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peter zwart

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Posts posted by peter zwart

  1. On 6/4/2022 at 12:51 PM, ChaiyaTH said:

    Well that even seems to be a real thing here, should study on that. Perhaps the lack of mother and proper baby milk + healthy food plays a roll in the lack of IQ levels too.

    Perhaps the lack of mother and proper baby milk + healthy food plays a roll in the lack of IQ levels too........................Is that also the problem in the States?

  2. 10 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

    Same issue in Amsterdam, people have to wait like 4+ hours to checkin, rows starting outside, now forced to only have 1 piece of luggage as everyone wants hand luggage costing much more time for security screening procedures too. The entire reason in general being shortage of workers they laid off before covid + paying bad.


    Will contribute together with higher energy cost to very little tourism recovery, I suspect. Unless Chinese all go with mass tours again, I don't miss them.


    People might think covid is over but all the ripple effects just start to take place now, and long from over. Personally hope TH focuses on ganja hemp products and more + only '10-15 million' tourists a year forever. Way better, very few liked it during the outmost peaks in 2015-2016 etc with hitting like '40 million'. 

    Even the numbers might be arrivals in reality, whatever the real number is, it was too much at the peak years.

    And that all because this Covid nonsense. Still can not believe it. The World has lost it.

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  3. 8 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    Almost certainly a large part of it.

    When the whole Covid farrago started, the import and supply of masks was controlled by a cartel of well connected and deeply influential people, some of whom wore uniforms of various hues. A scandal which was quickly and efficiently glossed over. It is certainly probable that those same people of influence also control the domestic production of masks.


    I think that those people make more on tourism.

  4. 15 hours ago, smedly said:

    Charlie - they have absolutely no clue what they are doing - they have been stuffing huge money into their pockets these last 2 years they will come up with any nonsense to keep it going - I hope that some day Thailand will have leaders with a collective IQ above my age and that the Thai people will actually understand what a bad deal they are getting and remove these goons from office - surely they must have realised by now,  they need to realise that they have the power 

    And you are 59? Then there is hope.

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