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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. That's horrible. I might not spend my holiday in Pattaya this year, just on the off chance that; I get horribly drunk, my drink is spiked, I get hit over the head whilst walking around, lose my glasses and contact lenses, plus much much more, and end of in the situation of "finding out that it isn't a lady" uuuuuuuuurgggh.

    Seriously though, do you think that this is the real identity of the Donz? (not the guy from Finland) :o

    I told you - go to the temple with your wife. But if you must come here, don't go to Soi 6 and get legless and not be able to see an Adam's Apple.

  2. A friend was quoted B200,000 for an op at BPH. She went to Bumrungrad for second opinion and they have quoted B110,000 but doctor there says no need for op at this time, try medications first which are usually successful.

    Moral of the story: If possible always get another opinion.

    B90,000 - that's a big chunk of money.

  3. In the past I've always done what was previously mentioned with the bathroom attendants at clubs. But I also have been wanting to go to a real chiropractor.

    Does anybody know what the going rate for an adjustment is in Thailand?

    I have hunted all over Bangkok for a chiropractor without success. So there's just David Pack or perhaps Thais trained by Ron Watkins who was very good. I saw David Pack last in 2003 and he charged B1,000 for first visit and B600 for sunsequent visits.

    At the moment I am using a gentleman Thai masseur who is very well qualified. I pay him B500 per massage and he really does help my problem. Tonight I can lift my arm without too much discomfort. I should see him more often.

    If you would like to see him PM me for his telephone #

    I have used the physio at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. Very nice lying on hot towels. My then problem was not helped but not made worse. Insurance paid for it.

  4. Can somebody tell me at what age a Thai person is eligible for a Thai Identity Card? I am being told all different ages from 15 to 18 years.

    Why do I want to know? Because workmen working in this condo for renovation companies are supposed to wear a worker's card showing that they have been seen by security or reception and that condo is holding ID card until they leave the building. I often meet them in the elevators not wearing a card so I take them to reception. Receptionist says one age , deputy manager says another age - too young to have ID. One young man questioned about his age said he was 15.

  5. I just went to family mart and a pair of curtains had been erected and drawn over the cigarette display? What is going on?

    I dunno. I have often seen cigarette displays covered with paper but didn't engage my brain because I don't smoke. Curtains will certainly look better and be easier than taping up paper.

  6. The Raintree Garden Centre which used to be on Sukhumvit almost opposite Pattaya Klang has gone! The guy from there used to come once every couple of months to tidy up my garden.

    Does anyone know if its just closed down, or moved somewhere else?



    Sorry to hear they have gone - I used them quite a bit. A few weeks ago there was forum talk about gardeners and one mentioned very highly was a Muslim man and his staff who would come to house to do gardening. Maybe someone will let us know again or you could do a search on the forum.

  7. Hello Pattaya folk,

    I've lived in Bangkok for the past 4 years and never been to Pattaya. The Missus is going to the temple for 10 days and that gives me a few days break - from the 29th, so I've decided to give it a go.

    I'm planning to get the bus down (I live next to the bus station in Ekami) and would like to avoid people like me 15 years ago (drunken, foolish English types), but I'd like to have a nice relaxing time with a few quality beers.

    Any suggestions?

    Many thanks, Jas

    I wait with bated breath for the replies. I advise you should go to the temple with your wife.

  8. Do obese women in G-string bikinis count? In the interest of not getting banned and shunned by my peers and receiving an angry PM from Jai Dee and visited by the BIB, no photos available at this time. :o

    I think your avatar counts.

  9. I remember seeing a safety video a few years back entitled "hospitals do burn" where one of the patients after being castigated by a nurse for smoking (and then later seeing her coming down the corridor) tossed his fag end down a laundry chute.

    The resulting fire engulfed the building.

    OK, laundry chute or garbage chute it wouldn't make a lot of difference.

    That's scary. Maybe Tammi could persuade the Co-owners Representative Committee to abandon the use of this chute on this story alone.

    I have tried to persuade them. Have told them that even China now does not allow garbage chutes because of fire and health dangers. I have given them articles found on the internet.

    They responded by having a container made to fit at the bottom of the chute. Now the garbage does not go direct into a bin. The garbage in the container has to be raked out onto the floor and the maid (no overall, no wellies, no strong gloves) has to then put it in bins after she has extracted what she wants to sell.

    But I will compile all your thoughts and make another presentation.

    Please keep your ideas coming. The more condos I know of that have sensible garbage disposal the more strength I will have to sort this out.

  10. Laurels:

    Hair cut by Kid in Soi VC. B200.

    Buffet dinner at White Knight, Soi VC. B220. It's worth it just for desserts.

    Dinner at India by Nature on Tappraya Road. Definitely will go back. B418

    Xmas greetings from so many old friends all round the world and here.

    TV Pattaya folks answering my query re garbage disposal at condos.

    Call from eldest sis-in-law that she's got Skype.

    Smile at Thais and they smile right back.

    Bread from Continental Cafe.

    Maid willing to cook when I didn't feel like it.

    Finding my warm jacket bought in the last big freeze in 2000 (?).

    So far, none of my tiles have 'popped' during this cold weather.


    Not managing to do Bangkok Post Sudoku a couple of times.

    Clean forgetting my neighbour's name! Still can't remember.

    Bad housekeeping at condo common areas.

    Washing dangling from balconies!!

  11. My mate lives at Nirun Condos on Soi Arunotai. The uncovered bins greets all visitors right there at the main entrance. While I'm sure it's convenient for the residents dropping their garbage on the way out, it's an eyesore and a nosesore too!

    That's awful! Can't he (and others) complain to manager? Mind you, Thai managers don't like to get complaints, far less act on them. Condos forget what the structure is: Co-owners, then Management Committee, then manager, then head maid, head gardener and so on. But they need reminding that co-owners are top of the tree.

    Artisan, thank you also, for your reply.

  12. At this older condo we lift small flap metal doors which are supposed to latch shut after we have put tied bag of garbage in chute. Most flap doors do not latch shut anymore. Garbage chute has never been cleaned. Can it be cleaned? One would think that there is a fire danger due to build up of fat on walls of chute? Garbage goes into container at bottom of chute and then has to be raked out and transferred to bins. Garbage collection is maybe 2 times per week and the stench when it is being done is bad. Is there a danger to health? Would really appreciate to know what other condos do.

  13. Where are you from (OP that is)?

    Lots of Brits on this forum, so the advice is slanted that way.

    Problem with teenagers - DT is correct about drinking age, and this applies in disco's as well. And there are plenty of them openong up in Party City.

    Take plenty of tourist trips during the day - boats to Koh Larn, go to Nong Nooch, WaterWorld (or whatever it is called) south of Patters, maybe learn Scuba diving, so on.

    Evenings there are places like Bamboo at the corner of Walking Street and Pattaya Tai, places previously recommended, and if you want some time on the beach - go to Jomtien, rather than Pattaya Beach.And don't take Kurgen seriously - JSB sucks - literally :D:o

    At Dongtan Police Station turn right for Dongtan Beach, aka Gay Beach. Lose your eyeballs watching gay shenanigans.

    Never gone over to Jomthien Beach but hear there's a farang guy who cleans it every morning.

    My friend swims all the time at Dongtan Beach. Says I'm a ninny because I think the water is polluted. I don't think Coliform counts are done here.

  14. There was a Dr. Ron Watkins on Soi 23 on the Pattaya-Naklua Road who was very, very good but some years ago and last time I saw him he was showing his age. But I think he trained his Thai staff. 038 422 657 if it is still open. I, myself, don't get on with David Pack. You could also try Bangkok Pattaya Hospital Physiotherapy Dept. I was happy enough with them. Good luck.

  15. I checked the temperature outside this morning... 17 degrees C.

    No wonder all the Thais are rugged up in coats and jumpers.

    Do you reckon it's gong to get any colder?

    I hope it does get cooler....it's great!No one has mentioned the humidity. That's really the factor of consideration here. Outside this morning just before sunrise it was 18.9C at 40% humidity...on a hillside. That 40% makes it feel a lot colder.

    There will be a big difference between the inland temps and the seaside temps.

    Monty, thanks for posting that link.

    Not great. Here at the condo floor tiles are popping and breaking. Last time I saw that was 2000, I think.

    Pattayapunter, speak with richardb - he will maybe lend you his 2 handed friend to help with your shrinkage problem.

  16. In general hospitals here charge several times pharmacy prices so what's the big deal with this particular pharmacy? I've always been able to find whatever I needed from the pharmacy in Foodland in Pattaya Klang. Did I miss something?

    Fascino will order medicines that are not run of the mill such as injectable anti-coagulants. Hospital price B909. Fascino B490.

    Also, Pariet (for stomach acid) I can get for B704 from Fascino. Pharmacy around the corner will let me have for B730. Hospital B1,288.

  17. Suicides - Not sure about you guys but on recient trips to Pattaya but I find on occasions the place has a eary creepy feeling, so much Debauchery has an effect on the ora of the place, dont get me wrong I love it there. But on occasions when I have been there and felt a little un happy or been hitting the beer hard and feeling a little of colour it always seams much worse when I am in Pty,

    No suprise to me that these suicides are happening,

    However very sad for those that are feeling that suicide is the only answer.

    Rather than disrupting or closing businesses because people cant control themselves, why not consider starting a drop in centre or helpline for troubled Farangs

    All said - Merry Christmas

    How does one go about starting such a center? Who will man it? How much time would one give? How much time would these depressed people need? How 'clingy' would they turn out to be? How much guilt would volunteers feel if they couldn't help and guy suicides?

    This is a job for professionals.

    It is very sad that these people feel suicide is the only answer. I have heard that one reason suicides occur here because they run out of money and, presumably, relatives and friends 'back home' cannot/will not help.

    I know one case where the guy has been on drugs and booze for years. Periodically, at taxpayers expense he is admitted to dry out. Then he should go to rehab. He refuses rehab. All he really wants is for Mum and Dad (in their 70s) to take him back home where he can lie on sofa all day and be nasty and threaten suicide if he doesn't get drink and cigarettes. They won't do it, so he is in an apartment with no electricity or water.

    This, of course, is a worst case. Perhaps the guys who suicided here could have been helped with a little bit of TLC.

    But I, as a non-professional, would hesitate to get involved.

  18. Siam Paragon? That's the fairly new place opposite Siam Square? I went there after it opened and nearly froze. What is there to shop for that we can't get here in Pattaya? I remember that the display inside front door was all fishnet stockings and thongs (is that the right name for these knickers that show off your backside?). More appropriate to a Pattaya Walking Street shop. Xmas decorations were wings made out of white feathers. Looked like bits of dead birds. Have never been back. Please let me know what it's like this Xmas.

    My friends go Xmas shopping to Paragon on Sukhumvit and do grocery shopping at Villa. They take a minivan.

  19. I use Game R. O. Drinking Water. B40 for 18.9 liter bottles. Delivery man brings into kitchen. Says on the bottle that it is purified by filtration, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet light and ozoniation. Phone # is 038 226062 - 3. I had to pay B250 deposit for each bottle, refundable when I close the account

  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Cultural learnings for make benefit glorious nation of England .

    I am putting all this behind me. My view is set out so are the girls. Well fresh from my new learnings of the Thai phrase "Bai Teeow" and the fact that you pay for it or else I am on the town again.

    In any case I have a new Tillak. She is sooo different from all the other Thai girls I have met. Trully! As I looked up at her ( she is 6ft 1 ) I felt a tenderness I have not felt in years. Her name is Lola she was a show girl but at the moment she is working in an establishment called Jennys Star bar in walking street to pay her tuition through medical school. ( she seems quite up on medical procedures) . That we have so much i common was clear from the start. Spotting a crumpled paket of malboro lights in my top pocket Lola imediatelly informed me she is an avid smoker. ( a 20 a day girl ) So refreshing to find a girl who likes a good drag. Taking a seat I sipped my beer and Lola necked a breezer with her left hand whilst her right hand nonchelantly played with my nether regions. ( Shakiras the hips dont lie will always be our song ). Though I felt my libido rising due to her by now two handed ministrations I now know that such behaviour is mere playfullness the romantic little minx. I had to retire swiftly for a cold shower but we have an assignation at midnight. Moonlight a sea breeze romance is in the air. We are meeting beneath the forth palm tree on the right on beach road. If you are passing that way tonight I would appreciate youir gestures of support. A cry of ITS BEHINED YOU might be apprioriate.


    It'a a pantomime with a couple of Fairies!

    Who wants to read this kind of trash? Moderator should close down this rubbish

    And I still think they should all keep the "ministrations", 2 handed or otherwise to the privacy of their own homes, and not ruin the ambience of my good restaurant meals.

  21. I would say that the OP, richardb, is taking the pi55. If he's not, he is sooo green and I hope I never have to share space with him and his 6' teerak in a restaurant where the 6 footer is pawing him. How I hate that! Why can't they behave themselves in public places like the rest of us?!!

  22. Fake HIV+ stamps - alright the person telling me this was obviously a BG but she said she can pay less for just the stamp with no test.

    I know my HIV, Hep A,B and C tests were circa 2200THB for a visa recently - how much are they at a cheaper clinic?

    As for HIV+ girls NOT going with farangs that is just nonsense - many do.

    I know a guy whose wife is HIV+ - when others knew about this they told her where she could ever get work if she wanted it. A certain bar was mentioned as was the tactic of going to new bar's desperate for girls - it can take them time to get around to checking.

    Fortunately she does not need to work and she is well taken care of back in Europe.

    I also know another girl diagnosed with HIV last Christmas - she never left the bar. I was told about this from a GF whose cousin who was there when she was told her test results.

    I was asked about this as a few guys liked her and she wanted a husband to take care of her but needed to know which countries still gave visa's or even tested.

    Last time I saw her she was still in Pattaya - about to get married. I asked the GF if she had told the guy and was told "She now not HIV+" - a miracle.

    CHdiver - good idea about the Hep vaccine - esp the B as its rife in Thailand.

    This is news to me that one needs to have these tests to get a visa. Visa for where?

    This is a very good post and must give all you guys pause for thought, and abstinence from bar girls.

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