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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. There is no need to carry around more than 10,000 baht; that would be enough for most residents of Pattaya. These muggings often take place on newly arrived naive tourists, sporting idiotic grins, whilst walking down Beach Road, drunk with their wallets in their back pocket: Rich pickings for Khatoey thieves.

    I am sure some claims of loss are exaggerated; but many tourists do indeed carry large amounts of cash, there are several stories of honest taxi drivers handing back big lumps of cash to all nationalities.

    Pattaya has changed now; I still have friends back in the U.K. who talk about Pattaya experiences just 10-15 years ago, where such crime was very rare indeed, almost a place where you could leave your cash in your hotel room and your wallet on the bar.

    I, too, remember those peaceful days. If I were 10 years younger I would probably search for somewhere else to live.

  2. Great work PP :o We discussed this at last pissup as an outlet for Mrs Heli who, presently, is sitting at home :D out of her head and slowly going stir :Dthis would be as good for her as well as the children.

    Absolutely! I do hope she goes. There's nothing more lovely than being with small children. They soak up your love and are totally uncritical.

  3. I've had to use Pattaya Bangkok Hospital ambulance a couple of times from home to the hospital for worrying illnesses. It was OK. Driver pushed thro the traffic and lights very well. But took PBH ambulance from here to Bumrungrad and bed was sooooooo uncomfortable - hard with a hump in the middle.

  4. I have used 'Door to Door' several times usually after a day on the sauce; so I cannot be bothered cooking, or I can't face a Thai food take-away. I estimate that I have used about 50% of the listed restaurants. I have my favourites and I have to say; there are a few poor ones.

    It is a matter of trial and error. I remember once, I ordered a large steak and potatoes and mixed vegetables. It was delivered 30 minutes later, and the portions were so small for 900 baht I broke down and wept.

    Then another time I ordered a curry and rice for about 850 baht and it was absolutely pathetic. Terrible.

    There have been good experiences; so I write-up notes on the menu so I don't forget the good choices of restaurant.

    It is a very good service though, all told, so I give it a sincere thumbs up!

    I've used it once and it was OK. Now, I am nearly vegetarian and don't think there's any vegetarian on D2D.

    But B850 for curry and rice!!! How many were you feeding? Have recently discovered Indian by Nature. Are they on the D2D? Good meal for 2 & yummy - B450.

  5. This is the same as banning pedestrians from crossing a certain street because some drunk driver plowed into someone there.

    Not too sure about the logic here.

    I'm guessing the mayor has a friend who is somehow involved in the jet ski business.

    Wow i wonder why Mobi and Tammi didnt jump on this post and say how silly it would be to ban pedestrians, kinda the same as i said about banning cars

    I really don't want to get into a slanging match over this but your comments can't go unanswered.

    It is patently ridiculous to compare cars to jet skis.

    Cars a a necessary evil and essential to modern day life. Jet skis are an unneccesary evil, and are just there for the fun of the users.

    Sorry about that. It's been a long day. I would like to see jet skis banned from, at least, busy beaches. They are noisy and dangerous. From what I read donuts should be banned too. I remember how it was without jet skis, donuts, and banana boats, and speed boats. Idyllic. Would take my beach chair and G&T to the beach to watch the sunset to the tune of the sea gently lapping on the clean, white sand. Then to the Sugar Hut for supper. No car park, no motorbikes, no shops. Just a handful of tourists and the soft wind whispering in the palms. Then walk home with no thought of chain snatchers, bag snachers, knifers, bashers. No ladyboys, transvestites, kamoys, katoys. Leave the windows open and sleep tight.

  6. This is the same as banning pedestrians from crossing a certain street because some drunk driver plowed into someone there.

    Not too sure about the logic here.

    I'm guessing the mayor has a friend who is somehow involved in the jet ski business.

    Wow i wonder why Mobi and Tammi didnt jump on this post and say how silly it would be to ban pedestrians, kinda the same as i said about banning cars

    I really don't want to get into a slanging match over this but your comments can't go unanswered.

    It is patently ridiculous to compare cars to jet skis.

    Cars a a necessary evil and essential to modern day life. Jet skis are an unneccesary evil, and are just there for the fun of the users.

  7. Soi Beokeow is a dangerous place. Which is why I never go there. Way to many low lifes with no money all over the place.

    Were you also scared of the Military Coup?

    I was quite fed up, they never even sent us one tank to stand next to and have pictures

    taken :o

    Maybe the authorities will send us tanks and soldiers after reading all the recent beatings, etc. happening to tourists and residents. The low life of Pattaya need to be cleared out so that decent folks can live in peace and safety.

  8. I am still confused about the exact location. Does anyone have an online map link that shows it well?

    Go to Google, click 'more', click Google Earth and download it for free, find your way to Sattahip, follow the road to Utapao looking for a 4 way intrsection and a building that could be the Queen Sirikit Navy Hospital. Unfortunately they don't seem to have put a cross on the roof or have a helicopter pad which would have made it easier when looking from above. :o Then you can have fun roaming around the area and all the way back to your house!

  9. Probably what happened was that the hospital in the grounds of the Royal Thai Navy got too small when development came to the area so Queen Sirikit Navy Hospital was built and its 1st phase opened in 1996. 1000 beds and 30 operating rooms.

    BTW, the Pattaya Survival Guide does not list a hospital within the Thai Navy compound.

    Partner is saying we will go for a nice day out down the coast and have a look for hospitals. :o

  10. I've googled Royal Thai Naval Hospital and Queen Sirikit but haven't spent much time on it.

    All I found was some small info on "Sattahip Commercial Port, Royal Thai Navy". Says Hospital facilities are available

    It seems that ships' crews docking at the Port can avail themselves of hospital services.

    I, too, would like to know if it is open to the general public.

    The address is given.

    On Queen Sirikit there is an article on anaesthetics written by a Leiu. Com. and 2 captains.

    So it does seem that the Navy has a presence/interest in the Queen Sirikit Hospital.

    The Queen Sirikit Hospital has 1000 beds and 30 operating rooms.

    Partner said to look in the Pattaya Survival Guide. It says "Queen Sirikit Navy Hospital. Sukhumvit Hwy, Sattahip. 30 minutes from Pattaya.

    038 245 735 - 9

    So, maybe just 1 hospital???!!! Partner, ex-navy, says probably just First Aid Station inside the port.

    Maybe a forum member will suss it all out when taking the family out for a Sunday car run?

    By the way, 11 hospital are listed in the Pattaya Survival Guide. I bought my PSG at Bookazine for 250 Baht.

  11. I've googled Royal Thai Naval Hospital and Queen Sirikit but haven't spent much time on it.

    All I found was some small info on "Sattahip Commercial Port, Royal Thai Navy". Says Hospital facilities are available

    It seems that ships' crews docking at the Port can avail themselves of hospital services.

    I, too, would like to know if it is open to the general public.

    The address is given.

    On Queen Sirikit there is an article on anaesthetics written by a Leiu. Com. and 2 captains.

    So it does seem that the Navy has a presence/interest in the Queen Sirikit Hospital.

    The Queen Sirikit Hospital has 1000 beds and 30 operating rooms.

  12. Hopefully the authorites will ban jetskis from Pattaya, Dongtan and the busier section of Jomthien beaches.

    Yes swim zones and boating zones should exist, i agree here.

    They are noisy and very dangerous.

    Jetskis even tho i dont like them arent dangerous, lets see how many hundred people killed on the roads during songkran so lets ban cars, they are noisy cause pollution and in the wrong hands like jet skis when people are drunk or have no skill cause accidents. Dont blame the jetski.

    I really don't want to get into a slanging match over this but your comments can't go unanswered.

    It is patently ridiculous to compare cars to jet skis.

    Cars a a necessary evil and essential to modern day life. Jet skis are an unneccesary evil, and are just there for the fun of the users.

    Even in Thailand there are rules and regulations governing the way people drive cars, and one of the most basic is you drive on the left hand side of the road so that you don't collide with other road users. Another, maybe not so fundamental rule is that you don't drink and drive.

    To my knowledge there are no rules whatsover governing the driving of jet skis in the sea. Anyone can drive in any direction they feel like, at any speed, regardless of other drivers, bathers, or boats in their vicinity. I am also not aware of any rules regarding the consumption of alcohol.

    If you look at the Thailand Press clippings thread, you will see that a 15 year old Danish boy is unable to leave Thailand as he caused the death of a Chinese boy when riding his rented jet ski. In the same thread I learn that even Sydney Harbour has banned all such vehicles from its waters, and that was after trying to reduce the accidents by licencing the drivers and having rules as to their use. It didn't work - too many deaths. So If Sydney can ban jet skis and the world didn't fall in, I don't see why Pattaya ccan't.

    Of course you can ban jet skis, and it would remove a huge danger and a dreadful noise pollution from pattaya's beaches. Not too many people would suffer - just a few dozen Jet ski owners.

    You cannot ban cars from the roads, for obvious reasons, much as some people would like to. :o

    Mobi, I think I could easily fall in love with you. You explain everything so sensibly!

  13. If you are thinking about VT, a would strongly recommenation that the walk around VT1 to give an indication of what your purchase is likely to look like in 10 years time. I used to live there as a renter. There is no way I would buy a unit there

    Very true, it's a slum...."Cell Block 8"

    I haven't been in that building for some years but don't like what I see from the outside. Now, at VT 5 (new on Dongtan Beach) there are Kitchens and washing lines on balconies. I know some of you strongly disagree with me about these things but there is no doubt that they make a place look slummy.

    It just needs a few slummy looking hi-rise buildings to bring down the look and values of an area. Perhaps we should all get together with Jomthien Complex folks and all go to City Hall?

  14. My heartfelt condolences to the family. A terrible tragedy.

    I was once electrocuted in the shower in another Asian country and will never again take a shower in that country. Luckily I was balanced so that when I lost consciousness I fell out of the shower.

    When I renovated this condo I asked a Canadian builder friend to check the electrics and so far have had no problems.

    An aquaintance died when she was renovating and apparently stepped on an electrical extension box while there was water on the floor.

    One has to be especially careful in water-electric situations.

  15. IMHO Ccoconut palms and sugar palms should not be grown in urban areas. We have old sugar palms here at the condo and every year we have to get in heavy machinery to take down the nuts. We used to have a nice old man with a monkey to do the job but apparently that's no longer allowed.

    But the falangs don't want the palms removed because "they look so nice against the sunset."

    Can somebody tell me why when sugar palms do get cut, the cutters always leave 12 - 18 feet of stump that turns black?

  16. No pictures? I sooo enjoy the pictures to see the latest fashion in frocks. But maybe I'm mixed up - maybe its not ladyboys who wear frocks. Friends have tried to educate me what the difference is between ladyboys and katoeys and transexuals but I haven't grasped it yet.

  17. My partner's specs are like yours. Prescription was done at Bumrungrad Hospital and specs were made at Siam Eye Clinic, 420/5-6 Siam Square in Bangkok. Tel: 02 251 9576 and 02 252 9474.

    Nose piece on frames broke recently and repair was done at Siam Eye Clinic. Nobody in Pattaya could do it.

    The card we have for Siam Eye Clinic is for Tuenjai Wongvorazathe, M.D., Eye Physician and Surgeon. Am sure Siam Eye Clinic can do the prescription as well as lenses and frames.

  18. I wonder why every natural cause death of a farang expat in Pattaya is considered news. Pattaya hosts alot of older farangs. Do you think in Southern Florida (a popular US retirement spot), everytime an older person dies of natural causes that it makes the papers, except the obits?

    Now, I am not really commenting about the posting here. Perhaps some readers know the deceased and appreciate the information. But I am commenting on the Pattaya "press" which appears to be mostly focussed on every crime and every death, natural causes or not. Spectacular murders, yes, of course, those are news.

    May Mr. Francis RIP.

    It is totally wrong of the press to follow the police to the scene of a natural cause death. I was with a friend when he died at home of natural cause and was shocked when the press turned up. Luckily, there were enough friends there to see the situation and to tell them to b***** off.

    If anyone from the Pattaya Mail or Pattaya Today is reading this, please don't come creeping around. Better to do something useful like reporting on stray dog situation or lack of proper taxis.

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