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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. Problem is that testing for crypto can be difficult, maybe need several stool tests before it is found. It was first seen in 1976 and is now worldwide. Worst outbreak was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the good old U S of A where 400,000 people were affected. It is resistant to chlorine based disinfectants. Drug of choice is Nitazoxanide I think. It is possible that one never gets rid of it. Those who have cancer or poor immune system should take special care.

    Gardia I have had many, many times and Flagyl takes care of it.

    I would hesitate to blame crypto and/or gardia for the death of a healthy dog.

  2. and as they step closer and closer what will the effects of global warming be on the tide line?

    to nullify all pre existing deals? to make all beach front property uninhabitable? who will sue who then?

    just wondering who is minding the store... or is that looking too far ahead?

    Yup, Jomthien Complex might be beach front in the not too distant future. I hope I live to see the day - I do not like VT cereal boxes.

    Nobody can sue anybody - it is an act of God. (And the world's leaders)

  3. This condo has, as I have heard many have, a fund for collecting 3% from anybody who sells a unit after being introduced to the buyer by condo staff. But I have been told that the co-owners cannot see the accounting for the fund - only the committee can see and there is never any accounting for it. This, to me, is crazy.

    Hi Tammi,

    Are you sure that the committee can see this "commission"? The normal level of commission is 3% and is usually given by the seller to someone who has introduced the buyer to the seller. Usually, this would likely be the "condo staff" as they are more visible and who I class as being different to the condo committee. If the condo committee is pocketing this commission without showing it in the condo accounts then the co-owners are being swindled.

    There is a notice on the board saying that the 3% will be paid into a staff welfare fund. The co-owners don't know what happens to the money. One Minutes of Committee Meeting, a few years ago said that money would be taken from this 3% commission fund to pay for a staff party.

    The notice says the commission is paid into a dedicated bank account. Another co-owner asked the office about it and was told that the 'book' was with 1 of 3 Committee Members and go ask them

    We already pay something like 5% of salary into the government (?) welfare fund for the staff.

    Do you have any ideas on 'red flags' for condo normal accounting and the Sinking Fund?

    I've collected together some old records from other people in the condo but can't make head or tail of it. I did notice that "Other Assets" has had same figure for several years.

    Thanks for your help.

  4. Am sure many of you have read the letter in Friday's Pattaya Mail from the gentleman who was elected to the condo committee as financial officer, discovered irregularities, and because he wouldn' t go along with irregularities was banned by the rest of the committee from committee meetings! It is a very worrisome and disturbing letter.

    I have very little experience of financial reports. What are the 'red flags' that co-owners should look for?

    Our AGM is coming up soon. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    This condo has, as I have heard many have, a fund for collecting 3% from anybody who sells a unit after being introduced to the buyer by condo staff. But I have been told that the co-owners cannot see the accounting for the fund - only the committee can see and there is never any accounting for it. This, to me, is crazy.

  5. I know Jomtien Complex Condotel very well as I lived there for three years after the twin condo towers were built. The original development included a number of single story homes planned to be built directly in front of the towers. A gated and landscaped access to the beach was provided, both for people living in the towers and future residents of the bungalows. A scale model of the overall development was situated in the Sales Office and was certainly an inducement to buying there.

    So, what has gone wrong? Wouldn't it be more fruitful if the owners of units in Jomtien Complex Condotel took legal action against the developers? They were promised an unobstructed sea view from the beginning. Nothing will change regarding the new construction by View Talay, the 'tea-money" has been spent already.

    I visit friends in Jomtien Complex Condotel nearly every week and I've watched the construction from their balcony. The "footprint" of the new building is in the form of an inverted "Y" when looking towards the sea. The concrete piling is complete and the laying of the base concrete raft is nearly finished. The disturbing thing is that several pools of water appear occasionally and, during the piling work, some of these 'pools' were several metres in diameter. At the eastern end of the construction site, there was a narrow pool that stretched right across the site.

    I noticed that these pools only appeared and grew as the tide came in!!! Sea water?.

    Buyers into other condos on this stretch of beach were told in mid 80s that the condos owned right down to and onto the beach! This turned out to be competely wrong info. As they say "Buyer Beware". A few months ago I heard that a developer had bought a plot on the beach side (but not right on the beach) of Jomthien Condotel and was to build an 8 storey condo. Recently I have heard that this has been reduced to 12 meters because he is not allowed to build 8 storeys. VT (I can never keep up with the numbering of these cereal boxes) got permission to build closer to Dongtan beach because the building rules can be reviewed every 5 years and it was decided that they could build closer to the beach and within spitting distance of Grand Condotel. Grand Condo lost its view to the south and, I hear, residents, especially at south end of building, do everything they can to block out their now ghastly view of kitchens on VT balconies with near naked farangs frying eggs, and washing draped over the balconies. As they also say, "TIT"

    Have a good one!

  6. Oh dear tryimg to impose Western planning standards in Thailand again. Well certainly planning controls need to be improved but it will not happen overnight and I suspect most certainly not in this case. It is still "buyer beware". A little naive to buy a condo 200 mtrs from the sea and expect no building to block their view in the future.

    Anyway how did they measure 200 mtrs from the sea ?, low tide or high tide ? or just an elastic tape ?

    I have heard that its measured from the average of the tides during the year. Have also heard that there are post tsunami building regulations that say no building from average tide to ??, and then can build 4 storey and then higher the further one gets from the average tide level.

  7. I've got semi mirrored glass in my windows and for some reason birds are always flying into them.

    I usualy find 1 or 2 dead birds a week in my garden, with a couple of feathers stuck to the window that the poor sods broke their necks on.

    Maybe this is the reason ?

    The dead birds I saw were not near windows.

    We have a lot of feral cats that are not interested in the dead birds.

  8. In the past 2 to 3 weeks I have seen 3 dead small, wild birds in the garden here at Jomthien. It is very unusual to see dead wild birds. Anybody else seen dead birds? Could they be dying because of air pollution or could it be bird flu? Anybody?

    I would guess that in the west we would be being asked to report dead and dying birds. Does anybody know if there is a 'hotline' in Thailand?

  9. At least I can understand why some masculine, homely Western woman would have this obsession with getting rid of Thailand's nightlife, but - think about it - this is a GUY.

    He must be a real piece of work! :D

    That I am!! What's the bah for?

    The vegetarian at New Orleans is OK but tends to serve same buffet every month. I make better at home with the occasional trip to India By Nature.

    Not all guys like Pattaya nightlife.

    Were you born with this problem or did it get snipped off some how? :D

    I'm outa here. Maybe see you guys at a PU sometime, then you can see for yourselves. :o

  10. At least I can understand why some masculine, homely Western woman would have this obsession with getting rid of Thailand's nightlife, but - think about it - this is a GUY.

    He must be a real piece of work! :o

    That I am!! What's the bah for?

    The vegetarian at New Orleans is OK but tends to serve same buffet every month. I make better at home with the occasional trip to India By Nature.

    Not all guys like Pattaya nightlife.

  11. Pattaya has not changed just is the last 3 or 4 years - it is no better nor worse than it was over a dozen years when I first went.

    I remember hating the place so much my first visit i never stayed the night and got taxi back to BKK at 2 in the morning.

    I stayed away from the place for years afterward but grew to like the place from 2003 onwards

    Open your eyes matey boy - if ot walks and quacks like a duck it usually is. Its not a family orientated resort so stop kidding yourself

    As for Tammi - so much expirence in Patters yeat she did not know her favourite restaurnat owner peddle girls and boys - some people should not get out of bed in a morning

    I will have to apply for another nickname since you are all determined to call me a 'she'. How about Johnthomas?

    I never said he is my favourite restuarant owner. I occasionally go to New Orleans to partake of the vegetarian buffet dinner, 99 baht, 2nd Tuesday of the month. Owner's name is Steve? You've put me off him and his restaurant. I know plenty of restaurants that don't make money from sideline nefarious activities.

  12. "Thats pretty funny, a vegetarian who deals in peddling all kinds of FLESH, raw (his a go go bars) and cooked (blackened cajun pig ribs)."


    Well, she believes non-vegatarians have brains in a constant state of poisoning so she may have influence with little green men who can change all that.

    Brain poisoning - ROFLMAO

    There are some strange people in Pattaya - do you think Tammi knew about the place before moving there?

    I first came to Pattaya in the mid 70s. In the mid 80s bought a holiday home here. Have been living here permanently last few years. It was paradise in the 70s and 80s and still good right through the 90s. IMO it's only in the last 3 or 4 years that it's got steadily worse. It is Paradise Lost.

    There seems to be no civic pride and I suppose the Thais in local government have made the decision that Pattaya is to keep on being what it has become - a place that attracts the worst type of tourist and poor Thais who will do anything to make a baht. Keeps them away from other parts of Thailand. It's all very sad. I keep saying send them all to the boonies but maybe it's the government that is saying to keep them all concentrated in Pattaya.

  13. I just think its a pity that downtown Pattaya has to be such a sleeze. I go to New Orleans Restaurant and sit outside waiting for friends and and the street really is not very nice. And the next street filled with boys up to whatever they get up to. Send them all to the boonies and get them out of normal folks faces. Normal folks are the majority after all.

    Just shows you, you know nothing. The owner of the restaurant you like so much owns one of the boy places you complain about. Why don't you have a word in his ear and ask him to move it out of your "normal" eye range.

    Well, now I do know something. What's the name of the boy place he owns? I will go suss it out with regard to level of respectability and will certainly have a word with owner if I think he is allowing lewd behaviour by his staff and encouraging lewd behaviour by his patrons.

    I'm sure the owner will give a toss about what you think. :o

    What makes you so sure? He's a vegetarian which means his insides and brain are not in a continuous state of poisoning. So, yes, I think he will give a toss.

  14. I feel quite comfortable in Pattaya and so do all my freinds and we are all quite "normal" for Thailand.

    Those who actually believe they are "normal" are the real freaks.

    Can you refer us to some learned studies that have proved this?

  15. [ I think that the place is best suited to the tourists (what like 80% of total?) who come to Thailand for easy access to readily available hot chicks

    What hot chicks? You mean the prostitutes aka working girls? They are bored out of their skulls. Sure they put on an act - they have to. Its a bad business made worse because its illegal. It should be legalised so that these women (and men) are protected. And one good way to protect them is to have a separate area with all the facilities needed for their protection and welfare.

  16. I just think its a pity that downtown Pattaya has to be such a sleeze. I go to New Orleans Restaurant and sit outside waiting for friends and and the street really is not very nice. And the next street filled with boys up to whatever they get up to. Send them all to the boonies and get them out of normal folks faces. Normal folks are the majority after all.

    Just shows you, you know nothing. The owner of the restaurant you like so much owns one of the boy places you complain about. Why don't you have a word in his ear and ask him to move it out of your "normal" eye range.

    Well, now I do know something. What's the name of the boy place he owns? I will go suss it out with regard to level of respectability and will certainly have a word with owner if I think he is allowing lewd behaviour by his staff and encouraging lewd behaviour by his patrons.

  17. Always love these Pattaya bashing threads. Pattaya is nothing apart from beer bars, gogo bars, prostitutes, lady boys, rip offs blah blah blah. :D

    You mean that there are absolutely no beers bars, gogo bars, prostitutes etc in Bangkok? :D or Phuket? or Samui? or Hua Hin? or Chiang Mai? :D

    Surprised we haven't seen an appearance from the "move it all to the boonies" brigade.

    Pattaya is Pattaya, love it or hate it you don't have to go there. I'll be there in approximately 267 hours, but who's counting?

    Here I am! :o

    I just think its a pity that downtown Pattaya has to be such a sleeze. I go to New Orleans Restaurant and sit outside waiting for friends and and the street really is not very nice. And the next street filled with boys up to whatever they get up to. Send them all to the boonies and get them out of normal folks faces. Normal folks are the majority after all.

  18. Having had to stay in BPH on three separate occasions, found myself being invoiced different amounts for hospital accommodation each time, as well as unexplained charges then and on a subsequent outpatient visit also unexplained charges. For the last outpatient visit I had been quoted a price, when I came to pay, this figure had nearly doubled! When asked if a manager was available to explain this, was faced with a supervisor with a very poor understanding of English, who kept repeating "Not have manager here today".

    Does anyone have any up to date information on the Queen Sirikit Hospital next to U Tapao ?

    Re not being able to get an explanation of charges: There are farangs working at the hospital who, I believe, are there to assist folks such as yourself to get satisfactory answers. I have always found them to be on the defensive but maybe that's because I go to them with a no nonsense attitude and ready to 'hound' them all day if necessary. But I wasn't the patient and thus feeling weak, tired, apprehensive, and just wanting to get home to my own bed. Patients are at a disadvantage. I have thought of trying to set up a business to assist patients thro the maze. It's not so bad if one has insurance - one can sort of swallow all the errors that hospitals make in the billing - but when one has no insurance -------!! I check every item at whatever hospital I am at and have saved probably hundreds of thousands of baht over past 3 years. I see other patients/family at cash desk just paying up, not asking for a detailed bill.

    If the farangs can not help you you just have to keep going step by step higher and higher. At one hospital I have the name of the chap at the top - have never had to go to him - but would.

    Re Queen Sirikit: I wrote a report on it a few weeks back for the forum after I went over there to suss it out. I have never been a patient there but there have been good reports though a forum member did say that for heart related illness (serious) Queen Sirikit can't handle and will advise Bangkok Pattaya. Other forum members have had good treatment at other hospitals outside but close to Pattaya. I myself, use Bumrungrad in Bangkok and have had good medical service but clerks do make mistakes.

    Hope this helps.

  19. Maybe they should create a "party zone" in Thailand, but please let it be away from where local people live, who mostly work 12-14 hours per day and need their rest.

    Absolutely. I have been recommending this for months for Pattaya and Jomthien. Build a walled town out in the boonies and send all the working girls, karaoke, bars that want to stay open all night, go-go bars, short time rooms, there to party and fornicate all they want. The green line, yellow line, red line buses can be used to go there and make a profit at last. It will be easy to police being a walled town and when the buses with the revellers return to Pattaya and Jomthien, police will be there to greet them and ensure orderly behaviour or spend the night in the clink. Simple!

    Perhaps one of the most absurd things mentioned thus far. :D

    Hello Brit! Thought you were going to ignore me. :o

  20. Maybe they should create a "party zone" in Thailand, but please let it be away from where local people live, who mostly work 12-14 hours per day and need their rest.

    Absolutely. I have been recommending this for months for Pattaya and Jomthien. Build a walled town out in the boonies and send all the working girls, karaoke, bars that want to stay open all night, go-go bars, short time rooms, there to party and fornicate all they want. The green line, yellow line, red line buses can be used to go there and make a profit at last. It will be easy to police being a walled town and when the buses with the revellers return to Pattaya and Jomthien, police will be there to greet them and ensure orderly behaviour or spend the night in the clink. Simple!

  21. Is anyone else having problems with Maxnet ADSL. I havnt been able to connect all day and for 2 weeks now if I am connected the line keeps dropping out. I had two so-called techs call around the other day one scratched his head the scratched his ass then they looked at each other and walked away. :D If anyone reading this is in the process of getting an ADSL connection do yourself a favour and DO NOT get Maxnet. :o

    Yes, having exactly same problems you are. And they won't answer their phones. I am connected now thro landline to Inet.

    Who would you recommend for ADSL?

    I used to swear by Maxnet but now I am swearing at them.

    Were your 2 techs from Maxnet?

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