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Everything posted by RanongCat

  1. In Thailand I never yet meet a Mexican selling tacos.
  2. Have experience of a van man like this. So dangerous I say I want off and he argue not until desyination. I say no and not want money back, just life . He got angry more when other passengers say us too ! Nevr use such transport again .
  3. Very sad to understand you need run away fromstatistical fact . I s not ok people you not know can show real situation about disease just because it offend lgbt people so bad? Why decide comment you not like or agree with is blame and shame? You say what tyou want say and run away ? Make you correct? Not for me sorry.
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV_and_men_who_have_sex_with_men
  5. I go and look more. And more I look say same . Majority gay/bi men .
  6. Is not true . Internet search statistics show majority ofHIV is gay men with men. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-lm&q=Global+percentage+of+sexual+orientation+of+HIV++patients
  7. North Korea thinking Poisonous spider ?
  8. I am a student of English. Could not understand your writings. Asked English coach his translation. Is like this: The following is only my opinion as requested in translation of text and possible meaning. Furtherto I will provide personal interpretation. Reading through the commentary in this topic and referring to several others by same author it would appear to me that the writer is an aging individual who is quite possibly descending into the sad realms of dementia and simultaneously referring to an obsolete era of language usage in an attempt to establish linguistic credibility and superiority. Unknown of course is if this is in retrospective status or delusional. A dangerous marker of such delusional superiority is evident in the consistent reference to an opinion target student as a female . A similar gender reference in several other topics presented on this forum that I have perused is consistent in generalized denigration or dismissive tones. In my opinion that raises a question of a questionable social profile. While the language utilized attempts to convey higher intellectual status it is as out of touch with general comprehension as foreign as would be Shakespearean text to the majority of any reader in the current average public domain media. I hope that if nothing less my opinion is of value at least to the person who refers to me as English Coach.
  9. All true as you say...unless is tuna . I stay far from heavy metal if can. The music is the warning .
  10. This information is known by intelligent persons. Why you leave out all other information in sad event?
  11. Have try "like meat" and also American beef. Lab meat and American cow never see sun or grass so same taste of nothing.
  12. I have been a patient waiting in long que of local small hospital. very good young woman doctor gave good consult , pee and blood test and precription for medicines. At cashier all was 450 bht and doctor fee was 50 bht from that. I have also bee a patient in a Private Hospital and the que was near same. At cashier was 4300bht
  13. How to charge when it say camps and graves on Thai side of border?
  14. same been reported before on here. Maybe same driver?
  15. Try hold power and volume down for long time. Or volume up. Sometime it works
  16. Bottle now clear so can be accepted to recycle. easy mistake
  17. Same same but different. Lone like stay away if no hav the cream ?
  18. This small mind boy still in Thailand? Family of Dicklomat ?
  19. Same same but different .... budget. ????
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