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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. Its the best decision the UK could maken. The free and good life in Europe is done.
  2. Exactly. Same for me about The Netherlands. In the 70s-80s and a part of the 90s it was a excellent country to live in. Now..........I dont even want the be found dead overthere. Doesnt Thailand have things that makes you wonder??? Yes but at least youve got your freedom here (besides many more good things)
  3. I still dont get it. Why are the vaccinated so afraid and angry at non-vaccinated? They are protected by the vaccine. Right? And the story about full ic........be angry at your gouvernment who cut down on medical expensives for decades already. That is where the problem lays.
  4. If its a lady.....many times. If it is a man........not many times
  5. Even if we want we couldnt. The role out is going way to slow. And onces the last persons are vaccinated the vaccins on the first ones are hardly protect anymore. This is a game you can not win.
  6. With the continuous flow of new covid variants, we can assume that tourism will be battered for many years to come. And not just in Thailand.
  7. The world needs farmers, delivery drivers and shop assistants The world needs agriculural land. The rest will be done by machines. Drivers, we soon will be in the situation that this will be done by drones and self driving vehicles Shop assistance.....why? more and more will be on line. Then you only need a few people to pack the items
  8. And if you dont educate them they will even be more bored with their lives and try to find their "luck" in things that will let them fall of the cliff.
  9. To keep repeating 'the western way is best' is madness. This is absolutely not what im doing. What you mentioned were the reasons for me to leave Europe. But that doesnt mean that orther sides of the world are all perfect. And i mentioned what i see as wrong over here. Kids should have a fair chance to build up a solid future without being premature sucked dry by the family
  10. Completely agree. It seems that the most of the Thai man have a lack of responsebility. And i think that the whole system of childeren have to support the family is a wrong approuch. Give childeren the chance to have a good education (i know, in some cases difficult) and make sure they have a chance to build up a solid financial situation before they have to help the family. I have seen many cases that the parents had enough money to pay the bills and have propper food but still expected money from the kids. Whilest the kids had problems to keep their heads above the water.
  11. As i hope the vaccinated will also not spread the virus :-). And if you are vaccinated you dont have to worry do you? No hard feelings. Enjoy the day mate.
  12. Let them first develop a vaccin that realy works for the longer term and not the stuff they have now that losing the biggest part of its protection after 4 months and make me have a jab every 6 months. i dont want to have that much (partly) unknown stuff in my body.
  13. The fact that the first 40 million vaccinations are almost no longer effective is not important
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