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Posts posted by Freigeist365

  1. I'd call this a draw...

    Motorcycle rider turned a blind eye on the indicator of the truck. I mean, man!!! look how the flashing indicator lights up the whole corner. Some massive blinking here and the idiotic rider didn't see it coming. Any biker knows that you should maneuver carefully when driving close to such a large machine. He acted like he was completely alone...

    Truck driver, especially in Thailand, should always anticipate one or several bikes to be on his left when stopping at a traffic light. He didn't look and also acted like he was completely alone...

    Lucky escape indeed.

    Btw: Did anyone see that little guy pulling the large woman out, losing grip so her head hits the b/w concrete border flat on? That might have caused some serious damage - no idea what he was doing or thinking. Plus - did I see THREE people on one motorbike and am I correct saying that there were no helmets involved?

  2. Given the facts, all tourism-related businesses men in TH who either have loans and mortgages on their properties / boats / buses, you name it, and those paying exorbitant rent in "Location, location!!!" areas will go belly up within the next quarter. 

    Little side note as food for thought...

    Within my circle of Thai and Expat friends and family in 2020
    Corona cases, infected and/or deaths = 0
    Suicides = 2

    Wake up, people!!!!


    • Sad 1
  3. On 12/6/2020 at 8:58 AM, Tropicalevo said:

    'Mass tourism' probably enabled you and many other posters that live here, to come to Thailand in the first place.

    Mass tourism enables cheap flights and accomodation. It helps to build the infrastructure that enables people to move around the country more easily.

    Of course, those who came here earlier do not want to share paradise with the masses.

    It was the same when I first came to Thailand (except I drove here). I built a house in the middle of nowhere and told my friends about this geat place that I had found. They told their friends, who told their friends and before you  know it, I am surrounded by more 100 houses. But at least I now have concrete road access, and reliable water and electricity supplies. There are even supermarkets now where I can buy decent bread! ????

    It is called progress. The world changes.

    Tropicalevo - couldn't have said it better myself. All those keyboard warriors bashing the so-called mass tourists, have either been one of them themselves and/or have profited from it to secure their life here as an expat with an INCOME. Let's face it 90% of the people are too dumb to add 1+1 and think farther than from where they stand to the TV, fridge and the local supermarket - and THAT includes foreigners!!!

  4. Hhhmmmmhhh, that means that Isuzu basically have to make their truck engines more powerful to allow for all these baby shrimp delivery guys to drive double the new official speed limit... So far, that was 180km/h in places, but now we are up to 240km/h to reach that totally understandable level, since Isuzu pickup drivers simply HAVE to show others who's Boss...

    I fear that Isuzu will need at least three months of planning and redesigning to do that, what means that those poor drivers will have to be patient for a while, some trait they have never really learned... I deeply feel sorry for them.

    Am actually looking forward to the then upcoming Isuzu advertising clips on cinema - I see more flames, slipping and sliding, amazing drift, screeching tyres, and rocket fast high power Isuzus overshooting the earthly limitations of the big silver screens while the souls of all these local, well educated and hyper responsible drivers in this country will yearn for these new, shiny rockets on wheels...

    Most likely, the Isuzu videos will outperform the actual movies that follow the ads and the national anthem. It's all so exciting... and frightening at the same time. What a life!!! :cowboy: ????

  5. Nice idea to get the economy off the ventilator - fine the remaining businesses to death if you can't break them with all the other C19 restrictions in place. More Nanny State, more fines, more BS... Nice! Well done!!!

    BTW, 30 years here and never had food poisoning, eating street food at least on 4-5 days out of 7... How come?

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