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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. Well, if you dont have to pay tax...........washing money is a oppertunity
  2. And even this vaccin bs has to get rid of the list. What about people who had their shots about 4/ months ago? The vaccin will not have its function anymore. Then ask for a booster over and over again? Dont think that will work. A test must be enough if they stay in the scared mode.
  3. As more and more countries go ahead towards a more normal situation its just a matter of time before Thailand will. Governments have to get used to the fact again that this "beautiful" tool for repression is coming to its end.
  4. Realy to bad as i love CM. But this is a serious reason not to live there anymore.
  5. I think we've heard enough fear stories. I would rather read posts about how Thailand is going to open up without all those exaggerated measures.
  6. Then you can put some of your profit in Auditchain. Soon to be released.
  7. The digital health pas will not stay. A few countries in Europe will stop with this obscene project.
  8. i feel very sorry for the poor guy. But as long as they not slow down a bit or know the meaning of wait a bit, this will go on and on.
  9. I was here after the Taksin period so can not judge him. This government is, and i put it mildly, not the best for the country. But which government is? I live here now for 5 years and the longer you live here the more you see reality. And this reality is not always beautiful. But on the moments that things start to anoy me i think back of my "home" country and see that live here is still pretty good. If i would move to, lets say Vietnam, im sure that i would feel myself in heaven for the first few years. Then the same will happen again. So for me Thailand is a fine place to stay.
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