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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. MD Pipat said that the low amount of cocaine present in the beverage did not pose a risk to consumers,

    Until someone like a totally unsuspecting surgeon or airline pilot tests positive for it and their career is ruined...but if Mr. Pipat says there's no risk we can all relax. Just another adulterated food product from Asia.

    From Wikipedia:

    Kola nuts are used mainly for their stimulant and euphoriant qualities. They have effects similar to other xanthine-containing herbs like cocoa, tea, coffee, guarana and yerba mate. However, the effects are distinctively different, producing a stronger state of euphoria and well being. They have stimulant effects on the central nervous system and heart. Animal experiments indicate that kola nuts have analeptic and lipolytic (fat-burning) properties, and stimulate the secretion of gastric juices. Human studies show kola nuts have positive chronotropic and weak diuretic effects. In humans it enhances alertness and physical energy, elevates mood, increases tactile sensitivity and suppresses the appetite. Autonomic changes include increased body temperature, increased blood pressure and increased respiratory rate. Effects may last up to 6 hours after ingestion.

    It sounds like paddo's, or maybe good old Dutch spacecake!

  2. That is just like saying your thai is better that that os a thai. My son had an American english teacher pulled him away from the american real fast so did a number of other parents he was soon dismissed from the school as he was teaching the american version and not correct english.

    Would you like to try that again?

    Never mind. :)

    Speaking like you've got a mouthful of marbles does nobody any favors. I'll take Obama's diction over Brown's any day.

    Oh yes?


    But why is it that so many American English speakers (or the Australian English speakers) get aggressive when they hear an English English speaker talking?

    Inferiority complex, maybe?

    Thing is, English English speakers can be understood nearly everywhere in the world, while American English speakers have trouble to be understood.

    Or the other way around.

    But yes, sometimes it can be a little bit difficult to decipher the English accents, any accents.

    Maybe, it might be handy not to leave the accents drift apart any more?

    Because as it is progressing now, another 100 years from now, English speakers cannot understand each other any more.

    COME AGAIN!!!!!!!

  3. A Thai woman on Thursday sought help from media to locate her American husband, for the sake of her 24-month-old boy. Laksanawadee Murphy said that she married US Marine Scott Allen Murphy and registered their marriage on April 11, 2006 at Lak Si district office. They later had a son; Ramil Murphy. Her husband then returned to America in 2007 and she lost contact with him in the early 2008.

    "I confirm that I don't copy the cases of Japanese-Thai children looking for their long-lost Japanese father. I also don't want fiancial support from him. I sympathise with my kid because hehas never met his dad before. He only looks at his father's picture," she said.

    Laksanawadee added that she attempted to seek help from the US Embassy in Bangkok; however, the embassy denied to help. Therefore, she decided to ask the media to help her.



    -- The Nation 28/05/09

    Ah, here we go!

    Prime example found, and follow suit.

    Somebody told women that there is money to be had abroad, maybe?

    Not that I am against paying for a child, most certainly not.

    But, maybe ........maybe.........maybe

  4. I was sitting in my house and I heard my dogs going crazy outside so i went to see what they were up to and they were fighting with and killed this poor snake. The snake is about 3/4 of a metre long. I worry a bit one of my dogs might of got bit. I tried to search for this snake online and coulden't find it anywhere. Does anyone know what type of snake this is and is it poisonous? Thanks

    A killable snake, or in other words, a snake to be killed.

    I hate snakes!

    Any snake, poisonous or not

  5. FDA asks Red Bull makers to explain after trace cocaine found in Red Bull beverage sold in Germany

    BANGKOK, 28 May 2009 (NNT) – Secretary General of the Food and Drug Administration, MD Pipat Yhingseri, said that the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection recently found traces of cocaine at 0.4 micrograms per liter in the Red Bull Simply Cola beverage. The beverage is now forbidden for sale within 6 German states.

    MD Pipat said that samples had been taken from the product and will be tested by the Thai Department of Medical Science, with results expected within one week. The FDA Secretary General said that officials would coordinate with Red Bull representatives in order to discuss the matter. He added that Red Bull Simply Cola was not widely sold in Thailand due to lack of consumer preference.

    MD Pipat said that the low amount of cocaine present in the beverage did not pose a risk to consumers, but officials would nonetheless work to find out how a controlled narcotic was found in a consumer product.


    -- NNT 2009-05-28


    Anybody ever asked Coca Cola what the secret ingredient in their cola is?

    Maybe a surprise?

  6. Now, I hear in the grapevine that implantable/injectable ID-chips including GPS will be ordered soon.

    Not enough for the entire population, just for all the farang.

    Also mumbled is that the 90-day reporting must be done in person after the planting.

    For calibration, you know.

    Mind, the implant spot will be a very private spot.

    When coming over for your 90-day reporting, it will be showtime!

    Good show!


    Mind, this can also be nonsense.

  7. I need to do a Visa run for a new Non-"O" Married 1-Year Multi entry. I know I can get one in KL, but the wife wants a change.. KL is getting boring for her.

    Last I heard, HK wasn't too friendly for one-year Multi "O" Visas.

    Does anyone have any current info on this.

    I just sent an Email to HK Thai Embassy, but I'm not too hopeful that I'll get any answer, or that if they do, that I'll get any useful info.

    Any help will be appreciated.


    About a year ago I was in the same situation and sent the HK Thai Embassy an email. They replied (after about 2 weeks) that they can only do a single entry (60 or 90 day - I forget) visa. Specifically stated NO on Multi Entry Non -O. Not worth the time or money so I went back to the US as I had some other business to attend to. I will definitely think about KL or Penang the next time I need to renew.

    Also note that when I have been in HK with the TG for other business, the locals treated her like $h\t. She looks much like the many Philippino maids that are there. While there, we were in a 5 Star hotel, etc - and even the hotel staff were not kind to her either.

    Not Good all around for the TG in HK.

    Don't ever think the Thai Embassies, in general, are there to make you feel welcome.

    Nor the Immigration police, nor any other Government Organisation.

    And maybe the TG feels now how the Thai people, generally, treat the farang?

  8. Take my Sin Sod display money question as the example.

    If I move £10000 over by SWIFT and the selling/buying rate is 7% different to the actual rate then I lose £700 moving it over, then when I bring it back a week later I lose another £700. Add in the SWIFT charges and I'll be about £1450 out of pocket, pretty much for no reason.

    Every percent better someone's buy/sell rate is saves me £200 that otherwise goes to pay for two bankers' Porsches


    And that is the way how banks steal from you.

    The bloody banks are the reason we have this financial crisis, the reason you probably lost some or a lot of money, the reason why so many people loose everything because they lost jobs, and so on.

    Natwest still charges 7 pounds on incoming euro transfers, against all rules.

    And the thing is, nobody seems to do a thing about it.

    Taking out money by ATM is getting expensive too.

    The charge of the bank at home, and nowadays the 150 baht fee from the Thai banks.

    All banks now.

    And they also charge 150 baht from a credit card withdrawal!

    Maybe it is getting time somebody finds out a way to circumvent the bloody, stealing, moneygrabbing banks.

    Because a swift transfer cost the banks (at both sides) only, well maybe, 50p.

    ATM, maybe the same?

    Plus of course, the profit on the exchange rate.

  9. And another nail in the coffin of Thai tourism?

    This rule was enforced strictly in some land offices by signing a declaration that the money to buy the land was from the Thai national already.

    Other land offices were not so strict.

    To change of ownership of the land to your wife needs to take maybe 20 minutes.

    If it takes longer, well, maybe there is some need for..........

    It is a shame that Thailand thinks it must do to keep foreign ownership of land impossible.

    What is the problem?

    If the state wants to take back the land from a foreigner, well, what will stop them.

    In fact, in most countries ownership of land by foreigners is possible, while there is always a law, somewhere, to take back ownership of land from anybody for any reason, so what should be the problem.

  10. Any ifo about this place? Population etc,how do you get there from Khon Kaen, how do you get to Khon Kaen from Bangkok,fly? HOw much and how frequent? Any thing else?

    Khon Kaen to Bangkok:

    Bus more than 4 times every hour, Chan Tours and Nakhonchai Air better, VIP and VIP first

    Train, by night and by day, unhurried, second and first class sleepers by night, second and third class seating by day and night

    Fly, 3 times a day.

    Other modes of transport are available, for a price.

  11. Politically motivated with intent to discredit Thaksin. It will backfire because it will highlight "law & order" under Thaksin vs. the free for all that went on subsequent to the coup. I am not saying people weren't murdered or that the guilty parties shouldn't be hunted down - just that this is how it will play out.

    If the government was really serious, it would go after the border officials (army control) that allowed the drugs into Thailand. That won't ever happen will it? If you want to go after Thaksin then go after the army officials that allegedly profited from the drug trade.

    Highlight Law & Order under Thaksin?

  12. hi all... just had a few days at a mates house in udonthani and was lucky to stumble across a new shop that opened on the 19th of may just near the city center. very nice clean big western style deli cafe incorporating a freezer section with a great stock of euro meat products excellent sausages etc,, also imported stuff like branston ,pg tips and loads of otherbrands even oxo. i spent less than a grand and got quite a few items met the owner a pomie called jon, hes certainly sent a few dollars on the place. the place is called chern chim quality foods and well worth a visit. good luck with the venture jon. rambler

    Please do tell where we might find this shop?

  13. I don't think it is possible. As far as I know, the U.S. does not recognize the international driver's license. If you are not legal to drive, no company will rent you a car.

    The Department of State permits 2 organisations in the US to issue International Driving Licenses.

    As such, you might conclude the International driving License is recognised by the US authorities, if accompanied by a valid national driving license, with translation if necessary.

    The new Thai license is in Thai and in English, so a translation is not needed.

    Also, th US is a signatory of the convention (1968 I thought), concluding the International Driving license is valid in the US.

    Friend of mine, armed with an IDL and a Dutch one happily rented a car in New York.

    He was duly pestered by some country cowboy about the validity, cost him 3 hours, but after some phone calls he was on his merry way again.

    Which shows that the police in the US is not always up to date.

    All other police checks did not bring any trouble at all.

    However, I have no idea if this also applies to a US national!

  14. My niece has UK and Thai Passports. She was born in Thailand. Her mother lives in Thailand, her father in the UK. They are separated, not divorced. The girl lives with her father in the UK. He wants her to see her mother and return to school in the UK. If she enters Thailand on a UK Passport do Thai authorities have any powers to treat her as Thai citizen rather than a UK citizen. My brother is concerned at possibilities of the mother trying to prevent his daughter returning to the UK. Any thoughts/knowledge/experience?

    If she enters Thailand on her UK passport, withous a visa, she will probably get a 30-day stamp, so she has to leave the Kingdom within the 30 days.

    If so, she is a British subject at that time, a tourist.

    But being a minor, might change things.

  15. Marry a man because of his wealth, no different to prostitutes! They must love money more than everything, very greedy!

    I love you so much!

    Thai style?

    Western style?

    What is the difference?

    Within 1 year after a marriage it will get very clear, it is all about:

    1 The size of you wallet;

    2 Your house and car;

    3 And maybe some anatomical appendage.

    Maybe the Thai woman is more honest, if you can provide for me, good!

    I will love you.

    Now take the generalised, standard western woman, never talks about money before.

    But starts plucking you no less as the generalised idea about Thai/Isan women.

    We all know about Thai women, or we think we know.

    Maybe the ieas of Thai women are more realistic?

    Maybe we, and I generalise again, are all duds to fall for it, and use our western ideas to contemplate love?

    Marry me, or I will kill you. And later I will clean you out

  16. Kasikorn ATM network returned to normal

    BANGKOK: -- All 3,350 ATM machines of Kasikornbank were temporarily malfunctioning during 12 - 14.55 hours of May 21, which bars transactions within the bank's accounts and cross-bank transactions.

    The bank's first vice president Electronic Channel & Sales & Service Network Operation Support Department Phol Dhanashoti said in a statement as of 5pm, about 200 ATM machines remain out of service.

    He, however, did not provide detail for the banks' ATM system failure.


    -- The Nation 2009-05-22

    Wasn't that the bank that did not cherge the 150 baht?

    Maybe a concerted attack from the other banks to step in line?

    Banks & Insurance; legalised ...........

  17. I want to convert my car and heard of this system. Akethakorn company has it, quite cheaply. But the problem is - I do not know it. Maybe you have some information about this system - please let me know.

    Maybe this will help:

    Esgi LPG systems are (probably) manufactured by Shenge Performance Co Ltd, China.

    The probably is because you never know in China.

    Being what it is, it is probably a copy of a European Lpg-system (Italian or Dutch)

    Unknown quality.

    Also imported into the USA

    Not in Europe, at least could not find out

    Being cheap is the sign to China, of course!

    My (Thai-Chinese) LPG-installer prefers, for safety, European systems.

    More expensive, but well installed the safest.

    When I asked about Esgi, he mumbled something, and refused to repeat it.




    Have no idea.

    But, he had one box there, open with ESGI printed on it.

  18. I bought a used vehicle that had an LPG system installed. I want to be sure I'm taking proper care of the car and LPG system. I have several questions I hope someone can help with.

    Details of the system:

    • I was told it is an Italian brand.
    • I can see the "greaser-kit" installed in the engine compartment.
    • I have a simple 3-position switch to let me switch from petrol->off->LPG. It doesn't have LEDs to display the tank level. When I flip the switch to LPG the built-in gauge switches from the petrol level to show the LPG level.

    My questions:

    1. How can I know which type of LPG system was installed?
    2. Do I need to start the car with petrol? It will start with the switch in the LPG position.
    3. How can I tell if it automatically starts on petrol and switches to LPG?
    4. How can I be sure the "greaser-kit" contains the proper lubricant? I have no idea what kind of fluid might be in the reservoir now.
    5. Are there any additional maintenance/safety procedures I need to be aware of related to the LPG system?

    Thanks for any help/advice!


    The LPG-installation will probably Italian.

    Most systems in Thailand are either Italian, Korean, or if you are very lucky, Dutch.

    If it is an automatic system I can't say, but the switch you describe indicates a non-automatic system.

    Try to get the engine started with the switch in the off position.

    No start, not auto, probably.

    If you switch to LPG and you hear a click in the LPG-tank, not automatic.

    Do this with a cold engine.

    If you are driving on petrol, put the switch in the off position, if the engine stops running, not automatic.

    The marque can probably found somewhere on the installation, but forget the tank, which will most of the time be Thai.

    Always start the car on petrol, and more, before switching off the engine let it run on petrol for a little while.

    Don't believe anybody that tells you that is not necessary, believe me it is!

    If your car has fuel injection, not using petrol anytime will gum up the injectors, which will stop the car driving totally, or if you are lucky on petrol only.

    If the fuel injectors are gummed up, drive around for 100-150 km on petrol to try to get the gumming away.

    If that does not work, so sorry, you need a new injection unit, or pay for the repair.

    I don't know about the greaser kit, probably there to safeguard the fuel injectors or the seatings of the in- and outletvalves.

    If so, running on petrol for short periods will help mightily.

    Ask around with LPG-installers what should be put into the greaser tank.

    Good luck

  19. Gloomy outlook for Phuket tourism

    The blame for the decline of tourism to Thailand is laid on every conceivable reason.

    Internal affairs and maybe not enough on the external affairs.

    However, every sane visitor or wouldbe visitor to Thailand knows or feels that this country is getting out of favour.

    I guess we all know the reasons.

    All the neighbouring countries or further away offer better deals or make the visitor, longterm or shortterm, feel more welcome.


  20. This is, were it not so unbelievable sorry, becoming a comic opera.

    Indeed, this is exactly what Thailand needs.

    Tourism is going down the drain, and the only answer from Thailand in general is making Thailand look more and more stupid and unattractive.

    I am so sorry for this country and for all the people who eek a living out of tourism.

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