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peter zwart

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Posts posted by peter zwart

  1. Yeah, good thing. Keep them stupid and naive. Paps and mom of course are not give them sexual education nor does the school. So when nature kicks in at, lets say, when they are 15 or 16 they do the thing and as a result, the girl is pregnant, the boy runs away fast, grandpa and grandma become the nanny and the lady with an aborted education can start looking for a simple job. So stay the decency rascal and forbid everything. This is what you get when the powers to be belong in an retirement home.

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  2. 45 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    There’s no need to your self confessed ignorance of the ins and outs of what’s going on In ‘England’ persist, come visit and see for yourself.


    The country is going down the pan, while the Government takes every opportunity to grasp the ‘post Brexit bonus’ of stripping workers rights, civil rights, strips back consumer protections and moves towards downgrading food safety and hygiene standards.


    The fox is I charge of the henhouse.

    And you think its only a problem in England????? Thanks for the laugh. I can assure you Europe has that all too. The difference is that you guys can still decide what happens in your own country. We in Europe can not anymore. So what you are talking about is bad government. Seems to me a big difference.

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  3. On 7/8/2022 at 1:46 PM, ikke1959 said:

    I 've read there are 29.000 new cases a day in a newspaper..... I am wondering if the cases are real cause when there were many cases they lowered and now they maybe make them look worse..just to keep the emergency decree??

    How sick are people really when they have Covid? is it worth the panic again?

    I just had it. Not vaccinated. 3 days with fever, headache and a lack of energy. After 3 days im feeling already much better. So for me its like a good flu. I would say its not worth the panic. It just needs another approach. 

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  4. 11 minutes ago, 473geo said:

    Ok here is the answer to the mask debate, a Thai worker testing positive for covid can be laid off work for 2 weeks no pay, as has happened to both my brother and sister in law, with a combined loss of earnings around 20k

    Not quite the same for a tourist or retired foreigners 

    Absolutely true. The sad thing is that the mask hardly works. A lot of research on that matter is done. Its the world of make believe.

    • Sad 1
  5. 41 minutes ago, PJPom said:

    I live in Ao nang and as I am an older man who wishes to get older I continue to wear my mask in shops and confined areas.

    I don’t comment to others who don’t as it would only cause friction, an example was a European tourist in Lotus’s last week who was offered a mask by a staff member who was told to F### Off by said tourist.

    The quality tourists are back ……

    It seems for a lot of people these days difficult to just say "No thank you".

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