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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. Just came across this thread and it is a very interesting read to say the least.

    I'm not a big fan of the PBH either and through with them after an apparent rip-off and mistreatment of a barotrauma. But to mute the euphorism about the Bumrungrad, three stories I got from first hand account:

    Myself going there for a health certificate for Work Permit. Doctor says that I look skinny and asks whether I have AIDS. I said no, and next thing he did was signing the paper. Fair enough, no big deal, rather amusing.

    One friend of mine has been admitted to B'rad with an emergency and woke up the next morning with his neighbor's patient records attached to his bed.

    Another guy I know personally went there several times as he was not feeling well. Only after he went for a check somewhere else the diagnosis was Hepatitis. B'rad treated him for whatever, always making sure that he carries a different assortment of pills home.

    Then, for fairness reason, I guess similar stories can be told about almost any other hospital around the world as they are staffed with humans ad humans tend to err.

    Having the choice, I would still opt for the Bumrungrad for serious treatments and PIH for not so serious things. Sniffles I cure myself.

    I always check out the Bumrungrad doctors on the internet and choose one who has had training and experience overseas. Dr Visuit for heart, Dr Virasak for gastroenterology, Dr Kaseansom for neurology, Dr Narin for cancer.

  2. Hi all,

    I was down on Soi 8 couple of days ago for nice quiet daytime drinking session. :D

    I ended up staying longer than planned was a little :o and ended up chatting these gals in a beer-bar ( not sure which one)

    Its all abit hazy but my ex gf appears ( haven’t seen her for 6 months)

    No ‘hello’ but she starts giving me some grief in Cambodian or some other lingo she uses up there ! then she storms off . :D

    So one of these gals translats that she had put some kind of a curse on me via some local nut back in Buriram.

    She was always a little crazy, talking about ghosts and weird stuff that happened up there :D

    She seemed pretty concerned about it and told me I should be very careful :bah:

    Anyway several drinks later I decide to go home and what happens next !!!!! crashed my new honda wave into the local 7/11 a block away from my apartment .. :D

    Luckilly only got some scratches but busted up the bike pretty good so had to walk back to apartment ...

    Think I should be concered about the curse or is it just a coincedence, ????

    Are you an idiot or what??!!

    Write out 10,000 times: I will not drink and drive.

    Thank God that you didn't kill someone.

  3. I found bangkok pattaya hospital good and professional and at least they employ english speaking/trained staff to back up the thais.I have been to quite a few different hospitals in thailand and used to work in the nhs and private sector.When you work on the inside in the hospital system you see all the screw ups and you would be AMAZED what happens and the public never get to hear about it(i stopped a surgeon from removing the wrong ear when i was a student).I would not recommend pattaya memorial,they let my ex girlfriend die because her family had no money(unfortunately i was out the country)....private medicine.In the end of the day you have to pick the lesser of evils...no hospital is perfect.At least in the uk they rate each hospital according to performance.No such luxury here.

    I use Bangkok Hospital Pattaya (as it is called now) when I have to but I don't like their prices, I think they over prescribe, and always there are things on the bill (ask for itemized) that I didn't get. Its a hassle sorting out billing errors and cashiers are so sour. As you say no hospital is perfect. I was unable to stop a surgeon operating for a non-existant inguinal hernia on the left side. He wouldn't believe me that the hernia was on the right. We always stood a hernia patient out of bed, he coughed, the hernia popped out, we put a big black cross on it. To explain bandages on both sides the patient was told by surgeon that he had discovered herniation on both sides.

  4. I would like to be able to trust that voting at condo AGM is done correctly with no funny bsuiness. Anybody know how to ensure the integrity of the vote for the new Management Committee?

    Well the safest would be one voting paper for each eligible voter which would be placed in a sealed ballot box and opened in the presence of eligible voters and not just the management committee.

    If they go for the hand vote watch out for the voters who do not have a hand behind their back.

    What has happened in the past here is that voting papers and proxies are collected by staff - say the accountant and deputy manager - and they do all the adding. But I just don't trust them to do it right.

    I like your idea to put in sealed box and opened so's we all see but I think some folks will complain that their vote is no longer confidential - the staff knowing is OK but not the rest of the co-owners.

    (This condo management has even said that its OK for the security guards to have a complete list of occupants but that the guards must not show to anyone, not even other co-owners.)

    I think we will have to ask that 2 co-owners not on the slate must oversee the vote counting. Is that one way other condos handle?

  5. There's a Dog Hotel outside of Pattaya, in the countryside, that is very nice as are the husband and wife running it. His phone number is 038-241686 and 086-1407896.

    He will come collect your dogs and deliver them back to you. He will also handle taking them to vet at anytime, not just when they are boarding at his dog hotel.

    Last time I was there he talked about putting in a swim pool for the dogs. I said that I hoped he would put up small chalets for the dog owners so we could all come enjoy.


    The above mentioned Dog Hotel will also cremate pets. Will collect the bones and put in new white cloth and tie with ribbon. As I said, they are very good people.

  6. Just a suggestion. I got outdoor furniture from Index and it's good. Got bed, sofas, chairs from Modernform and they are good.

    Let me know where you find good "off the shelf" furniture or if you get it made and how it is.

    Let me know too if you find an interior decorator. The one I got sucked into using 8 years ago was an idiot!

    Best of luck

  7. does anybody know of a company or person who would furnish my bungalow in pattaya, have just bought it unfurnished and would like it tasetfully designed ,money would be a bit tight at the moment so would like to do one room at a time, also general up keep of house ie water electric cleaning etc where do i pay bills etc,sorry but been living the life of reilly for the past twelve years as an expat in africa wouldnt even know how to iron a shirt

    You are going to have fun! But you are lucky that, in last few years, we have now got HomePro at Carrefour and HomeWorks and ModernForm, Index, etc, etc.

    My advice would be to have a VERY good idea what you want before approaching anybody. Measure up your rooms, buy books and magazines to get ideas from, decide what would look good in each space. Go through the shops mentioned above and others. Perhaps you'll find that you don't need to hire someone to furnish and take a fee.

    I used Euro Kitchen for the 2 kitchens I designed myself and put in at 2 condos. A place for everything and where I wanted it.

    Good idea to do one room at a time.

    I've seen some dreadful work but I guess you get what you pay for.

    I know how it is having been expat for years. I had to learn to cook again! Get yourself a middle aged maid who somebody knows and who you will eventually trust to do your grocery shopping and pay utility bills. Don't get a pretty, young one - all they think about are boys and clothes and hair and makeup.

  8. There's a Dog Hotel outside of Pattaya, in the countryside, that is very nice as are the husband and wife running it. His phone number is 038-241686 and 086-1407896.

    He will come collect your dogs and deliver them back to you. He will also handle taking them to vet at anytime, not just when they are boarding at his dog hotel.

    Last time I was there he talked about putting in a swim pool for the dogs. I said that I hoped he would put up small chalets for the dog owners so we could all come enjoy.


  9. Normally, the responsibility for managing staff does not fall on the patrons.

    Normally. But it's like this condo - the so-called manager doesn't manage any of the staff and the Mangagement Committee doesn't manage the manager, so it's up to the residents to complain or see the place get dirtier and dirtier - until, of course, it's nearly Annual General Meeting time and then there is a sudden burst of activity because, for whatever reason, all 9 members want to get back on the Committee. For 18 months out of 24 staff are managed by concerned co-owners - just as patrons have to see staff do right thing for the patrons of Subway Tipp Plaza.

  10. What a very odd thread.

    Its rapid degeneration is quite normal though.

    In Pattaya I have found it is a very good idea to mind ones own business. If it effects me and mine I'm in but if not then not interested.

    Kudos to the Subway vigilante and I hope the franchise owners re-reimburse you for your medical expense when you get stabbed/shot by the sacked worker(s).

    Its a very sad state of affaires when one has to turn one's back on wrong doing. When I came to live here permanently I was told by another farang to keep my mouth zipped or I would find my dog poisoned and my car vandalized. Well, I just can't not do something about what is wrong and if something were to happen to me it'll just have to happen. Will you all come visit me at Pattaya Bangkok Hospital?

  11. Are there Visa ATM machines available? Plenty, and they give out US dollar notes. Also you can change large Baht notes for US dollars at the small exchange booths. Note that the local currency is hardly ever used.

    Best airline for flight from Bangkok? Bangkok Airways.

    How much USD should I get in Thailand before leaving? Up to you !

    I get a visa on arrival at their airport, right? Correct, 20 dollars in US currency.

    Regarding hotels, they are a bit of a ripoff compared to Thailand, so don't expect too

    much for US 45 a night.

    Try the "Special" Pizza's or omelette's at the little places on the riverfront. :o


    Happy Pizza? I know of a lady who was too out of it to catch her plane after eating at one of those places. Try Hotel Scandic, very near Independence Monument. Street 282 I think. Close to the park where the girls hang out. When I was there years ago The Cathouse was the best pub. Never went to Martinis but supposed to be great fun if you're into girls. If you are posh then Friday evenings at the pub in Royal Hotel is/was usually very good. Phnom Penh was great except at rush hours when streets are full of Lexus SUVs.

  12. i am probably wrong but anything to do with them making the lake bigger or deeper, i am just thinking back to 2005 when it basically disapeared.

    No, they were dredging a little further around and the earth was being trucked to the new road they are building by the railway track.

    But this is different - they are levelling out the ground over a wide area in preparation for something - housing? or a park? or??? .....

    I would bet that it's not a park. It will be going under concrete. But maybe a nice resort? Wouldn't it be luvly if 'they', when planning permission is received, would put up a sign to tell us all what to expect! But TIT and really it would be lovely if we didn't have all these miserable looking tourists having to be serviced by Thais who don't normally live here and make a tip of the place, and the City Fathers who can't deal with the influx and expansion.

  13. I am confused as I personally have never kept a reciept for food at any restaurant unless I was working, but this guy is so sad he checks his receipt for a sandwich? Either he is used to being ripped off - which is sad -but in this case he wasn't. I feel sorry for his missus everytime they go shopping, it must double their journey time as he has to check off every single item on his receipt. I am sorry but I think that is Icecubes is an EX TAX INSPECTOR. Cos this is fun town, where we have fun!

    Nonsense. Just because you have enough money to throw around doesn't mean the rest of us are in same boat. I, too, like to get receipts and check them and enter them on Quicken. I know exactly where I am money-wise and I sleep well. How I hate not to know where the odd 1,000 baht has gone! And I have plenty of fun!!! :o And I certainly always check restaurant bills because restaurants get mixed up with what table is what.

  14. what really amazes me with fire engines and ambulances is that no one moves out the way for them, i maybe wrong but i am sure it is an offence in the uk not to move over. The number of times you see ambulances (and i am sure the same for fire engines) with their sirens blazing and no-one moves out the way, there could be some one dying in the back, a little bit of education and i am sure a lot more lives would be saved in Thailand each year.


    I've travelled up front in PBH ambulance a couple of times and admired the skill of the driver and appreciated that traffic did get out of our way.

  15. I would think that they know what they are doing and all will be revealed. They will have done all sorts of traffic studies.

    But I would think that they are lifting the 8 lanes so's to get over existing and future waterways.

    You're sure about that are you, Tammi? :o

    Just like the studies they did at Suvarnabhumi? :D

    They've had lots of practice in road building, not much at all in international airports.

  16. I agree a U-Turn bridge would have been a cheaper option but since they've used the central reservation area to increase the number of lanes in both directions with only a narrow barrier separating them there is nowhere to put the support pillars to build a U-Turn on.

    Although on second thoughts they could have left the central reservation wider just in those areas to take the pillars.

    Exactly, and I'm sure that's what they have done/will do. Alternatively, they will use 'goal posts', one post on each side of the highway.

  17. I agree with others about BPH they are rip offs, soi 4 international is getting nearly as bad.

    we now take our daughter to satahip ,once you register and get your card its a bit quicker,but be prepared to wait,and eveyone stops for lunch,get there early,main section closes at 5pm,emergancy open all the time naturaly.

    daughter was there for 4 days 9.000 .one night in BPH 22,000 same prob,never again if i can help it.


    would you be able to give some general directions to Satahip Hospital? How far is it from Pattaya?

    Just for you would I go hunting for this:

    Yesterday, looked at the Eastern Seaboard General Map (not to scale) provided by the Pattaya International Ladies’ Club (PILC) and found that The Queen Sirikit Royal Thai Navy Hospital is clearly marked.

    Directions: Assume that highway #3 runs north-south between Chonburi and Sattahip. At Sattahip it makes a 90 degree turn to the left to go east to Rayong. Also assume that main road 331 runs north-south parallel to highway # 3 but inland by about 15 kilometers. Going from Pattaya to the south on highway #3 you will go approx 30 km and then come to the junction of main road 332 on the inland or eastern side of highway #3. Make this turn to the left onto main road 332. Continue east on 332 until you come to the junction with 331 where you make a right turn so that you are now going south on 331. Continue on 331 to the south until 331 crosses highway #3 to the east of Sattahip. At this 4 way signalized crossing the SE quarter is bounded by the perimeter of Queen Sirikit Royal Thai Navy Hospital. The SE corner is landscaped and there is a beautiful full length portrait of the Queen. There are entrance gates to the hospital off both highway #3 and 331. This is a signalized junction and it is safer to go straight across highway #3 and make the turn into the hospital off 331.

    The above is the way Thai drivers have always taken me when going to Utapao airport. Why I don’t know. Maybe it’s quicker, maybe it’s safer.

    If I were driving myself to the hospital I would stay on highway # 3 until I came to the junction with main road 331 where I would make a right and the hospital entrance is on the left.

    Today, went to see the hospital but forgot to take the maps. The driver took the “long winded” route and knew exactly where to go. Journey took 40 minutes. We drove in the main entrance to the hospital passing ponds on each side. Car park area is very large. There are 3 obvious doors to the hospital: The one on the left is Administration, the centre one is to the wards, and the one on the right is Outpatients.

    Admin and Outpatients are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. The doors were locked.

    Emergency is further to the right than Outpatients and is set back from the main façade. Outside there were many wheelchairs and stretchers and an ambulance. We went in and found ourselves in a large room fitted out with seating, and I think I saw an ATM. The triage desk is almost immediately inside the room on the right and also on the right is the door into the Emergency Room (ER) for ambulatory patients; straight ahead is Pharmacy; cashiers are on the left.

    I went into the ER and a nurse very quickly came to ask how she could help me. I explained my mission was to see the hospital and find out a few things as I live in Pattaya and had heard that Queen Sirikit Hospital is very good. I was asked to take a seat inside the ER and the head nurse would come to see me. The head nurse was a very pleasant gentleman speaking excellent English.

    I found out that the hospital will send an ambulance to Pattaya and can be summoned by phoning 038 245 929. I asked if the person answering the hospital phone would speak English and he said there’s always someone around who can.

    The sign above ER door gives phone # 038 245 777 and this # is also on ambulance(s).

    Maybe 038 245 929 is best # to phone?

    We then went to find the wards. All the signs are in Thai but a few have English subtitles. The first ward we came to was orthopedics on the ground floor. There is no Reception so I went to the cashiers and explained my mission and was taken to the nurses’ station and again was helped by a nurse speaking excellent English.

    I was taken to see an ordinary private room fitted with a wind up bed, not an electrically controlled one. There was a small TV, a fridge, a fold down plastic covered sofa, an en-suite bathroom, and a balcony with a laundry tub on one wall and a frame to dry clothes on. Everything looked a bit battered. The price per night is 1,200 baht. Food is extra. Thai food is 150 baht and European 300 baht per day.

    The nurse explained that if the patient does not have friend or family to stay with him 24/24 then patient cannot have a private room; he will be admitted to an open ward. I agree wholeheartedly. I have always said private rooms are dangerous places to be when sick and alone.

    Nurse said that there are VIP private rooms on the top floor that are same layout as the ordinary private but look better. I did not go to see as I didn’t want to push my welcome. VIP room is 1,500 baht.

  18. While I was unhappy with some of the billing practices shown, ie 53 baht for one paracetamol, overall compared to western rates, I got off at about 30% of it would have cost me in the western world.

    Your paracetemol must have been gold plated at Ram Hospital. I paid 4 baht for one at Bumrungrad last week on an in-patient bill.

    Anybody know what PBH charges for a paracetemol?

  19. Hello --

    I have read some dicey things on this forum abt using this hosp/clinic for face lifts. Does anyone have good experiences to report? If so, which MDs do you recommend?

    If I were you I'd go to Bumrungrad in Bangkok. You can look on internet site and find a doctor who has qualifications to suit you and at initial appointment ask him how many he has done. I'm sure there's folks here who have used PBH and been satisfied. I only know one and she had neck done as well and it looked peculiar.

  20. I am on the Commitee of Thabali, the development in front of Chateau Dale

    We have Committee meeting once a month (although likely to be reduced one every other month shortly). Committee meetings are conducted in English. Of our nine Committee members only one is Thai and five are native English speakers. They take place in Jomtien.

    Co-owners are not generally invited to attend but if any co-owner has an issue they wish to raise with the Committee they can ask to attend (and no request has every been refused)

    Minutes (only produced in English) are available to any co-owner on request. We have recently started a e-mail list so that co-owners who choose to sign up, will receive minutes for each meeting authomatically by e-mail.

    The Condo act set a maximum number of nine on that Committee. We have found at AGM we never get more than this to be interested. This year two co-owners expressed an interest in joining the Committee hence we just increase the size of the Committee from seven to nine to allow this.

    No Committee member receives any expenses or other payment.

    I am not sure what "internal issue" could be. Surely Committee's interest are expectly the same as co-owners. However, a would not like co-owners to attend if staff issue were being discussed. Also our Committee has had private meetings (without any management company involvment) when we wish to discuss the performance of the management company.

    Many thanks for your reply. I also am not understanding what internal issues cannot be known by the other co-owners.

    May I ask some more questions?

    1. At your Management Committee Meetings does your manager submit financial statements for your review?

    2. Before the AGM, does the Management Committee (MC) send a copy of the audited accounts to the co-owners?

    3. Is the Auditor present at the AGM to answer co-owners' questions?

    4. At what point at the AGM is the new MC elected (if it is a year for new elections)?

    5. Are "Common Expense" and "Sinking Fund" kept separate with separate bookkeeping and auditing?

    6. Is the MC duty bound to continue the AGM so long as co-owners have questions or can the Chairman say "That's enough" and get up and walk away?

    7. If it is wrong that Chairman decides AGM has gone on long enough what can co-owners do?

    8. How many units at ThaiBali?

    9. What Management Company do you employ? How long have you had present Mngmnt Co?

    Many thanks and regards.

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