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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. a few bar owners i know in CM hope the bars stay closed. They dont have to pay rent now but if the gouvernment decided to give the green light the meter will be running again. But no tourist to bring in the money.
  2. Yeah but they most be completely braindeath if they still listen to this
  3. "That's 500 tourists on each flight," enthused Yutthasak. A week????
  4. And in another 4 to 5 months an other one and then again and again and again?
  5. Nonsense as the biggest part of society is vaccinated but still can infect other people.
  6. Not much choice. This one is already the best in the neighborhood
  7. I live in Thailand, I am married to a Thai woman and we live together with her two daughters aged 13 and 15. Now we decided 2 years ago to place the children in a better school with the expectation that they will receive a good education. What describes my surprise, after 7 months of sitting at home because of C19 and with every now and then a little bit of online schoolwork, they are now going back to school full time. What do you expect after 7 months of standstill...... That an attempt is made to catch up. None of that. Homework 1 to 2 times a week. Tests are canceled in connection with school activities (cooking for a school meeting). If Thailand wants to move forward, it will have to drastically improve education. I wonder if the surrounding countries are making progress in education and general development. If that's the case, things look bleak for Thailand's future.
  8. No Sinovac for me. Dont want to go to the hair clinic in Turkey again.
  9. Yep, we now come to the point to find out that these "wonder" vaccins actually dont work that well. Back to the drawing board. Tourism..........0
  10. It is absolutely true that when children roll into society with a command of the English language and can also work with a computer, their chances increase enormously. For the Western world it is an advantage if the Thai children are more English oriented than Chinese.
  11. Return and risk always go hand in hand. This was worse then a chinese Junk bond. So the outcome was clear before the money was pledged.
  12. I dont think you have to fear for that as more Covid BS comes around the corner. And with a expensive bath export will also take a hit.
  13. It realy doesnt matter, if it comes to tourism, if the bars are open or not. C-19 is lighting up its fire again and and many counties will see the lock down soon. So in any way, they wont come.
  14. Poor Bargirls. Deflation ahead as Indians like to share a girl with the 5 of them for the price of 1.
  15. Must be farang. You see, nothing but trouble as mr Anutin stated before.
  16. If they draft this with some normal conditions, I'll welcome it but................
  17. Personally, I think the only option is to reopen society and try to deal with the consequences. It has now been shown that vaccines etc. do not work sufficiently to eliminate this virus. And continuing like this for years will cause more damage. It's a choice between two evils.
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