It doesn't really exist here, but it is probably one of the easiest country in the world to get a ride if you are a farang, better even a farang with a bicycle.
I have been doing it for ages, and most of the time I get a ride in under 30 minutes. I don't do it to save money, but because of convenience. riding my bike in the countryside till I get tired, and then hitch a ride to my destination, which used to be BKK. No fun cycling into BKK.
I often ask the driver whether he would have picked me up if it had been a Thai man, and 90 % say no way, too dangerous.The reverse happens in farangland, where I have spent up to 7 hours waiting for a ride. Farangs are scared of farangs, Thais are scared of Thais.
I assume that the Turkish fellow didn't look " farang" enough, more "kaek" /Muslim.
Also he tried to get a ride in the city, BKK of all places, which is much more difficult than getting one in the countryside heading back to the city.