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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. You've got to be joking. You'd go to Sattahip to save a few hundred baht on blood tests.

    As you may know, a lot of blood tests require a fasting state (12 hours for some) with no fluids. You expect people to hop on a bus or take a taxi to Satahip in that state? It's amazing that some people go to almost embarrassing measures to save a few baht.

    240 baht at Buakhao Clinic is ok. I'd rather go there than Sattahip even if the tests there were free.

    In case you didn't notice, I started this thread to find out about places to go in PATTAYA.

    This for one blood test such as CBC? 240 baht Ok for me too. PBH for same test: 1 gloves 8 baht, BandAid 2.50 baht, 2 pieces cotton wool ball 5 baht, 1 alcohol wipe 3 baht, CBC 200 baht, nursing 6.50 baht, use of OPD 200 baht. Total 425 baht.

    Bumrungrad would have been 345 baht.

  2. If you like foot reflexology, Edward's Refleology on the road that all the cars turn right before Walking Street is the best in South East Asia. In the US, it is about $100. dollars per hour for the exact same thing! :o

    Beware of being prodded by those wooden sticks they use for foot refexology. I had pain and difficulty walking for months after the stick slipped. (Not at Edward's) Now I do my own feet.

  3. Re philipino teachers i would consider them far better than Thais, My wifes thai neice is 12 years old and we always thought she was quite able, However we just discoverd that she doesnt know the difference between multiply and times.

    apparantly this isnt that uncommon when taught in thai schools :D

    Huh? I know your point really is that Thai schools aren't very good, but what is the difference between multiply and times? :o

    There is no difference between multiply and times.

  4. I like A.N.G. Healing Touch on 2nd Road, opposite Caesar Palace Hotel. Speak with Manit Chularatnaphol the Chief Therapist and tell him what kind of massage you would like. There's no hanky-panky at this massage shop. Tel: 038 420 357

  5. Jomthien Condotel has put an English translation of the Condo Act on its website www.jomthiencondotel.com

    JC are putting together a very good website and I heard that it is not costing a lot of money to do and keep maintained.

    Have a look at it. Some pages are still under construction but when it is finished will give a whole lot of info.

    Wouldn't it be nice if all condos were as transparent as Jomthien Condo??!! For example anyone can walk into JC lobby and read the latest financial status. Condo I am in nobody but the committee and the office staff are allowed to know where the money is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Best pal in the industry points his fingers at mayo every time. Hot climate, mayo left out, whamo.

    I totally concur with that. The mayonaisey stuff should also be avoided cause it's simply not healthy, and in my mind, doesn't even taste good.

    And cross-contamination, by infected people handling ladels, then rubbing their eyes, nose, scratching, open sores, crotch, etc., then touching another ladel... It would be best to bring some disposible thin plastic gloves to a buffet/salad bar situation.


    A joke? Well, what's funnier:

    1. plastic gloves at a buffet/salad bar


    2. a week and 40,000 baht in the hospital, the worst 30 minutes of your life, "Spin art", cramps, fever, etc?

    Be sure to read the current headline article on TV's home page about FOOD POISIONING here...

    Oh, and remember to wash your hands frequently... and when exiting a restroom door, DON'T touch that filthy doorknob with your just cleaned hands... grab a towel, toilet paper, or even your sleeve or shirt, and use THAT to open the door... or you can do what I do, which is wait for someone else to come in or out, and "piggy back" out the bathroom door with them... DON'T TOUCH THAT DOOR KNOB!

    Who is to wear the plastic gloves?

    I have friends who eat from Sizzlers salad bar all the time and have no problems. I never eat from salad bars. The only buffet I eat is at White Knight.

    Actually the most contaminated place anywhere is the sink in (or outside) the toilet.

  7. Following is a reply I got from "Sattahip" on 2006-09-03. Folks commented at the time that it should have been pinned.

    Start quote "I am sorry to be brutally frank but most of the replies above are of no real value.

    You can establish the quality of condo management ;

    1. Ask to see the most recent audited accounts of the condominium juristic person. That is the association in Thai law which owns the structure. These accounts should be audited, though with accounting standards such as they are in Thailand, this is no absolute guarantee of accuracy. In any building catering well to expatriate owners there will be an English language copy. Use your common sense to review income and outgo, accumulated net worth, presence of reserve funds etc. Ask to see a list detailing maintenance arrears. Be careful if the developer is the major creditor or arrears are substantial/chronic.

    2. Ask for a copy of the minutes of the most recent Annual General Meeting. As with the accounts, any well managed building will have these in English translation. Review this to see if key issues like financial viability, management quality, maintenance planning and the like are discussed. See also how election of board is conducted, if it is!. Many condominiums here are autocratically run by the developers as a cash cow with no real ownership input/control.

    3. Ask for a copy of the insurance policy covering the building. This will likely be in Thai but check with your lawyer what is covered,who is the beneficiary, for how much and with whom. Often insurance is completely inadequate, covers only fire and is with a company even for major buildings no-one has ever heard of. Strangely such companies often pay brokerage of some substance to the "manager" which should not be done for obvious reasons re independent assessment. Thailand has many reputable brokers in Bangkok who can arrange the right policy with the financially capable insurers plus advise on coverage amount which will increase over time to cover replacement costs. Check there is 3rd party insurance also though this will be rare. Good insurance companies will also offer staff fire training.

    4 See a utility bill for a condo and check the unit costs of electricity and water against those an independent householder would pay. These items should not be a "profit centre" for management.

    5. Ask for a copy of the association,s land deed which of course should be in its name (e.g. "name of condo" Juristic Association). In many cases the association will own only the footprint of the building and you can have a fun park or shophouses next year on what you thought were your clubhouse grounds or gardens. This is common. One building mentioned above as an exemplar has allocated only 2.5 rai(about an acre) for its new 33 storey twin tower. Now tell me that makes sense!

    6. Walk down the fire stairs as you leave. A sign of good management is that these will be completely clear, properly emergency lit etc. Check the maintenance plate in the elevators. Is the manufacturer the maintaining coy? Shoddy lift maintenance is a time bomb. Again commonsense viewing will give you an idea of overall tidiness and housekeeping quality.

    All this is a bit long but based on experience. I am the Treasurer of my condominium which is, I believe, capably run by the owners. We employ our own manager and security and cleaning staff and have had most of them with us since opening 12 years ago.

    We are about, with a consulting engineers assistance, to commence a full refurbishment programme which will run to millions of baht. We can face this because our owners take a real interest in the building (75%+ attended the last two AGMs) and are willing to fund transparent running and extraordinary expenses.

    So any questions or brickbats- I'm ready." End quote.

    I myself bitch all the time at the condo I am in about safety (lighting in emergency stairs); health (garbage chute and garbage room); security (guards are never around - always 'at toilet' or 'walking around', or are found sleeping, or entertaining friends; co-owners are not allowed to see accounts - all the office staff can but not the co-owners; lack of audited accounts; Condo law and/or Regulations not adhered to; meetings not held. And most of the Committee Members are farangs!!!! Go figure.

  8. Word has just come to me that the vacant plot of land on the absolute beachfront between the Regatta and Dongtan beach has been sold for a very significant amount. This means that whoever develops it will, most likely, put up the largest possible structure. At the very least, a 14 meter building on that site would block the views of the first four or five stories of whatever building was built directly behind it.

    Perhaps Indochine Assets would like to join the co-owners of Jomtien Condotel in seeking an injunction against any 23 meter building built within 200 meters from the sea.

    But, hey, as you said, a sea-view is not a god given right! Don't cry over spilt milk, Mark.

    25 million was what I heard was being asked. And another 25 million for the house beside the vacant land.

  9. Have had food poisoning a couple of times and overnighted in hospital - expensive at 25,000 baht a go! Many years ago ate cream things at that tower place - revolving restaurant if I remember right. Then last year couldn't resist one of those trifle things with cream at Starbucks. Best to stay clear of all cream and mayo. And, for me, chillis - had non-stop diarrhoea until my driver told me to desist.

  10. Also try Liberty Computers in New Plaza next to the Issuzi Dealership on second road. They are english and you can be sure of ongoing support, one thing to be wary of wherever you decide to buy is make sure the software is a genuine original and not a Thai copy which is common in some shopping centers.

    steve (the owner uses non original) friend bought a desktop from his shop. cd drive not tested had the fans hooked up backwards Older amd sounded like a 747 not internet ready (forgot the modem card & a couple more issues.

    Tukcom city .

    As I understand it, desktops are a problem because they are built from all sorts. I bought my last laptop at Pantip Plaza. Went with a list of all the things I wanted and bought at Hardware House. Wouldn't dream of buying a desktop from any of the guys around here again

  11. I agree it will be splendid when Regatta is completed as planned, the surrounding area cleaned and litter taken away, something we fully intend on doing. At least KOTO does something about the enviroment, what do you do? You choose to live in surroundings which quote 'sound so idyllic when in reality it is anything but' unquote. Maybe if 'residents' all along the Pattaya & Jomtien coastline took a bit more pride in their surroundings things wouldn't look as bad as you portray. The lower pool area at JC & V is a disgrace, don't they have a committee to take care of such eyesores? Hardly what one would call a pleasant 'view'

    To answer step by step:

    I am so pleased that you "fully intend" to clean up the surrounding area. How big an area are you talking about?

    You are quite right that it would be great if more/all residents would get out early mornings and clean up the mess. But why don't the local authorities do it? I have written before on the cleanliness of other beach areas to the north of us - everything spick and span, organised, and not a plastic bag in sight, and am sure the local residents don't have to do the cleaning.

    I came to live here when I had the whole of Dongtan Beach to myself. Heaven on Earth! I have given serious thought to moving but can't just up and go anymore.

    You are talking nonsense about lower pool at Jomthien Condotel but am sure the Committee Member in charge would be pleased to hear your thoughts on how to further improve the area.

  12. I wrote this to the Forum a few months ago:

    Yesterday, looked at the Eastern Seaboard General Map (not to scale) provided by the Pattaya International Ladies’ Club (PILC) and The Queen Sirikit Royal Thai Navy Hospital is clearly marked.

    Directions: Assume that highway #3 runs north-south between Chonburi and Sattahip. At Sattahip it makes a 90 degree turn to the left to go east to Rayong. Also assume that main road 331 runs north-south parallel to highway # 3 but inland by about 15 kilometers. Going from Pattaya to the south on highway #3 you will go approx 30 km and then come to the junction of main road 332 on the inland or eastern side of highway #3. Make this turn to the left onto main road 332. Continue east on 332 until you come to the junction with 331 where you make a right turn so that you are now going south on 331. Continue on 331 to the south until 331 crosses highway #3 to the east of Sattahip. At this 4 way signalized crossing the SE quarter is bounded by the perimeter of Queen Sirikit Royal Thai Navy Hospital. The SE corner is landscaped and there is a beautiful full length portrait of the Queen. There are entrance gates to the hospital off both highway #3 and 331. This is a signalized junction and it is safer to go straight across highway #3 and make the turn into the hospital off 331.

    The above is the way Thai drivers have always taken me when going to Utapao airport. Why I don’t know. Maybe it’s quicker, maybe it’s safer.

    If I were driving myself to the hospital I would stay on highway # 3 until I came to the junction with main road 331 where I would make a right and the hospital entrance is on the left.

    Today, went to see the hospital but forgot to take the maps. The driver took the “long winded” route and knew exactly where to go. Journey took 40 minutes.

    We drove in the main entrance to the hospital passing ponds on each side. Car park area is very large. There are 3 obvious doors to the hospital: The one on the left is Administration, the centre one is to the wards, and the one on the right is Outpatients.

    Admin and Outpatients are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. The doors were locked.

    Emergency is further to the right than Outpatients and is set back from the main façade. Outside there were many wheelchairs and stretchers and an ambulance. We went in and found ourselves in a large room fitted out with seating, and I think I saw an ATM. The triage desk is almost immediately inside the room on the right and also on the right is the door into the Emergency Room (ER) for ambulatory patients; straight ahead is Pharmacy; cashiers are on the left.

    I went into the ER and a nurse very quickly came to ask how she could help me. I explained my mission was to see the hospital and find out a few things as I live in Pattaya and had heard that Queen Sirikit Hospital is very good. I was asked to take a seat inside the ER and the head nurse would come to see me. The head nurse was a very pleasant gentleman speaking excellent English.

    I found out that the hospital will send an ambulance to Pattaya and can be summoned by phoning 038 245 929. I asked if the person answering the hospital phone would speak English and he said there’s always someone around who can.

    The sign above ER door gives phone # 038 245 777 and this # is also on ambulance(s).

    Maybe 038 245 929 is best # to phone?

    We then went to find the wards. All the signs are in Thai but a few have English subtitles. The first ward we came to was orthopedics on the ground floor. There is no Reception so I went to the cashiers and explained my mission and was taken to the nurses’ station and again was helped by a nurse speaking excellent English.

    I was taken to see an ordinary private room fitted with a wind up bed, not an electrically controlled one. There was a small TV, a fridge, a fold down plastic covered sofa, an en-suite bathroom, and a balcony with a laundry tub on one wall and a frame to dry clothes on. Everything looked a bit battered. The price per night is 1,200 baht. Food is extra. Thai food is 150 baht and European 300 baht per day.

    The nurse explained that if the patient does not have friend or family to stay with him 24/24 then patient cannot have a private room; he will be admitted to an open ward. I agree wholeheartedly. I have always said private rooms are dangerous places to be when sick and alone.

    Nurse said that there are VIP private rooms on the top floor that are same layout as the ordinary private but look better. I did not go to see as I didn’t want to push my welcome. VIP room is 1,500 baht.

  13. I noticed that Sheryl is looking at this topic so look forward to hearing from her on this. Have read some of her stuff and she is obviously better looking than I am, is younger, and knows a lot more.


    You girls... why all the comparisons?

    I reckon both of you are angels. :D

    Thank you, Jai Dee.

    Reading Sheryl's stuff I learned about a 3 day mascara made by Revlon and Cover Girl lipstick that stays on all night! Must get some.

    Mr. Harkness I hope all went well today and everything is fixable. Colonoscopies are yuck - hopefully you were well sedated.

  14. Stop this now. It has ceased to be fun or even topical. None of the pro or nor anti VT7 or Regatta persons here posting has any idea has to what will happen. You obviously have far too much time on your hands. Surely you can put your lives to better use?

    Sorry I do not mean to offend I just think it needed saying.

    Well said, they'd be better off helping KOTO with his crusade of helping clean the beaches up!

    For those of you who don't know, Mark Bowling is Sales Manager for Indochine Asset Management Ltd., the developer of The Regatta. Not that this doesn't give him every right to post on this board. It's just that many of us who read opinions here value transparency and good faith. I, for one, quite admire KOTO's crusade to clean the beaches up. I should think he would also. As a co-owner at Jomtien Condotel, I value the quality of the environment.

    I fully agree and admire KOTO's endeavours of keeping the beaches clean. We also value the quality of the enviroment and endeavour to improve the beauty of Dongtan Beach, by means of progress and modernisation of the surrounding area.

    Mark, it will be great when Indochine builds a super-duper 14 meter high Regatta condo and cleans up the environment, especially the walking street, the drains, the filthy dustbins, the pee from under every palm tree, the thousands of plastic bags, the garbage around the toilets and around the seadoo operators. Indochine ads make the area sound so idyllic when in reality it is anything but.

  15. Thanks everybody for the very very good advice, Tammi thanks for the offer and yes I am doing all this alone (not easy as I get the impression some of the staff in that hospital are not too happy about falang being there) went to the hospital first thing this morning, got some fluids and some more tests, my prostate is fine.

    I didn't want to spill all this out here but here is a summary

    My colon is blocked near the rectum

    I am in constant pain

    I am unable to absorb water because my colon has shut down operations

    I have not eaten any food now for about 8 days ....... too painfull

    I am going for a colonoscopy tomorrow to find out what the blockage is

    When I drink water it just goes straight through and out the back (with a bit of effort - yes even water is difficult to get through) so

    the water is not being absorbed into the body through my colon as it should, my kidneys are having a break

    I had a long chat with a good english speaking doctor today and I took the opportunity to ask some

    good questions about the hospital success rate for operations etc, he said he would have no hesitation himself using the place, they have a very high success rate for problems like mine as they are very common, nothing specialist

    so if I need surgery I will have it done there I think.

    Thanks everybody for the help and advice, I'm quite well tuned into things usually but sometimes you can do too much thinking, my head is up my ass at the moment (pardon the pun), I.ve had a splitting headache for 3 days also on top of all the rest

    Thanks peeps and sorry for sharing.

    Sharing is what human relationships are all about especially when ones head is up one's ass - unfortunately it's at those times we sometimes don't share - animal instinct and all that.

    Sorry to hear that some of the staff perhaps are not too happy having a farang patient. Suggest you imagine a covering of love around them - believe me, it works! Put it around yourself as well.

    I noticed that Sheryl is looking at this topic so look forward to hearing from her on this. Have read some of her stuff and she is obviously better looking than I am, is younger, and knows a lot more.

    Please keep us informed. Will be thinking of you. Where are you now? At home? In hospital?

  16. I know I'm going to get a lecture for this but money is a limiting factor right now.

    the immediate problem I have rght now is I am dehydrated, I have been taking loads and loads of water with electrolite suppliments in it all day - probably about 4 ltrs worth and it ain't going anywhere, I still have not been for a pee or anything else for that matter, dehydration has been one of my issues last few days so I started drinking electrolite suppliment water to try and rehydrate

    my urine system has basically ground to a halt.

    Mr. Harkness, please go see a doctor immediatly. You wrote on about 9 June that doctor at Queen Sirikit Hospital diagnosed a prostate gland infection.

    I think you are not dehydrated. You are not passing urine. Is the bottom of your abdomen - where the bladder is - soft or hard? The 4 L you are taking in is not being passed - it must be stuck in your bladder because of the prostate problem and you need to see a doctor to have him evaluate the situation. If you don't pass urine from the bladder it will back up to the kidneys and the situation will get worse - bladder infection, kidney infection, ----------.

    Go back to your doctor at Queen Sirikit. Go to Banglamung if money is so tight. You have to go somewhere!

    Do you have someone to go with you and help you through this? PM me if you have no one and I will come.

  17. Can we get back on topic please.

    The question is: Are Thai students being fed information that sort of tell them that Thai (Women) are inferior to ( Thai Men and) others, am I right?

    I tried a page or so back to get them back on topic:

    From the Bangkok Post's Outlook section on Thursday 7 June 2007 this was said to Thich Nhat Hanh the Vietnamese Zen Master:

    "In Thailand, we have a belief that says that women are spiritually inferior to men, that perhaps we have done something wrong in our past lives. Do you have any advice?"

    Thich Nhat Hanh replied:

    "Suppose you live in a society where there is no gender equality, if you get angry you cannot help this. If you are not angry, you may live, teach, in such a way as to help people abandon that kind of discrimination. You have to understand that people have beliefs like that because they have been taught like that. If you get angry, if you suffer, you cannot help. If you have compassion in your heart, you have a chance to change their beliefs."

  18. From the Bangkok Post's Outlook section on Thursday 7 June 2007 this was said to Thich Nhat Hanh the Vietnamese Zen Master:

    "In Thailand, we have a belief that says that women are spiritually inferior to men, that perhaps we have done something wrong in our past lives. Do you have any advice?"

    Thich Nhat Hanh replied:

    "Suppose you live in a society where there is no gender equality, if you get angry you cannot help this. If you are not angry, you may live, teach, in such a way as to help people abandon that kind of discrimination. You have to understand that people have beliefs like that because they have been taught like that. If you get angry, if you suffer, you cannot help. If you have compassion in your heart, you have a chance to change their beliefs."

  19. I need to have my gallbladder removed according to my doctor in the US after viewing my ultrasound.

    He suggested the laparoscopic method was the way to go. Has anyone had this procedure done, what was your recovery time? What did it cost?

    What are your opinions on hospitals in the Pattay-Rayong area?

    I have seen a lot of bad opinions about the BKK Hospital - Pattaya. Does anyone suggest I go there???

    How about Queen Sirijit Hospital near Sattahip?

    Thanks for your opinions!


    I had this done at Bumrungrad Hospital back in 2001. Because I'm diabetic, they kept me in the hospital for an extra two nights. I went to the hospital late one evening because of what I thought were severe gas pains. They kept me overnight and operated first thing the next morning. The gall stone they showed me after was as large as the end of your thumb!

    With three nights in a large, private room (3,000 a night, as I recall) the total bill -- hospital, operating room, surgeon, nursing care, meals -- was just under 130,000 baht. Don't know how much fees have been increased in the last 6 years, though.I was quite satisfied with the whole process, including the cost. However, if I were to do it all over now, I think I would choose BNH hospital. I like the doctors there, the atmosphere is not so rushed, and the cost is less than Bumrungrad but care and competence is equal to Bumrungrad.

    Costs have increased a lot. I disagree that BNH is less costly than Bumrungrad.

    But phone both Bumrungrad and BNH and ask what a straightforward removal of gall bladder costs and cost of rooms.

    Food is much much better at BNH.

    Also at BNH another good thing is that you can ask for Dr. Irene to watch over you!

    Dr Chanvit at Bumrungrad is the surgeon I have used. He specialises in laparoscopic surgery. Educated at Leeds University and Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons, U.K.

    Good luck!

  20. Been thinking of you all day - glad to hear things not so bad. I, too, know Dr. Viroj Chodchoy at Bumrungrad - as Mobi says a good man. Fellowship in General Urology from the UK. Go to him if you don't like the consultant on Tuesday.

    Good luck.

  21. As a health and body conscious individual, I kind of admire obese people who can walk around oblivious, or unconcerned about their condition.

    Strange, so strange to admire the afflicted :o

    I too admire people who are not beautiful (by today's standards) but are comfortable with themselves. And I admire the afflicted who have the inner strength to cope. And I admire the people who admire and give support to the not beautiful and the afflicted.

    Try admiring - you'll meet a lot of nice genuine folks.

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