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peter zwart

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Posts posted by peter zwart

  1. Global developments. I think we have a lot of people who are lost. A little more decentralization and everyone takes a step back and enjoy the little things in life. A nice conversation with your friends while enjoying a beer, fun time with your partner, seeing family and not falling back into the stressful life of the western world, a little understanding and politeness but also room for sharp humor. If there is, I'm not worried about the future. We all get sick from time to time and we will certainly die. So I'm not going to worry about that.

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  2. 10 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:




    It's funny and informative. With edibles you don't sometimes know if you ate too much before it's too late.



    as i dont trust anyone that makes edibles (dont know the amount or quality of the used cannabis) i found on FB something that called ganja cloud mellow. I bought it cause you can decide for yourself how much u use. Much safer 

    ganja cloud mellow.png

  3. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    The level of corruption and practice of the "dark arts"  of deceit, manipulation, and illl gotten wealth, of this family would astound, if only it was known to the public.


    They are not a credit to the nation. Something has to change. 

    I really don't know if it's that much better in the west. with 50+% taxes, prosperity but little well-being. Corporate states that dictate society for their own gain, resulting in capital centralization (read poverty). I think it can be said for any system that society will not benefit much from it.

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  4. On 8/26/2022 at 5:09 PM, aussienam said:

    He'll be dead for sure.  Casino hired hit men, plus possibly BIB involvement in illegal casinos too means that he won't even get protection from the law!  

    And if imprisoned (casino won't be reporting crime, so only evidence would be him!)

    Only safe place would be to flee the country. And out of South East Asia.  

    He probably dont know which direction that is ????

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  5. 13 minutes ago, webfact said:

    All three monks said in unison that the reason they took drugs was because out of nine monks at the temple they were the only ones young enough to do the back breaking work.

    Its called work you lazy fart. Something we all have to do. And most of us with any brain and backbone do that without that chemical Sj!t. But he, they probably threat you always like a little prins that dont have to do anything and dont know anything about responsibility. Am i close?

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