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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. He urged Thaksin to stop any movements that could create hostility in Thailand. He gave an analogy that if the head stops moving, the tail will too, and then peace can be restored.

    Best statement yet.

    This is what it all boils down to.

    Thaksin has every right to challenge the continuing involvement of the Privy Council and the Military in Thai politics.

    Technically, because of his conviction, he does not have that right!

  2. Is there such as thing as discrimination in thailand ?....what i mean is i dont think they understand that word,. however im surprised anyone that isnt a thai national/citizen can get a card/loan ,you wouldnt get a loan as a foreigner in the uk,.you have to be a uk citizen,.and unless youve taken citizenship in thailand you are here temporarily and i consider veiwed as a bad risk,.by the way this is how i think they veiw it, not me,. :D

    Correction, you will need to be a UK resident only.  I'm not a UK citizen yet have had loans and have CC from my UK bank.  Needed to increase the limit on my CC 2 years ago to pay for some hospital bills whilst in BKK, just a phone call to the UK and it was done.  Certainly no discrimination of any sort whilst I have been living in the UK.

    The OP as I understand is a Thai resident (well, getting citizenship is night on impossible anyway :) ), so being treated like that I would change my bank (I know not the easiest of undertakings either in LoS but if he's got all the paper work he should find somewhere a bit more unbiased surely.  :D )  Then again...

    I am not and never have been a resident or citizen of the UK.

    I have even never lived in the UK.

    But I do have a Natwest account.

    And I do have a creditcard with a credit limit of 6500 Pounds.

    Income from outside Thailand, well, let us say sufficient.

    On yearly extensions for marriage and taking care of 3 children.

    But no credit card.

    TMB even did not want to open an account, because I have no work permit and do not work.

    Up to them!

  3. The only thing that annoys me at Sawanaphumi is the Taxi touts and the taxi setup in general. The whole system of taxis at the airport needs urgent attention.

    PS. Don Mueng had a better Taxi service!

    From the yellow and red shirt incident, how can anyone even trust that police do anything right for the benefit of the public? They are the biggest gang in Thailand

    Wasn't there a UN report mentioning the police in Thailand?

  4. The only thing that annoys me at Sawanaphumi is the Taxi touts and the taxi setup in general. The whole system of taxis at the airport needs urgent attention.

    PS. Don Mueng had a better Taxi service!

    I am convinced that most of the former users of Don Mueang prefer that airport.

  5. So, this guy is a liar and Thai authorities don't lie?. Yeah right!

    What ''lie' and what 'Thai authorities' are you talking about? Skytrain 'guards' are not 'Thai authorities', and as far as I can tell from the OP, nobody has asked BTS to comment on this case, so what 'lie' are you referring to? The whole thing is totally uncorrobarated - just one guy back in the safety of Denmark telling a story and getting his name in the paper. Believe it if you want - but if you use the BTS regularly at Siam Square you'll realise how unlikely this is. For one thing, the platform guards are usually on their own, they don't go around in big gangs; secondly, BTS staff are, on the whole, pretty polite and professional. Thirdly, how do you know this guy wasn't being a drunken arsehol_e, got taken to the guard room, then made up this little story instead? Fourthly, since the guards are not police, the only authority they have is to remove him from the station. Fifthly, why didn't he go and report it as soon as he was out of the guardroom to, say, the station manager, the ticket office, a cop on the street, his embassy, oh come on, if this was real..what would you do?

    Like I said, I aint buying it. I can't remember what there is in the way of CCTV at Siam, but that's the only way I'd believe a tale like this.

    Let us just hope that you are right.

    Let us also hope, that if it happens again, it will be you, and not me.

    And please do not forget that what might not happen to you, could happen to someone else.

    The messenger of bad news is always at fault, and will be shot!

  6. Some farangs will never accept that their existence here doesn't amount to jack squat.

    They believe their precious money spent here buoys the fragile Thai economy, their deep-thinking brains are a valuable resource to be treasured by the dum Thai folk, their creativity and ingenuity are miles beyond anything a Thai is capable of...

    This is Thailand -- 66+ million Thais and a handful of self-important farangs. Get over yourselves.

    I agree.

    However, a lot of farang do indeed support, in one way or another, a lot of Thai people.

    If all retired farang living in Thailand spend their pension in Thailand, that might be a considerable sum.

    Of course, Thailand as a whole will not feel much difference, but it is the local population who indeed will feel the difference.

    The small people are always bad off.

    By the way, have you got any idea how much money from outside Thailand is spend in Thailand by "residing" farang?

    Or maybe, how many farang are living in Thailand on money from outside Thailand.

    I have heard so many numbers, all differing, so I am just guessing.

    But even if there only 100,000 pensioners spending 50,000 to 100,000 "imported" baht a month, that still is a sizeable sum of money spent locally.

    60,000,000,000 baht per year on a 50,000 baht basis; 120,000,000,000 on a 100,000 baht base.

    Or, per Thai, 882 baht or 1765 baht per year.

    But, I have heard sometime that the number of pensioners is more as 250,000, the spending per month is around 140,000 baht per month, including long term investments in houses, cars, condos, motorbikes, etc.

    If that is the case, we are talking about 6176 baht per Thai per year.

    I just wonder how much money really is imported into Thailand by long-stay farang.

    I do think the influence on the Thai economy is slightly greater as we all think.

    I informed with my local bank manager in Khon Kaen, how much money arrives in her books from abroad on accounts of farang.

    I am not allowed to give you the amount, but I assure you the amount is staggering!

    Even the bank manager was surprised, had no idea it was that much.

    And this is only a smallish branch.

  7. Blame the farang. Nothing changes.

    My family's happiness rating has gone through the roof. Now they eat properly, the kids won't be snatched out of school so as to earn a crust, they are adequately clothed, they live in comfortable accomodation, etc etc. This is because of my farang influence - and at times, compulsion. Some have even begun to think for themselves. Yeah. The Western influence has ruined Thailand.

    Sure their situation has improved......but what is the true definition of happiness in this situation.....many people grow to quickly accept their improved situation......didn't have transport for 20 years....buy a motorsi...great improvement.....buy a car....great improvement.....now cannot do without a car.....more expense.......worry about paying the repair bills/petrol etc......

    Happiness for improved situations is transient.....educational benefits will only be appreciated later in life....

    Do you enjoy your life?....diffferent matter.....and it appears the 'westernised' people in BKK are the ones who are not so happy...according to the report......

    What utter s**t. People in Thailand are unhappy because their country is in a complete mess. It has nothing to do with the west. How can it? The westerners have no political influence in Thailand.

    All the decisions made here are by THAIS for the benefit of THAIS. And lets be brutally honest what is your working definition for 'westernized people in bangkok?' How does this western influence work??

    People are unhappy cause of a myriad of negative factors - Swine flu, falling incomes, political problems and social division throughout society.

    Bugger all to do with the western influence.

    Maybe you should rethink the part:

    All the decisions made here are by THAIS for the benefit of THAIS

    Guess you should write or read another group of people.

  8. Thailand is really wanting to hit the "Undeveloped category" train very fast...

    Soon, I don't know what will be left of this 'what was once thought of as a "nice place to visit"' country...

    that will sure send the tourist in... like they need more publicity like this.

    I'm in China now, and NO one wants or will go to Thailand to visit... they are terrified of all the things that are going on...

    And in China all is ok?


    I am in Thailand now, and let me assure you I will definitely NOT go to China.

    Now that is a country to be afraid of.

  9. I am arriving in Bangkok next week at approx midnight and wondering if there are any buses going to khon Kaen after then. I done a Google and the only timetable I can find is, they stop at 24:00 and restart at 09:00 the next day. Can anyone confirm this so I can make plans? Thank you for your reply

    As I remember right, there is a direct aircon bus from Suvarnibhumi to Khon Kaen.

    Try google.

    Had a look already

    Bus 999, Airport Khon Kaen, 335 baht.

    Sorry, time of departure around 21:00

    So sorry.


  10. According to Nakornchai Air (the company most people I know seem to prefer) there are buses departing from Bangkok up to 1.30am getting into Khon Kaen about 8am.

    Here's the link


    From Mo Chit there are several companies offering direct aircon buses to Khon Kaen.

    Nakonchai Air and Chan Tour are the better ones.

    Prices between 320 and 600 baht for a single ticket.

    Departure times, nearly every hour from 5 in the morning till midnight, or even later.

    Tickets available in the booths on the second floor of the terminal.

    Nakonchai Air stops only once for driver change.

    Chan Tour has 2 stops, and sometimes nearing KK some extra unscheduled stops.

    The seats in the Chan Tour buses are much more comfortable as the seats in Nakonchai Air buses.

    If you want to sleep, take the downstairs seats, first row, or the first row of seats on the top floor.

    There you can stretch your legs to the full and prop your feet up.

  11. Anyone had a computer built to spec? If so, can you recommend where to go please and how did you find the price comparison to a pre-built machine? Obviously want a place that really knows what they are doing, rather than shove a lot of parts together that aren't compatible.

    Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Eek,

    I've usually built my own computers, but I'm a programmer, and generally know what I am doing with hardware.

    I strongly disagree with the person who responded that you should buy parts and build it yourself : yes, the mechanical aspect of assembling one just requires a slow and steady hand and co-ordination, the basic tool kit you need during install is simple (except don't forget a screwdriver with a long shaft that is magnetized at the end for retrieving the screws you will inveitbly drop into the innards as you build it.

    But it will require you to know about things like : what is this SATA cable, what is this IDE cable, how am I supposed to make sure this custom power supply required by this latest motherboard and cpu is coupled correctly so that things like on-board hardware temperature monitoring is enabled later.

    But there are certain crucial parts of assembly, like the proper insertion and heat-shield device coupling of the cpu, that if you get them wrong you will be out a lot of money. And if, heaven forbid, you should accidentally stress the motherboard and crack it : no way to fix that.

    The hard is when you turn the box on : you've got to configure the bios, in most cases, and that is a "dark art." You have to make sure all your devices are properly enabled, parameters set so you get the most value from whatever.

    And then you've go to make sure you have the latest software drivers for that whopee-do video card you bought : the cd or disk that came in the box may have a driver that's long out of date.

    By this time you should be asking : "is it worth days of my time to learn about a bunch of stuff that may have nothing to do with what I'm interested in, or plan to use the computer for ?"

    But, let's assume you get it all put together, the BIOS configured, the drivers for your video card and whatever other devices installed, and you get an operating system installed :

    Now, what if you start having terrible problems, and the computer is crashing all the time; or one of your hard drives doesn't show up; or when you set your video display to the resolution you want the screen goes crazy ?

    Now you are going to have to pay someone for support, or to repair, or to replace possibly hardware, possibly software. But you bought the parts yourself : who, that you trust, will do this for you ?

    About two years ago I bought over 50k baht worth of parts for a new computer (I already had an imported and expensive aluminum case) from OCZone on 3rd. floor of the P. Plaza here. Built the computer, installed Windows Vista Ultimate (legitimate version imported from the US), was really enjoying everything : suddenly crash after crash.

    Turned out to be a defective video card. By the time I learned this ... by swapping in another video card that I knew worked and seeing my system now did not crash ... the people I had dealt with at OCZone had changed. And while, yes, they did take back the video card still under warranty, they then did nothing for five weeks in spite of repeated phone calls and three personal visits, and my contacting the distributor of the video card manufacturer in Bangkok and raising hel_l (after the second visit).

    Finally they said it was impossible to replace the video card because it was now not stocked in Thailand, but they offered me 1000 baht off another video card which, of course, cost 2000 baht less (and was inferior in performance) to the other video card.

    So even if you buy the parts locally in order to get Thai distributor support, you may get screwed.

    My advice : try one of the shops that has a better reputation, like GoodSpeed, have them not only assemble the machine for you, but also install the operating system (hopefully a legitimate one you have purchased), get them to make sure every device in the machine that has a driver has the latest one, and get them to "burn in" the machine by running it continuously for at least 48 hours.

    Make sure that while the machine is being burned-in it is not connected to the Internet, and the Operating System is not activated (registered).

    The moment you take it home, after you first install anti-virus and firewall software, after you install your favorite applications, after you do whatever to connect your machne to the internet, use the machine intensely, looking for any sign of hardware failure.

    And, if you are connecting to the Internet through a router, want a home network with wireless or ethernet connections between multiple machines : get ready to pay money for someone to help you. I know a farang who's very good at that (500 baht per hour), and you can PM me for contact information if you wish.

    Or, perhaps, if GoodSpeed or whatever shop you trust is willing, you could have all that set up by them as part of your "package price."

    best, ~o:37;

    A whole story full of obvious things.

    However, since the plug-and-play hardware, most of the problems while building a computer do not materialise or are getting less.

    It helps when the people where you buy your stuff know their stuff.

    But, and that is the most important, it also helps very much to read!!!!!!!

    Before and after buying.

    And switch on your brains before starting the job.

    Buy a mainboard with CPU installed, saves time and money. (in the long run)

  12. Lousy shots. Eight guys and they only hit four of each other. Somebody needs accuracy training.

    How about I take a shot at you and then lets see how accurate you are when your being shot at eh, macho ass!

    Any shot fired with a handgun while under stress above 5-7 meters will probably go wide.

    More chance to get hit by a stray, that is, bystanders.

    And that definitely includes shots fired by policemen.

    The issue is, again, negative vibrations about Thailand will be felt around the country or abroad.

    And, yes, it is already picked up by the press abroad.

    So sorry for Thailand.

    But I am not sorry for the people that were hit, if they were also shooting.

    If any bystanders were hit or killed, so very sorry.

  13. my god another falang who bends the rules and then moans stop bringing more cigs into los then your allowed the warnings have been up for the last couple of years and its pretty normal to be stopped

    coming down from nong khai hello you broke the law you are at fault if there was a problem you should have phoned the tourist police simple

    You miss the point.

    The man agrees that, as a person, he brought in too many.

    But as two others had taken over the cigarettes as personal, the man was not doing anything wrong.

    The police/customs were quite overstepping the mark.

    And you really think the tourist police would help?

    The man was extorted, simple.

    Don't close your eyes for wrongs things, and if you seen them don't try to erase the wrongs.

    Either you speak out against the wrongs or better be silent.

    It is advisable to switch on the brain before opening the mouth

  14. I was in fact held back for an hour myself by these security guards at my last trip back to my country.

    I might have crossed an invisible line or not, but what was in my hand at first, I put back where it belonged, after showing it to my fiancee. Nothing unusual about that in a shop.

    If they were watching the cameras, they surely would have noticed that.

    I was taken away and searched for almost an hour and accused of shoplifting. A real nightmare.

    Luckily, I was able to make my flight, when they couldn`t find anything, and let me go.

    They were at first telling me a huge amount of bath I would have to pay to stay out of trouble, but I convinced them that I was broke, and was going home for good.

    I can only imagine what others are going through, I was just glad I got off that "easy".

    Better tell your story in detail: when, which flight you had, which shop you were in, what poduct you were holding etc.

    It might help to solve this scam situation.


    And while you are at it:

    What did you have for breakfast;

    How late did you get up;

    Did you sleep well;

    Did you have s*x;

    How many times;

    Your parents still alive;

    Are you married;

    You have children.......


    What do you want with all this?

    You are going to investigate?

    Or kill the messenger?

  15. Red Shirt = 150 Baht at local store.

    Yellow Shirt = 150 Baht at local store.

    Forced Closing of Airport for 2 weeks by the PAD = 2% of GDP of THAILAND. 14 Billion DOLLARS! 476 Billion Baht!

    Given that Thailand's GDP is estimated at $648 Billion dollars for 2009.

    Projected growth rate of Thai economy is at 1.8 by the Thai government(which means they have replaced a Prime minister that they didn't like with another Prime minister that they hate even more! to push themselves into RECESSION - given that now they have negative growth of -.2% due to the airport closure). I think the PAD should face the consequences of their actions since 476 Billion Baht will buy a lot of rice and it means that THAI children might go hungry because of the callousness of their actions.

    Priceless. I cry for Thailand. I LOVE THE THAI PEOPLE and it pains me to see this.

    I agree, the closure of the airport did not help.

    But I refuse to believe that the damage done to Thailand is only to blame on the closing of the airports.

    The biggest problem for Thailand is the world's economic recession.

    Thailand definitely does not push itself into a recession, it are outside influences!

    I wonder if another government coalition would have reacted better on the outside influences.

    The negative images generated by the authorities and the choices made are the second biggest problem for tourism to Thailand.

    The way Thailand is developing politically;

    The way Thai people are behaving to tourists;

    And so on.

    It also pains me, but, I cannot change it.

    It seems to me that the Thai people made choices.

    Or at least, agree with the choices made in their name.

    So be it.


  16. This is just a heads up as there is no further information available as of this writing. A very reliable source informed me this week that new Immigration Offices will be opened in Thailand before the end of the year. The only two that were confirmed were Udon Thani and Khon Kaen but I suspect that other offices will also be opened throughout Thailand in larger cities. In the past there were was a one day a week office in Udon but it closed a couple years ago.

    Hopefully this will be good news for people who do not live close to a Immigration Office and need to report or have other business.

    I would like that.

    But, would it be reasonable in view of the possible number of customers?

    I am under the impression that Udon would make a better chance, numberwise, as Khon Kaen.

    However, I do know that there are officer(s) of Nong Khai living in Khon Kaen.

    So, who knows.

    One day per week would be nice for Khon Kaen

  17. ok, i admit it, i binge, i dont drink a drop then i go mad,about every 2 weeks ( it takes me that long to get over it ! ) however i am always in control not drunk and sleep ok, although i dont get in til 5 am or so,.but i have almighty hangovers and for the next day i cant even get out of bed, its gotten worse,i used to recover in 2-3 days tops, now its at least a week, i feel totally drained, its much worse if i drink beer for some reason, so i drink jack/coke,.im great on the night, never throw up and COULD drive ok, ( but i dont ). any ideas ? thanks,ps ive tried all the normal advice, loads of water before bed, a hair of the dog, ! no way, :)

    I remember in the army, after having a binge, the morning started with a drink.

    The same we stopped the evening with.

    It always worked.

    Worth a try.

    If not, you might consider a temporary halt?

    Or, just endure your week long hangover.


  18. I obtained a Nissan 2-door Pickup in lieu of a loan. The truck tub is not in a very good condition, not helped by a crash on the right backside. Sometimes you see complete unpainted tubs (complete back) at traders. Is there maybe someone who might give me a price indication. The repair of the old tub might cost me somewhere between 8000 and 12000 baht. Maybe a new tub might be handier in the long run, because the rest of the truck is very good, the engine is superb.

  19. Also very much possible:

    Bangkok-Nong Khai by train, first class around 1200 baht, second class round 700 baht (sleepers), second class seating airco also available,

    Depart Bangkok in the evening, arrive Nong Khai in the morning.

    From there take Skylab to the border, around 60 baht, haggle, or offer a price.

    Is cheaper to do, much more comfortable, less changing, more ....ehhhh.........relaxed maybe?

    Across the bridge, all the same as your story.

    Also possible, aircon bus from Bangkok (mo Chit) to Nong Khai, then skylab.

    Total about 500 baht.

    There is a bus, I presume originating in Korat, stopping in Khon Kaen and Udon Thani, directly to Vientiane.

    I did not find out, yet, the particulars, it is the state bus company for certain..

    However, see it every day driving in Khon Kaen, from and to the bus station.

  20. Also if you were travelling as a couple, would the 300 bt fare not be roughly equal to a taxi ride which would take you to your door/ hotel rather than the station?

    I think they need to rethink the pricing if they are going to make it work, can't see many taxis getting too upset they will just relocate to Makkasan station (if they lose any significant trade at all).

    Precisely...it's not going to worry the taxis at that price. Luggage is the other consideration, people are still going to use taxis purely for the door to door convenience.

    Surprising fact is that in all cities/airports where a train link has been established, the number of passengers using the rail has taken away a lot, if not most, taxi rides.

    Most communities try to lessen the taxi rides anyway because of other considerations.

    The same is, albeit slowly, happening in Bangkok.

    Most negative comments are about pricing of tickets.

    And the enormous ease of door to door traffic.

    Anybody also considering the time element?

    What amount of time/money for a taxi?

    What amount of time/money for the rail transport?


    My feelings are that maybe the taxi bosses in Bangkok are a reason for the delays.

    They know what will happen, stupidity is not common around there.

    Just maybe?

  21. After thinking about it, I decided to share my latest experiences with AirAsia, since I think it can kind of "warn" others to get into the same traps as I did ... and I am quite sure that the "Airline of the year" propaganda is not accurate anymore.

    Flying with AirAsia, part 1

    I had booked flights to Indonesia with AirAsia about 1 month ago, however, I decided to change my travel plan, so I booked an additional flight from Bali to Jakarta, and then changed my return flight date from Jakarta to Bangkok to another day. As usual, I received the status messages after the booking process.

    Finally, I checked in in the AirAsia queue, just to hear "sorry, you are not booked for this flight, sir!" I couldn't believe it, luckily I had the printout of the webpage with the changed schedule in my bag, and handed it over to him. Turns out that the changed booking wasn't processed! "Yes, just one booking per day is processed, if you do more, the other ones will not be processed sir!" I couldn't f'cking believe it! Indeed, I checked later and didn't receive a confirmation email, but since I received one for the fresh booking I did for the new flight, I hadn't noticed it. So all discussions didn't help, I had to make a new booking - of course for the tremendous late-booking price, well, I have to say that I was lucky the machine still had one available, otherwise I would have missed my other connection flight!! :D

    "Of course", I didn't get ANY refund for my now void (changed, but not possible) flight I had booked before. What a waste of money due to some processing logic that is not clear (and not transparent) to the customer.

    Flying with AirAsia, part 2

    I had to fly to KL from Bangkok - unfortunately it turned out that I would have to start the day before, actually just about 10 hours before the date/time I had booked. Trying to simply change my booking online wasn't possible, since this is just possible up to 24 hours (don't remember now) prior to the flight. So I had to visit an AirAsia agent in Pattaya (Tukcom base floor) - however, at this time of the day (about 6 pm) they couldn't do that themselves anymore! The woman suggested I should book on the airport, she couldn't even book a new ticket herself now. "But I am not sure I can get a seat then!", I replied. "No problem sir, sure!" she said ... but well, I already "know" Thailand, and didn't trust the friendly smile. So I went to another agent, and he sold me a ticket for what turned out 1200 Baht more expensive than the actual price as I found out later (Agency: Joy Travel, Soi Buakhaow), very nice, thank you! Total damage: 3900 Baht.

    The airplane started late, due to a passenger who was in fact booked for another KL flight, but refused to leave the plane.

    In the flight, I looked at their menu brochure for a small snack - unfortunately, 2 pages were not readable since used chewing gum was sticking them together. Eeeeergh... :) Anyway, decided for chicken rice. "Sorry, already finished sir!" 2 other hot meals were also already out of stock, so the only food left was a disgusting and very dry looking "Tuna Sandwich". They had only visited 5 or 6 seat rows and no more hot meals available, are you kidding me. Indeed, I saw someone eating hot food, so they don't seem to have more than a handful of hot meals on board.

    However, I was still relaxed, after all I had been handed out a boarding pass with a coupon for a generous 5 Baht discount on a Nescafe clipped onto it! So I thought <deleted>, and ordered a Nescafe, but once I did it, I was informed that the coupon ("valid just with the airport pass it is issued for!" as the rules said) in fact not valid for me, since "this is an AirAsia Malaysia flight, and your coupon was issued by AirAsia Thailand!" F'ck you, then why are you giving it to me at the first place?! Rather keep these useless coupons for yourself then. Of course I kept my Nescafe, a clever way of AirAsia to make the customer feel uncomfortable with an already worked-upon order, and finally letting him pay for something he would probably not have ordered otherwise.

    So I got back to nip on my coffee while reading my newspaper (I bought before the flight, who would expect magazines on an AirAsia flight) and trying to ignore the scribbled eating panel ... someone seemed to have used it as a notepad for calculations during the flight.

    "Of course", I couldn't get ANY refund for my now void (changed but not possible) flight I had booked before again (just as above). That's how an "Economy Promo" of AirAsia can suddenly turn into a very expensive flight, and you start to understand how their system works.

    The only thing I will get is a refund on the Airport tax I had paid twice ... an information I got directly on the airport on their counter, after having waited 30 minutes in the queue. Luckily I had this much time on hand...

    I have to admit that I am starting to get pissed with AirAsia and am seriously considering booking with other airlines ... after all, if you are requiring a flight for business purposes (which sometimes required booking changes) you can be better off with a serious, service-oriented airline, and at the bottom line it might even turn out cheaper than having booked with AirAsia. In terms of quality and service, other airlines already ARE better in my recent experinces.

    Wherever did you get the idea that airlines are there for your pleasure?

    Forget it, they are only there to generate as much profit as possible, including duping you!

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