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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. Are we reaching the point where we no longer select by price, but whether they use Boeing planes?
  2. i use iptv. Got all the channels/sport/movies i want from all over the world. found them here: https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077564409809 if its any help.
  3. Yep for the already sick and fat people and 70+. Then let this group take a vaccine and leave the rest out of it.
  4. Or that we start to realize that even the vaccins wont stop Omicron.
  5. Tell the millions upon millions of people who avoided getting seriously sick from covid by gettting vaccinated ............ASSUMPTION!!!!!! Keep believing if its giving you a good feeling.
  6. Its "with" Covid and quiet logical as Omicron woes around. But with very minor consequence. So i would not talk about conspiracy but more of scaremongering.
  7. Then may be include these items with some topics of the WHO, WEF, Corporate state/Big pharma, Pfizer, CDC and censorship? Would be nice.
  8. Ah dont worry. Help is on his way in the person of Mr. Anutin. In about 6 months you can escape all the misery with some nice home made Ganja.
  9. Do forget about the vaccination. its rubbish. What if the vaccin is already 4/5 months old and has no effect anymore???
  10. Finaly, some one is waking up. And no vaccine requirements onymore i quess.???? Good. Welcome back realistic world.
  11. 14 years - 120 kg - big mouth = Wrong character. Or a very hard hand and feet of dad or let it go. Cant be helped anymore.
  12. to facilitate passengers who are fully vaccinated with no quarantine upon arrival in Singapore. Even if the vaccine is not working anymore????
  13. Any politics is bad for any country. And it's only getting worse as more and more puppets on the political spectrum are being pulled by corporate states.
  14. That doesn't surprise me. I live in the countryside and really everyone here has loans up to their ears which they can absolutely never pay back. If this is a benchmark for large parts of Thailand then you can wait for problems to arise. However, for tourism it would be a good thing.
  15. A big disgrace that this is still a topic. Shame on you America. When will people learn that a color doesn't make the difference. It's the character inside.
  16. All these rules are complete nonsense. The Virus, in every variant, is already there and is unstoppable. Demonstrating that you have been vaccinated.......utter BS. In most people who have been vaccinated, the vaccine is almost finished. People who have not taken a vaccination probably have already built up a good natural immunity. And most people who contract Covid (omicron) do not need medical facilities. So all in all.......complete nonsense. Stop this madness and let everyone earn their living in a normal way again.
  17. Not if i can watch all sports and channels worldwide for 4k baht a year.
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