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  1. When did you get that email.l? I have had an account with them for 15 years, and never ever got an email from KTB.
  2. You would lose that bet big time. I have heard it, and much much worse( farang kuay for example) , so many times. But a lot more in the past (30/40 years ago) than now, not, in my opinion, because Thais have a more favorable attitude towards farang now , but because 40/50 years ago, there weren't that many of us around. They are used to seeing us all over the country, it's nothing noteworthy anymore. Their xenophobia is still there, just more under the surface.
  3. Well, psychologists say to become a mature human being, you have to learn to cope with rejection and denial. the Thais are giving us a valuable lesson. We should reciprocate, and introduce a fee for Thai tourists, so they can achieve maturity too.
  4. The Thais have a long tradition of farang blaming, we brought prostitution, we brought Aids, we caused the once pristine land's degradation into a den of iniquity.All because Farangs are ba(crazy) and ngo (stupid), How often have I heard Thais say that. The Thais have an exceptional lack of self reflection and self awareness, and a corresponding phenomenal capacity of passing the buck. Every nation have their myths.The reality :Thais are some of the greatest scofflaws on the planet. Now, under Donnieboy and his make America moronic again movement, the the US of A.... Is turning into the western Siam, just, as everything in America has to be bigger and better than anywhere else, even crazier and infinitely more stupid.
  5. If Donnieboy calls it " totally fake", then it has got to be totally true. Thanks for the confirmation, Donnie.
  6. The most offensive thing in this story is having to hear the word "Emily" a hundred times in 2 minutes. I used to think it was a cute name, not anymore. Referring to yourself in the 3rd person, yes sometimes Thais do it, but not over and over again, to a headache inducing extent.
  7. It recently occurred to me that the weekly, usually Saturdays, Rooster column hasn't been around for a while, probably a year or so. What happened to the Rooster? Did he quit, was he fired, did he follow the legendary Night Owl, Bernard Trink, into the great beyond?
  8. It doesn't really exist here, but it is probably one of the easiest country in the world to get a ride if you are a farang, better even a farang with a bicycle. I have been doing it for ages, and most of the time I get a ride in under 30 minutes. I don't do it to save money, but because of convenience. riding my bike in the countryside till I get tired, and then hitch a ride to my destination, which used to be BKK. No fun cycling into BKK. I often ask the driver whether he would have picked me up if it had been a Thai man, and 90 % say no way, too dangerous.The reverse happens in farangland, where I have spent up to 7 hours waiting for a ride. Farangs are scared of farangs, Thais are scared of Thais. I assume that the Turkish fellow didn't look " farang" enough, more "kaek" /Muslim. Also he tried to get a ride in the city, BKK of all places, which is much more difficult than getting one in the countryside heading back to the city.
  9. Written by Adolf residing in an insane asylum for the mentally challenged.
  10. Because they are mentally ill themselves.
  11. If you voted for the clown, you are much more likely than not, to be an ignorant idiot, low IQ, score high on the F-scale, a misogynistic racist... in short not a pleasant person to be with.
  12. They have the money in the bank, it's just not "their money", it's borrowed money, borrowed from the agency.
  13. So she is fully qualified to work in the porn industry, or as a stripper. Small brain and heart, big boobs, good for the sex industry, bad in politics. Some Milf clips located in a mock up of Downing Street 10 with an intruder overpowering her.
  14. A weaker Baht would be great. Should be around 40 to the $.
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