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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. As the jury verdict nears, @Yellowtail is getting nervous and desperate.
  2. Prosecutors are now showing the jury each of the seven monthly checks Michael Cohen received in 2017 from the Trump Organization totaling $420,000, reimbursement primarily for fronting the money to silence Stormy Daniels.
  3. A lot of countries that did nothing about COVID didn't bother to count COVID deaths. I vaguely recall that the president of Tanzania claimed there was no COVID in Tanzania. He subsequently died of COVID. not all countries have the infrastructure and capacity to register and report all deaths. In richer countries with high-quality mortality reporting systems, nearly 100% of deaths are registered. But in many low- and middle-income countries, undercounting of mortality is a serious issue. The UN estimates that, in “normal” times, only two-thirds of countries register at least 90% of all deaths that occur, and some countries register less than 50% — or even under 10% — of deaths. During the pandemic the actual coverage might be even lower.
  4. Wow. I knew there were pro-Russia types here, but it's truly a surprise to see China apologists here.
  5. And the Watergate burglars were not charged with corrupting an election. BTW, thanks for listing the charges. You could have done that a month ago, and saved 100 posts. Unfortunately, tomorrow you will be asking "what was the crime?".
  6. Payment to someone is not a legal expense. Just because your lawyer pays for you, and then you reimburse the lawyer, that's not a legal service. Yes, I know you want to try to obfuscate. The question is is: was Stormy Daniels payment a "legal service"? Is she a lawyer?
  7. "The bookkeeping error that I am being incorrectly and unconstitutionally prosecuted for is the fact that a bookkeeper, innocently and correctly, called a “Legal Expense” paid to a lawyer, a “Legal Expense.” IN EVEN SIMPLER WORDS, I CALLED A LEGAL EXPENSE, A LEGAL EXPENSE. WHAT THE HELL ELSE WOULD YOU CALL IT? A BIDEN INSPIRED ELECTION INTERFERENCE HOAX!!!" This Truth Social post is called "a confession ". Trump admits he knew about the false entry in the books.
  8. If Trump's criming was so minor, why did they spend so much effort trying to hide it? This reminds me of Watergate: a third rate burglary with a huge cover-up.
  9. Do you think Trump will get the Libertarian vote in November?
  10. Had we not taken urgent action then, many more would have died. Maybe those saved lives aren't worth much to you. When the first wave hit, I quarantined myself on a farm by myself, leaving only once a week for groceries, masked up. Outside the fence of my farm, people were dying like flies. Taking precautions may have saved my life during that first wave.
  11. After SARS 1, pharmaceutical companies were already working on a SARS vaccine.
  12. Questions: Do you believe that the Earth is ~6000 years old? Do you believe the Apollo Moon landings were faked? Do you believe the Earth is flat? If not, why do you believe Science in those areas, but not in Medicine?
  13. Migrant crossings at U.S.-Mexico border plunge 54% from record highs, internal figures show
  14. The "open border" only exists in your mind. Migrant crossings at U.S.-Mexico border plunge 54% from record highs, internal figures show
  15. Migrant crossings at U.S.-Mexico border plunge 54% from record highs, internal figures show There is no open border.
  16. I don't understand how any normal person could support such evil. Some of the same people who condemn Israel killing of civilians in Gaza are fine with Russians killing Ukrainian civilians.
  17. NRO isn't Space Force, so .... No, it's just a spysat.
  18. It looks like you are unaware of the Russian propaganda mills that feed low information types in the West. Example: the Internet Research Agency. You would be surprised how active they are.
  19. Trump brutally demolished for latest 'BS answer' demonstrating his ignorance In a clip shown to viewers watching MSNBC's "The Weekend," the former president was asked, "Do you support any restrictions on a person's right to contraception?" 'Well we were looking into that," Trump replied before continuing, "And I'm going to have a policy into that very shortly. And I think it is something you will find interesting." Of course, there isn't going to be a policy on this "shortly", this is Trump's standard dodge when asked a question he can't answer.
  20. Thank you, for your comment. On the other hand, some posters here rely heavily on talking points created in Russia.
  21. RFK Jr. Hits Trump’s Covid Response in Bid for Libertarian Vote “Trump presided over the greatest restriction of individual liberties this country has ever known. He did not stand up for the Constitution when it really mattered,” Kennedy said Friday at the Libertarian National Committee’s convention in Washington.
  22. How is cooling 1,000 years from now going to help the dying coral?
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