a little bit off topic but pertains to this thread as well as others

    i have seen more than one post

    where complex ideas are being communicated to Thais

    in English

    and i am thinking 'yeah right, that is really going to go over well' :o

    reminds me of the posts where farang are so adamant about getting it their way and will not budge with Thais

    'yeah right'

    in your dreams

    i also think to myself :D

    i dont know how you guys pull it off

    i guess i have a lot to learn

    perhaps become fluent in thai and still struggle with their way of doing things :D

    i do however wish you the best of good fortune :D

    I am not understanding what you are saying.

    However, please be assured that the best doctors in Thailand have all been educated in a western country and all speak excellent English.

    And, believe me, there are times one has to be adamant with Thais (or any other nationality) so as not to be steam rollered. One has to stick up for oneself when the occasion requires.

  14. confirm

    same stuff i took

    what are your symptoms?

    if not too personal :o

    Well, the only symptom is actually sighting the odd one now and then. I'm not aware of anything else; if there is, it must be very slight. The ones I've seen have been 1.5"-2" long and a sort of grey translucent colour. Not really something to be relished but, as far as I'm aware, not really doing any great damage. Obviously want to nip it in the bud though.

    Are you sure they're not bean sprouts?

  15. I was told some time ago that Doctors in Thai private hospitals receive a commission/percentage of the fee for all medicines they prescribe through the hospital's dispensary. While I can't say for sure this is true, it was told to me by someone who works in one of the big private hospitals in BKK. It may also go some way to explaining why they won't write a repeat prescription in the Medical Certificate (for insurance purposes) as they want to ensure you only buy the scripts from the hopsital in which they work (as it's much cheaper - less than 50% for many Rx at the big drug stores).

    A complete conflict of interest of course..but TIT

    In other words, it's in the doctor's personal financial interests (and those of his employer's) to write you an expensive prescription.

    I can tell you, sure and certain, that doctors at a Thai private hospital will give prescriptions for medicines to be bought outside where they are much cheaper. The drugs can even be delivered to the hospital for use in the hosptal. The patient does have to pay more for the administration but certainly does save money. I am not saying that this applies to all medications but patients on long term expensive treatments should ask their doctor about buying outside the hospital.

  16. Most docs would agree that with a negative barium swallow you don;t need an endoscopy. The only additional exam that might be indicated -- and this only if it feels to you like the constriction is very high up -- would be a manual exam by an ENT specialist to check the back of your pharaynx. The barium swallow will have shown anything in the esophageous but not the upper throart area above it. Unlikely that there is anything there but it wouldn't hurt to have it checked out. It's a 5 minute exam and usually no cost beyond the consultation fee.

    Most likely you just have GERD. Not that this isnt misery, it is. but it beats the other possibilities. The omeprazole will help'but you should also makle some lifestyle adjustments:

    - no food for 2 hours before going to sleep or lying down for any reason

    - eat more slowly and stop as soon as you feel full (if you're dying to finish something sdelicious anyhow, save it for later on)

    -reduce caffeine intake as much as you can (made a world of difference for me...it weakens the sphincter between stomach and esophagus, contributing to reflux).

    -ditto nocotine if you're a smoker.

    -elevate your head at night, e.g. extra pillow.

    Good luck


    If you don't like sleeping on extra pillow put some pillows under the mattress.

  17. What the OP and some others described is most certainly not what should occur in a Sleep Clinic. Full stop.

    This is the first feedback I've had on the Bummers "Sleep Clinic" & leads me to think that for all practical purposes there still isn't one in LOS, altho there may be a few docs with advanced training in sleep disorders.

    I've said it before & will say it again: doctors come in all types and if you want quality medical care, you need to put some research into selecting one. Just as you would probably do considedrable research before investing in real estate or buying a particular model of car. After all, you are investing in your heal;th and life; isn't that at least as important?

    I did research and went with the doctor who has a huge good reputation as the best in Thailand. Then GP (not a Thai and not in awe) said I should have a second opinion so I went to a doctor who also has a very fine reputation but who, when I consulted , was obvioulsy in awe of the first doctor. So I stayed with the first doctor and then came the sleep test fiasco so I went to another doctor who I get on very well with and who told me, in his opinion, I have none of the dire diseases diagnosed by the first doctor. I hope he is right!!

    Glad to have you agree that one shouldn't be knocked out for a sleep test!

  18. I have visited many building projects in Thailand. In Bangkok it is rare VERY RARE to see a building site without workers wearing hard hats.

    Why is Pattaya so different?

    Is it doen to the attitude of the workers?

    Is it down to the attitudes of the developers?


    Is it down to the attitude of Pattaya City Hall who issues these construction permits and should be enforcing them?

    But for God's sake - keep the children out of there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I also have seen many construction sites in Bangkok and have noticed hard hats being worn by everyone and proper safety netting put up so's nobody is injured by falling debris, construction materials, tools. You do see safety netting here in Pattaya but only place I have seen it properly maintained was at BP Hospital when the new building was going up. I heard that tenants moved out of the town houses next door to VT5 because of stuff falling on roofs.

    The workers will do as they are told by the developer and the developer should do as he is told by City Hall inspectors.

  19. Where do is the statement measure into the sea measure onto the land come from? It's not in Issue 8 or 9.

    I heard it was used in court. Who first used it in court?

    If we didn’t have that law and View Talay or any other developer would decide in the future to build a high rise building 1 meter from MSL into the sea that would be perfect legal for them to do it. That law prevent any developer to do it. I am sure it makes a perfect sense for people, who want to protect the environment and not only their sea view.

    The other thing is that, if the law was like Jomtien Complex people claim, there would make about 30 or 50 buildings in Pattaya not legal and in danger to be demolished.

    Pattaya City Hall has been consistent in applying that law in the last 30 or 40 years. So just accept it, there was no tea party for VT7. VT7 is perfect legal according to Thai law.

    Thailand is country of law.

    Nonsense. Jomthien Condotel, Grand Condotel, Jomthien Complex, were all built 200 meters back. Jomthien Condo and Grand Condo were the very first to be built if I am not mistaken and were built as per the Law. Jomthien Condotel was completed in 1986.

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