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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. Best way to view and visit Pattaya also - at 1000 ft !

    There's always one isn't there? :o

    Every silver lining has a cloud.

    And what was wrong with that ? Those pictures were brilliant and to get such a clear view at that height, avoiding the traffic and fumes on the ground in my mind is far more beneficial. Wish I could fly.

    I, too, thought 'shame on you, Jai Dee' especially being a moderator.

  2. Does anyone have the Classifieds from yesterday's Bangkok Post? I've already thrown mine out.

    On the back page there was an advert for condos for sale at Hua Hin and small type said something about new regulations and that this would be last opportunity to buy.

    Also, didn't someone write way back at the beginning of this topic that complainants have 5 years from end of construction to sue to have building torn down if it is built within the 200 metres?

  3. Scantily dressed Russians topic was closed because it seems some people got irate when it was suggested that a constant barrage (by the media and in daily life) of sex and violence might have led to this heinious rape crime.

    Perhaps because it doenst have anything to do with it?? :o

    Dear Brit, as Helicopter wrote, we need to look outside the box .

  4. I lost the count of how many times I got scammed by the management......let's just say 100% of the times I need something to be done,they want the money first (I have no problem with that) and once they get it,they do nothing!

    THIEVES is the right word for them not mice.

    What kind of things did you need to have done? And how about now that the Metro Co-Owners Group have got some of their members on the Management Committee - are you still paying out and getting nothing done?

  5. Phil, I agree with you they must be punished accordingly, (Pattaya City News never does follow-ups though so we will never know what punishment they get)

    I never said they were not to blame, only not SOLELY to blame; I am only trying to look outside the box, maybe I shouldn't do that and instead just pick up my burning torch and join the roaring masses..

    It may not be the parents, they may not have any, it may be that they witness daily the obvious sex tourism around them and got frustrated/confused and this girl was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I Dont know

    There is no mistake this was a sick act, what I do know is that there is always a thought process before an act. be it right wrong or whatever,

    In short, What drove them to do this?

    Scantily dressed Russians topic was closed because it seems some people got irate when it was suggested that a constant barrage (by the media and in daily life) of sex and violence might have led to this heinious rape crime.

  6. why is jomtien towers more run down than view talay aparments , is there a lousy expenditure committe or what , or just the construction being so white it gets mouldy quick , at least they should clean the outside glass near the elevators, thats one of the reasons i was keen on vt7 was to block out that awful run down building , maybe if someone tidied it up and built some low rise development in front i might not be so pro vt7

    I haven't looked closely at Jomthien Complex but can tell you that condos I have looked closely at are a mess. Jomthien Condotel, Grand Condotel, View Talays (the older ones) leave a lot to be desired. Why? Maybe co-owners don't pay annual fees; maybe General Manager is not good; maybe Management Committee is no good; maybe co-owners (who I think are mostly men) haven't a clue about housekeeping and gardening or seeing that safety and security measures are in place and are followed. So long as the swim pool is the right colour, who cares about anything else! Co-owners (mostly men) don't see deterioration until it's impossible to not see it.

  7. i just noticed this post

    and there is some confusion as to which building is the Metro Jomtien Condotel (MJC).

    So go here http://www.mcogjomtien.com

    There have been some problems at the MJC and the co owners have now taken things into their own hands.

    There are now over 100 co owners that are members of Metro Co Owners Group (MCOG) both Thai and Foreigners.

    Last month at the General Meeting 3 MCOG members were elected to the Executive Committee. Later the Manager was moved on and replaced.

    MCOG now has a decisive role in how the Metro is run and how the money is spent

    Projects under way now are security, tennis and squash courts, sauna and gym.

    The building is managed by IRM and weekly meeting are held with MCOG to determine if work is being planned and done properly. There is now a reporting process and follow ups.

    :oIF you are a co owner I urge you to join our MCOG as we now control 22% of the shares - making MCOG the major share holder.


    So pleased to hear of a condo where the co-owners are active. Maybe I should move to you! MCOG will be in good shape when you have 25% of the vote as you will be able to call extra-ordinary general meetings if need be?

  8. Hello Jomthien Complex co-owners! Is VT doing any work on VT7 or has work definitely stopped?

    By the way, your condominium should not have developed cracks because cars moved around - the building would have been designed for cars moving around a car park.

    The indisputable fact is that cracks did appear within the Jomtien Complex Condotel (the Twin Towers) about 7 or 8 years ago. The swimming pool cracked and the garden developed a long crack that was maybe 1'' to 2" wide.

    Sure, the building should have been designed for cars moving around the car park. However, I do not innocently assume that it was nor do I assume that it was constructed to meet this design. They can be quite different elements of the same project. Haven't you heard of "eating"?

    No, haven't heard of "eating". Please explain. Many thanks.

  9. Totally out of place in a family tourist city. And you wonder why 8 year old girls get raped. It happens because guys get raised on scenes such as the Russian girls sex poses, hormones jump, and the young and weak get molested.


    You are definitely on the right track but why stop there, why not enhance the Pattaya family tourist image city even more:

    Ban all automobile as they are know to kill innocent tourists including 8 YO girls

    Ban all 'unhealthy' food resturants as they are known to cause obesity in children

    Ban all children from beaches, lord knows how many of them have drown while engaged in their silly beachtime activities.

    Ban all public displays of department store lingerie, they must not be viewable by the general male population due to male hormonal inhancement qualities.

    Tammi, feel free to add to the list, I am sure you have other wonderful ideas floating around in your head. Together we can make Pattaya a 'family safe' environment.

    And you are definitely being ridiculous. You know that we are fed a never ending diet of sex and violence. As I've said it's the ones who can't defend themselves who suffer the most - and add drugs to the mix and they get hel_l on earth.

  10. Hello Jomthien Complex co-owners! Is VT doing any work on VT7 or has work definitely stopped?

    By the way, your condominium should not have developed cracks because cars moved around - the building would have been designed for cars moving around a car park.

  11. ok i will answer the following posters ,if i was going to buy it would be one with a 10 % deposit and see what happens , and if nothing happens i would be confident of getting my 10 % back, answer to second question name one thing beatiful about jomtien well thats easy , the answer is it is not pattaya , and the beach it is easy to get into water compared t0 phuket where u have to walk hundres of metres becuase the fall is so flat to get swimming depth, so i think ol tammi u better pack ur bags and go back to good ol usa , if u hate jomtien so much.

    and to the other poster . lets see what happens regarding the law , usually common sense prevails , especially for the long term development of jomtien and pattaya . i personally think the most important things are in this order , clean the quality of the water , allow new nice develpments along beach line , complete the freeway to bkk and airport , and upgrade and extend the railway line to bkk.

    Who said I hated Jomthien. I said there is nothing beautiful about it. In the mid 80s it was beautiful.

    If you knew anything about spelling you would know I am not American. But I do like every American I have had the pleasure to meet.

    What is most important is that the Law is upheld; everything else follows on, sensibly and properly.

    sorry for guessing u were american , my humble apologies , i just assumed tammi was an american name , as i have only heard it used there. yes maybe ur right as in tammy wynette the country music singer , again sorrry

    U r 4given. Tammy Wynette singing Stand By Your Man - great!

  12. ok i will answer the following posters ,if i was going to buy it would be one with a 10 % deposit and see what happens , and if nothing happens i would be confident of getting my 10 % back, answer to second question name one thing beatiful about jomtien well thats easy , the answer is it is not pattaya , and the beach it is easy to get into water compared t0 phuket where u have to walk hundres of metres becuase the fall is so flat to get swimming depth, so i think ol tammi u better pack ur bags and go back to good ol usa , if u hate jomtien so much.

    and to the other poster . lets see what happens regarding the law , usually common sense prevails , especially for the long term development of jomtien and pattaya . i personally think the most important things are in this order , clean the quality of the water , allow new nice develpments along beach line , complete the freeway to bkk and airport , and upgrade and extend the railway line to bkk.

    Who said I hated Jomthien. I said there is nothing beautiful about it. In the mid 80s it was beautiful.

    If you knew anything about spelling you would know I am not American. But I do like every American I have had the pleasure to meet.

    What is most important is that the Law is upheld; everything else follows on, sensibly and properly.

  13. good time to put a deposit on an apartment in vt7 , i beleive that a mucher lower sale price could be negotiated with this sale price with all this controversy, and common sense will prevail , eventually a very nice Y shaped vt7 will be built opposite the beach and tidy up that corner of beautiful jomtien and hide that mouldy jomtien towers from view ( its so ugly its not funny ) .

    You see a precedent has already been set in pattaya with so many premium apartment towers being built within the 200 m limit and i am sure development will overide pulling all the other ones down. if you want to look at what will happen to pattaya in 20 yrs do a google search on surfers paradise Australia , its a suburb on the gold coast , all the premium apartment towers are beach side and all the old crap is left at the back.and there not mucher dear than vt7 , probaly about 5-600,000 usd for a 2 bed 2 bath apt

    So how many are you buying?

    Name me one thing that is beautiful about Jomthien.

    You must be a real estate agent.

  14. I'd say the complainants beef is with Jomtien complex condotel for selling that property to VT in the first place.

    I was looking around VT5 a few weeks ago and felt bad for the poor sods in the Jomtien complex.

    I'm glad I didn't buy there.

    The ViewTalay company is extremely well connected. Don't expect a few disgruntled foreigners to stop construction for long. You can just about bank on that!

    The VT7 looks like a nice project.

    Nothing wrong with selling the property - Jomthien Complex didn't expect 27 stories in front of them. At this time VT7 seems to be illegal. Thai law protects Thais and farangs alike.

    Am sure there are many disgruntled Thais is Jomthien Complex.

    VT5 is a stone's throw from Grand Condotel and those are the 'poor sods' you should feel sorry for.

    Now that Songkran is past hope to hear from the complainants about what is happening. Is there something in the Building Control Act B.E. 2522 that makes VT7 legal?

    stopvt7 Posted Today, 2007-04-21 21:16:30

    Good Story! In the Pattaya People Weekly

    Battle of the Condos - Court Injunction on View Talay 7Residents of the Jomtien Complex

    The project developer (of Jomtien Complex Condotel) Jomtien Complex Co. Ltd., presented the buildings to the public for sale in 1992 as a condominium plus low rise hotel, complete with water sports facilities, swimming pool and club house. It was guaranteed to the buyers that there would be only a low rise hotel built on the 13 Rai of empty land in front of their condominiums. A scale model was on display and three different brochures were issued, all of them with photographs and text promising sea views to all units. Although all units were sold on this assurance from the developer, the low rise hotel and its facilities were never built. Instead, without informing its purchasers, the developer sold the property in front of the condos to a subsidiary (Prakun Co., Ltd) who then sold it on to View Talay Co.[/size] Then in November 2005, it was confirmed that View Talay, and within their rights, would construct a 27 storey Y shaped high rise block of 936 condominiums directly in front of the Jomtien Complex Condotel.

    Dear Icy,

    So what's with your emoticons?

    Apparently it wasn't Jomthien Complex who sold the land to VT - it was the developer. Same happened at Jomthien Condotel. Co-owners there were told "yes, you own the land right down to the beach". They didn't and now 20 years after Jomthien Condotel was built a developer has bought a piece of land between Jomthien Condotel and the beach and, it is rumoured, is going to build 8 storeys.

  15. I'd say the complainants beef is with Jomtien complex condotel for selling that property to VT in the first place.

    I was looking around VT5 a few weeks ago and felt bad for the poor sods in the Jomtien complex.

    I'm glad I didn't buy there.

    The ViewTalay company is extremely well connected. Don't expect a few disgruntled foreigners to stop construction for long. You can just about bank on that!

    The VT7 looks like a nice project.

    Nothing wrong with selling the property - Jomthien Complex didn't expect 27 stories in front of them. At this time VT7 seems to be illegal. Thai law protects Thais and farangs alike.

    Am sure there are many disgruntled Thais is Jomthien Complex.

    VT5 is a stone's throw from Grand Condotel and those are the 'poor sods' you should feel sorry for.

    Now that Songkran is past hope to hear from the complainants about what is happening. Is there something in the Building Control Act B.E. 2522 that makes VT7 legal?

  16. Ok I have to send a signed Swift form to Nationwide B.S., so I research the board and decide to go the Post Office on the first floor above Tops supermarket in the middle of Pattaya on Wednesday. (Junction of 2nd road and Pattaya Klang).

    I roll up a bit early but it opens on time at 10.30 am .

    Service no problem and I send off my three pages of swift form for 1450thb a bargain in international terms.(30% more from Jamaica to England!)

    I go home and watch on the internet the progress of the envelope, Naklua, Phillipines, Paris, Stanstead, Thatcham UK & delivered Nationwide, Swindon 10.58 Friday, 13 hours before fdx's 'by' time.

    A fantastic commercial experience out of Thailand!

    Let's hope the rest of the deal is similar!!

    DHL is good too. Documents to Kent, UK ,picked up at the house 14.07 on 18th and delivered 9.42 on 20th. 1,220 Baht.

    Hope the rest of my deal is as swift, hassle free and respectful!!!

  17. dont u guys feel good , i have it on very good authority there are plenty of thai families starving whose breadwinner was working on view talay 7 , just to placate a few fat cat americans , what next. :D:o:D:D

    Yours is a totally ridiculous statement. Please go away.

  18. I have small items only (books, cds, ornaments) would only need tea chest size boxes


    Hello, I don't know if this is allowed, but try accessbagage (put www. in front of it and put .com after it). I had a very good, accurate and transparant experience with them.

    They are specialized on overweight bagage.

    I used DHL and everything went smoothly.

  19. If (when) the law suit is filed against vt to tear down vt5 and vt3. I been told the Administrative Court will follow the law and tear down these buildings. This act will bankrupt vt. Then realtor would be brought into the case to fund the liability. Claiming you didn’t know the law is not a defense against liability. If you purchase for investment a vt condo and sold it then its tore down you are also liable. So then vt buys a building permit and violates Thai law they also implements many others, even the investor how bought and resold these condos. Remember the admin court was setup in 1999 to stop and correct the acts of corruption by government. So when you partnered with government in an act of corruption you also liable. Buyers beware!

    Oh My God!! Does this mean they will tear down the La Royale (34 stories) in south JomTien or the North Point (46 stories) in North Pattaya or VT6 on Pattaya Beach road too?

    I've been to La Royale and the hi-rise is set well back from the seashore and, anyway, I don't think there is anybody else around there at the moment to complain. The others I don't know about.

    Forgot to say - the main reason I did not buy into La Royale was because VT (or somebody else) could build a hi-rise much further forward and right up to the edge of the lot building lot as happened with VT5 next to Grand Condotel.

    You are obviously a person who knows to look before you step.

    By the way the southern views at VT5 will also be diminished by VT7. Additionally, that long plot of land adjacent to VT5 (south) has all the makings of VT13. Of course, VT denies owning that plot but they probably have some arrangement or an option to buy. Imagine one VT project view spoiled by another VT project.

    Years ago, I was told that the person who owned the whole piece of land on which VT5 now stands and the adjacent plot would not sell in pieces, he wanted to sell as one.

    VT probably still has to sell many units in VT5 so, of course, will not start construction on the adjacent plot (if it does belong to VT) until such time as it has made a profit on VT5.

    The whole thing wouldn't be so bad if VT would stop building these dreadful cereal boxes which have the potential to become 'slummy'. Even now residents at Grand Condotel are doing all they can to block out VT5 because VT residents have put kitchens on balconies and hang washing over the rails. GC residents says not great to watch near naked farangs frying eggs or in the bedroom.

  20. If (when) the law suit is filed against vt to tear down vt5 and vt3. I been told the Administrative Court will follow the law and tear down these buildings. This act will bankrupt vt. Then realtor would be brought into the case to fund the liability. Claiming you didn’t know the law is not a defense against liability. If you purchase for investment a vt condo and sold it then its tore down you are also liable. So then vt buys a building permit and violates Thai law they also implements many others, even the investor how bought and resold these condos. Remember the admin court was setup in 1999 to stop and correct the acts of corruption by government. So when you partnered with government in an act of corruption you also liable. Buyers beware!

    Oh My God!! Does this mean they will tear down the La Royale (34 stories) in south JomTien or the North Point (46 stories) in North Pattaya or VT6 on Pattaya Beach road too?

    I've been to La Royale and the hi-rise is set well back from the seashore and, anyway, I don't think there is anybody else around there at the moment to complain. The others I don't know about.

    Forgot to say - the main reason I did not buy into La Royale was because VT (or somebody else) could build a hi-rise much further forward and right up to the edge of the lot building lot as happened with VT5 next to Grand Condotel.

  21. If (when) the law suit is filed against vt to tear down vt5 and vt3. I been told the Administrative Court will follow the law and tear down these buildings. This act will bankrupt vt. Then realtor would be brought into the case to fund the liability. Claiming you didn’t know the law is not a defense against liability. If you purchase for investment a vt condo and sold it then its tore down you are also liable. So then vt buys a building permit and violates Thai law they also implements many others, even the investor how bought and resold these condos. Remember the admin court was setup in 1999 to stop and correct the acts of corruption by government. So when you partnered with government in an act of corruption you also liable. Buyers beware!

    Oh My God!! Does this mean they will tear down the La Royale (34 stories) in south JomTien or the North Point (46 stories) in North Pattaya or VT6 on Pattaya Beach road too?

    I've been to La Royale and the hi-rise is set well back from the seashore and, anyway, I don't think there is anybody else around there at the moment to complain. The others I don't know about.

  22. B/F from another topic


    Thanks for the Dog Hotel info. We took your advice and dropped our dog off for a couple of days last week. Definitely recommend the place for anyone looking for a kennel for their dog. They even offer A/C rooms or fan rooms! The price was B 150 p/d (fan room) which did not include food which we supplied. Here is thlier address but would suggest you call for directions.

    Dog Hotel, 4/3 Moo 2 Soi Ruamjai, Takientia, Banglamung, Chonburi 20150

    Tel: 038 241686 or 086 1407896"

    Glad it worked out. Nice people, nice hotel. Regards, Tammi.

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