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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. I take Zentel (albendazole) every 6 months or so just in case I have worms. Give it to the maid too.

    This from www.drugs.com:

    Tinidazole is an antibiotic that fights bacteria in the body.

    Tinidazole is used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria, such as infection of the intestines or vagina. It is also used to treat certain sexually transmitted infections.

  2. There is a lot of information on the net about psorasis.

    If you are prepared to make dietary changes and take some herbal supplements i think you can greatly alleviate the symptoms.

    Fish oil is good for psorasis along with B vitamins but you also need to make dietary changes to help overcome this condition.

    It is an inflammatory condition and associated with an acidic system.

    So you need to cut out things like yeast and sugar and get your system alkaline eating alkaline foods.

    Stress is a definite contributing factor.

    I have very mild psorasis which gets worse if i am under a lot of stress.

    Beer is really bad for such a conditon and probably if you are going to drink you should stick to vodka with soda.

    Thanks "doctor", but I have had this for years and know it all too well. I need to see a doctor because I want to get some coal tar, steroid lotions and possibly methrothrexate. Your advice is not necssarily wrong, but only scratches the surface -- no pun intended. Thanks, though.

    Up to you which way you want to go........personally i wouldn't take such medications long term because the condition will never go away

    I believe that you have to be very careful with steroid lotions and, of course, you do know that methotrexate can have very serious side effects and to quote an internet site "To be sure this medication is not causing harmful effects, your blood will need to be tested on a regular basis. Your kidney or liver function may also need to be tested. Do not miss any scheduled appointments".

  3. I give higher regard to Pharmacists over Doctors. It seems Doctors do not have the time to keep up to date with advances in medical science.


    I know a Thai surgeon who told me he has to get up early every day to read all the new medical articles that come in over the internet.

  4. For years now, sleep disorders have been the new buzz, complete with $2000 diagnoses and tests. The EKG is not an exact science. I had a neurologist honestly say he wouldn't know what sleep/attention disorder I had if he opened my brain and looked at it. My diagnosis from a Thai neurosurgeon is 'idiopathic somnolence' which means I fall asleep at the wrong times, and they have no idea why.

    The biggest ripoff I ever had was for a sleep center EKG. Technician failed to show up, and we did it the next day. Results were inconclusive but they charged me for two complete tests!

    Dear Blondie, you really should go back and have your brain examined! You paid for 2 complete tests when you only had one!!!???

    I really only know Bumrungrad or BKK Pattaya and if the test was either of those and within last 12 months I would be on the executive floor demanding my money back nicely at first, of course, but gradually getting more strident.

    At B'grad a doctor did a procedure that cost over 60,000 baht. I hadn't seen it done before, doctor was in a hurry, and at end of procedure it became clear that it hadn't been successful and would need to be repeated on following day. I said very nicely that he would have to do it for nothing the second time. Within hours I had a couple of hospital people in the room to hear what I had to say. The procedure was done properly the following day. I paid once. I know I paid once because I always insist on being told, in advance, what the cost will be, and I get detailed bills and go over every item and ask about anything I don't understand.

  5. Irene, of course the doctor should know everything about what he is prescribing but farangs living in Thailand (and many other countries) have to try to educate thenselves. Pharmacists should also give information to the patient on the medicines they hand over to the patient. I always make a point of asking pharmacists for the contra-indications and side effects. They know diddleysqat. So when I get home I read up on the internet and decide what to take and what to flush down the toilet. At the moment I am taking a drug that on some internet sites is described as "the drug from hel_l' and the doctor had prescribed to the equivalent of 40 mgs of Valium! Immediately on reading that I cut the tablets into smallest possible pieces and took only one little piece - I absolutely did not need the eqivalent of 40 mgs of Valium! Next time I saw the doctor I told him what I was taking and he was completely unfazzed and gave me 1/2 mg tablets which are bigger and so much easier to cut into tiny pieces! I am now in the process of weaning myself off this medication - without the doctor telling me to. Let's hope I can do it without side effects.

  6. How should I take Ambien?Take this medication exactly as it was prescribed for you. Do not take the medication in larger amounts, or take it for longer than recommended by your doctor. Follow the directions on your prescription label.

    Ambien comes with patient instructions for safe and effective use. Follow these directions carefully. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions.

    Take Ambien only if you are able to get a full night's sleep before you must be active again. Never take this medication during your normal waking hours, unless you have a full 7 to 8 hours to dedicate to sleeping.

    Take this medication with a full glass of water. Ambien is for short-term use only. Tell your doctor if your insomnia symptoms do not improve, or if they get worse after using this medication for 7 to 10 nights in a row. Do not take Ambien for longer than 4 or 5 weeks without your doctor's advice.

    You may have withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking Ambien after taking it over several days in a row. Do not stop taking this medication suddenly without first talking to your doctor. You may need to use less and less before you stop the medication completely.

    Withdrawal symptoms include behavior changes, stomach pain, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, sweating, anxiety, panic, tremors, and seizure (convulsions). Insomnia symptoms may also return after you stop taking this medication. These symptoms may seem to be even worse than before you started taking the medication. Call your doctor if you still have worsened insomnia after the first few nights without taking Ambien.

    Do not crush, chew, or break an extended-release tablet. Swallow the pill whole. It is specially made to release medicine slowly in the body. Breaking the pill would cause too much of the drug to be released at one time. Store this medication at room temperature away from moisture and heat.

    Source: www.drugs.com

    Your friend should read the whole article on www.drugs.com

  7. I had a sleep test done at Bumrungrad. Technician handed me a handful of pills. I asked what were they for? She went off presumably to telephone the doctor came back and said I had to take. By this time I am hacked off, tired, worried about my condition, and surely the doctor knows what is best, so I took them. Technician said to sit on chair while she attached EEG and ECG leads. I remember her fiddling on my head and that's the last I knew until I came to next morning! I really do not believe this was a correct way to conduct a sleep test. Anybody?

  8. When I first came to Pattaya 20 years ago I was covered head to toe in psoriasis

    Had it from when I was a little kid - came on bad with stress of divorce.

    I found someone who cured it in a week - her name was Oy - Baby3........ :o

    There you go - that's one way to get rid of it!

    You could also put your question on the ThaiVisa medical forum and Sheryl will probably give you advice.

    Or you could see Dr. Chanchai at PIH. He knows about skin.

  9. I brought my dad's old Linksys modem/router back from Scotland and it works fine and gives me the wireless connection for the laptop. It has about the same up-time as the TTT supplied modem, no worse or better.

    Agree that you should secure your wireless side though or someone may steal your pictures and stick 'em on Tammi's computer again.

    Hopefully nobody can get into my computer now that wireless is secured - though sometimes when I am closing down I get the message that other people are using. Please tell me not possible?

    FYI I have D-Link ADSL router, then an SMC Barricade something or other, then something else with an antenna. It works good from anywhere in the house even though it's all connected with a jumble of wires. I really must make a diagram of it all so's I know what goes where and don't have to call out Liberty at 900 baht a pop.

    Too many folks are having problems just now and can't all be caused by their equipment - fault must be with TT&T but TT&T won't admit to it.

  10. Thanks for your information about farangs working in PIH. I did not know. I'll check with them.It is only for colono, announcement with price is in the reception hall. I am customer in PIH and I was surprised that this exam is more expansive that BPH

    I said farangs working at BPH. As far as I know PIH doesn't employ farang help. If you need someone at PIH to sort things out for you try Dr. Chanchai - of course you will have to pay a consult fee.

  11. Black and white appears to me to be that VT7 is now able to continue building above the 14m mark because it is no longer under an injunction not to do so... the previous injunction has been thrown out. The court order has been removed, and thus StopVT7's efforts have been sidelined (at least temporarily). All personal judgements aside, it is a current victory for VT7 that allows them to continue building for now.

    I will not claim to know the legal system of Thailand as to whether StopVT7 have a right of appeal in a "Supreme" or any other court. If so, that will be for StopVT7 to consider further....a choice that I am glad that I do not have to make. I do not know what StopVT7 have invested to date in fighting this through the courts, but ordinarily, Appeal courts get far more expensive, and I tend to agree that there is far more than legal arguments at stake here.

    I think that the case is not yet complete and VT can not build over 14 metres until such time as the case is complete and in VT's favour.

  12. To day I want to BHP to get a quote for colonoscopy.At the reception the staff send me to the X Ray departement??, There of course they sent me to the internal medecine. I wait 10mn , I tell that I want only a quote , but they send me to The healht insurance office at the same floor, asking me if I want an insurance. After my negative answer they said that colonoscopy is 19000b. I said thanks and I gone

    In PIH this examination is 12000B and in navy hospital Sattahip is 3500 B.

    be interesting to see what the price is if you have insurance....sorry which is PIH?

    Pattaya international Hospital

    This afternoom I came back to PIH to be sure of the price for this colonoscopy: Now it is 25000 B(special pakage, with annoucement in the hall), but reading the package nothing more than normal examination.So it is more expansive than in BHP.

    About my first post in BHP I said I have my medical insurance, but they send me in the health insurance office...

    So between your first visit and second visit to PIH PIH had seemingly changed the price from 12000 to 25000. There must be something you are not understanding. Maybe the 25000 is for the whole works - colonoscopy and gastroscopy?

    I recommend that folks going to BPH and feeling they are getting the runaround from staff who don't understand, that you go upstairs to the International Dept. and get help from one of the quite a few farangs who are employed at BPH to help farang patients and clients.

  13. I assume you mean Barry Kenyon who hangs out at Immigration every morning.

    I doubt he can help you, but I suppose he might be able to point to soemone who can.

    Someone might have his number?

    Pattaya Today newspaper reports in What's On column under the heading "British Embassy in Pattaya", that Barry is at the Meesan restaurant in the Immigration car park at Jomthien Soi 5 Mondays to Fridays (except PHs) from 9 am to 9.30 am.

    Phone contacts: 081 782 7363 and 089 203 1646.

    I see Barry wrote an article about the All Seasons Hotel in Pattaya Today in the Property and Business section. He must be aiming to be the Pattaya Mail's eqivalent of Dr. Ian Corness.

  14. I have been quite satisfied with TT&T in the past, but recently I am getting so p....d off with it! :o It has taken 3 hours for me to get on this forum today. Does anyone know of a 'phone number for making complaints to TT&T as I don't think going into Carrefour and speaking to the girls there will do any good.

    TT&T call center number is 1103. I spoke with a very nice man there a few days ago.

  15. You guys might want to try Jasmine if it is available in your area. You can check on the second floor of Care 4.

    I have had it for 3 years and it cost 1,400 for 512. It is up 99.99% of the time and its connection speed is OK, not great, not anywhere you would get with cable. The big difference between Jasmine and TOT or TNT is that Jasmine only has 8 people connected per line. Nobody knows how many people the other companies connect per line.

    I am happy with it, although I know it is not available in all areas and even if it is available in your area they only take a limited number of customers, so you might have to put your name on a waiting list to give it a try.

    Good Luck.

    I had Jasmin DSL-Plus 256 (TT&T) for a while up until 2 years ago at a whopping 3,500 baht per month. Maybe they have now reduced prices? Now I have Maxnet at 1,552.50 per month and it's been good up until very lately. Now it goes AWOL a lot. I notice when it goes down because the Skype button goes grey and it's going grey a lot!

  16. How do dengue mosquitoes transmit dengue?

    Dengue mosquitoes are common in Queensland but often do not carry dengue. A female mosquito can only become infected with dengue after biting an infected human who is viraemic, ie. there are enough dengue virus particles in the person’s blood to infect a mosquito.

    An infected person can transmit dengue to mosquitoes at home, at work or anywhere they visit. This can happen within 3-4 days of being bitten and can continue to do so up to 12 days. (Dengue is not spread directly from person to person.)

    In 8-10 days the infected mosquito is able to transmit the virus to other people. Thus the cycle of transmission takes only 14 days. One dengue-infected female mosquito is capable of biting and infecting several people during one feeding session.

    Source: Queensland, Australia Health internet site.

  17. Can somebody please tell me where to find the law that says measurement is 100 meters into sea and 200 meters back to land.

    If there is such a law I think the intent must be to not allow construction over the sea as on Walking Street in Pattaya. What's happening on Walking Street - wasn't there was a lot of talk by City Hall a few years ago that the sea side buildings had to be taken down?

  18. I have written a post twice, pushed all th correct buttons, but all has disappeared twice.

    In brief this time: You shouldn't have to wait 2 weeks for report and recommendations. I recommend you go see Dr. Chanchai and ask him <deleted> - actually you won't say that but that's how you feel.

    There should be no problem being in consulting/exam rooms if the patient is OK with it. 4 ears are better than 2 and most doctors recommend. If you are accompanying Thai patient the doctor will ask you to be quiet while he takes history and does examination, then he will talk with patient, then he will explain to you.

    Do you know what area the CT covered? What about blood tests?

    Apparently the main man is away until the 2nd Feb, and we go to see him on the 3rd. Does this Dr. Chanchai work at International? He's not the guy we are going to see. I was not impressed but that was the explaination I was given.

    They did take some blood, but only told me they found nothing wrong with this also.

    As far as I know Dr. Chanchai is still at International. He is like a GP and I have used him for years and years but not lately having had nothing wrong with me.

    Tell him you are not impressed.

  19. There is a sign at the traffic lights on the junction of Pattaya Dai and 3rd road. It says satellite tv for 7440 baht 300 channels, one payment thats it, anyone know or have this service.

    I called the number but no answer, another con?


    Look at their website and there's a list of the 300 channels. I bet you wouldn't want to watch a one of them.

    If you have the space a 2m satellite dish from jsat may be the answer, it's about 30,000 baht to install though and again a one off payment.

    Would this be good for a condomium block - could it be relayed to all the units?

    BTW, as I said elsewhere, UBC came fixed everything for me on Saturday so being tough with them probably did do the trick otherwise I would still be waiting.

    Fixed the wonky cable to the box and a new thingy for the dish. From now on I will talk direct to BKK office and give the UBC Pattaya ladies a miss.

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