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Posts posted by Freigeist365

  1. 1 minute ago, brucec64 said:

    You should try to understand cause and effect. Death rates are down BECAUSE of lockdowns. People who get their information from memes and dodgy alt-right websites don't seem to ever be able to make that huge leap of understanding.

    And you should try to understand that without excessive testing and mass testing there won't be any "outbreak" at all. 

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  2. More people will die of starvation, domestic violence and suicide than this virus could ever kill, if lockdown after lockdown after lockdown are imposed. Death rates all over the world are average and in places like Germany even negative!!! We are not talking about Ebola or the Black Death here!!!! It's the long term effects of idiotic knee jerk reactions performed by useless string puppets that kill people!!!


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  3. I found following advise in a very rewarding book about money management and life hacks: "DON'T invest in anything that eats and sh(deleted)..." 

    There are just too many odds to make any business with life stock a life-long success. It's almost like trading - at some point (most likely right at your all time high) you will get shafted...

    Maybe this one is like a psychological "pay back" by the pigs ignited by unbearable living conditions. perhaps they simply decided to collectively wither away... and I don't mean this as a joke. 

  4. Hypocrisy at its very finest... 

    At the end of a dive - who threw the trash I had collected from the sea and that initially was thrown into the sea amidst a national park by the Thai boat owner back at me screaming, "This is MY country!!! I can make as dirty as I want!!!!", followed by the kind information that I could remain at one of those islands if I feel that I have a say on this...?

    Who does oil changes on their boats in national parks, getting rid of the used oil slick via bilge pumps as soon as the boat is moving away from a national park, or between islands?

    Who throws 7Eleven trash bags full with plastic and glass bottles, empty crisp bags, etc. right out of the window of the moving pickup after passing (inbound) our national park sign?

    Who dumps construction trash and leftovers right along the roads (preferrably near or in national parks?)?

    Who throws trash in his own yards, preferrably in a nice "design" all around the house and could not be bothered?

    Who dumps everything, including flammable and highly toxic substances happily into their toilets and sinks?

    Who gives a <deleted>' toss about nature preservation at all, UNLESS!!!! a "Farang" can be blamed???


    You guess what the answer is - it starts with capital T


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  5. 10 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Oh dear, I hope you don't have any Thai relatives with this view of them. 

    Made a mistake there, not being specific enough. I meant the locals at the hekm calling the shots. I know that the average person on the street here has a very different outlook on things and also foreigners. I corrected the text accordingly. Thanks for pointing this out. 

  6. Let me guess, the good ol' LFBCDD scam?


    As they seem to focus on people with brains - I see this attempt, on rounding up another group of victims to feed the local biz owners' local politicians' greed, utilising a long term plan to keep their intense hatred against anyone non-Thai (except Korean asexual appearing superstars of course) and their overinflated pride under a lid for just that long, to remain a pipe dream.


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