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  1. 18 massage parlors in one shopping mall, really? What kind of shopping mall is this?
  2. Not that rare anymore. Nonexistent with bargirls though.
  3. Have you noticed that most Trump lovers are either idiots or characterologically deformed individuals, or both?
  4. You are obviously not a very smart person. The US of idiots is still unfortunately the biggest economy and most powerful country in the world American politics impacts the whole world. If the orange Manchild wrecks the American economy, he drags the world economy down with him. What happens in Britain, stays in Britain. What happens in America, spreads around the world. The second Trump term could turn out to be an unmitigated disaster for mankind.
  5. Total crap. Did you pull that out of your butt. You are an extreme ignoramus. Dumb as s.. t.
  6. What he also missed is the much more important fact that we have a retarded sociopathic fascist megalomaniac on the other side, a danger to the US and the world. Harris is indeed extremely underwhelming, but not because she is, according to the orange one, a radical Marxist, Communist, Socialist., but because she is the very opposite, a supporter of the transnational neoliberal plutocracy that rules and exploits humanity.
  7. Don't suddenly stop. You have to gradually taper off the dose. Very gradual. From 50 mg every 6 hours ,to either 50 every 7 hours for a week ,or down to 45 mg for a few weeks until maybe after 6 months your body can manage without the drug.
  8. You, with a second account.
  9. That's exactly the problem with the US of A, even a lot of the university educated are total idiots.

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