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Everything posted by RanongCat

  1. I need picture or approved link to info these is gay people!
  2. There is this what i say?, strange attitude almost all the time. Just now again is problem with "energy". People so used to cheap cheap and mve around like gypsy. Awww so sad now takes from cost to eat instead. So spoiled children? So easy forget the bs wars acted by theb poor to make richewr rich! The product cost of any is a small parrt of most consumerable and the addition cost never end for stupid user if a vehicle. Why you feel good if you to choose a product with ? warrantee? Warrantee?
  3. people is growing ganga. Hash is concentration (extract) of resin. very unclean also! lol
  4. All same. What Political person any place not declare a religion? The lost souls need know to choose side in the war even to kill the killers !
  5. In 8 year battery tech maybe better different same as last 8 year. Warranty/guarantee on battery does not mean is dead on day after 8 years.
  6. was invite to Evangelical gathering in USA one time. Same same with people speking silly noise and falling down. An there was about 500 persons !
  7. why nobody think is not a story about the sex but about police taking money? Big Joke is wrong to be against corrupt?
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