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  1. But Americans are satisfied with the public service statements and pictorial "evidence" to confirm combined US military might and assistance in "provision" of aid which in reality is a mortgage on Ukrainian territory ahead of Russia.
  2. Then I invite admin to provide such from mandatory records . When it comes to abusive posts directed at myself I do indeed take screen shots. I pretend nothing
  3. Easy to say and easy to avoid proof? Much of my commentary has been made with yourself in mind. Are you bitter as a "post Mod" ?
  4. I would be interested in being shown examples. Can you say I have called anyone "stupid" or similar in any response ? I may have suggested "stalker" or even troll on perhaps one occasion but in any case in answer to .
  5. I think one or two partied with Adam !
  6. I consider derogatory statements and demeaning language purely to detract or deflect even the possibility of valid significance of another person's input as abuse whether or not any such contains curses in attempt to suppress in defense of intransigent opinion. Employing singular expressions such as "Troll" as an automated response to unwelcome challenge to opinion fits my broad definition.
  7. I believe the underlying issue in this thread is not about "more" rules but what rules can assist in combating excessive conflict which has the effect of driving away interest and thus forum members. How to set limits on those who are intransigent in self opinion and correctness they are incapable of tolerating any question or challenge to their or the mindset of a clique of opinion? If there were an audio version of some topics in AN all that would be heard is hysterical screaming and shouting down.
  8. Highest ratio of expats to bar stools?
  9. Pistols At Dawn !
  10. Huh? Is it a forum for discussion or just a news service? Argue I want not. Debate yes.
  11. Dangerous ground if the OP can eliminate unwelcome genuine debate ?
  12. That might be appropriate to those who get Toxic and abusive. What about cumulative and persistent derogatory sneers and snide accusations? I know of more than one member has opted to simply depart the forum altogether in the face of such tactics. I can understand the task of moderating is probably thankless but some moderators have had a history of favouring some of the most blatant "offenders" which has not enhanced the confidence of many. I will say "yourself" an exception which is most likely why you are still onboard.
  13. Perhaps "muting" them if persistently so in a thread ?
  14. All too typically this thread is demonstrating the general mentality of a group who routinely hijack the "mood " and if unable to dictate consensus impose themselves with sneers and accusations more often than not applicable to themselves !
  15. Lucky you. I think the OP was referring to rubber trees which present issues more than just "overhang"
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