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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Why didn't Trump simply have the Trump campaign pay Stormy Daniels? Why go through all the effort of fake invoices and reimbursement to third parties?
  2. Pretty stupid of Trump to do his criming in a Democratic city.
  3. The judge sent the jurors home because: There wasn't time last week for jury instructions discussion, closing arguments, and the start of deliberations. The rest of your post is the standard Groundhog Day trolling. Please refer to the multiple posts that answer your questions.
  4. Spy satellites have been around since before you were born, nothing new here.
  5. Nope. Elon's rocket is the first orbital rocket to attempt booster return. But Elon merely copied Armadillo Aerospace, which won a NASA prize for rocket landing: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armadillo_Aerospace The head guy at Armadillo was the creator of the Doom videogame. Armadillo copied the earlier DC-X program: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_Douglas_DC-X This was the first rocket with vertical takeoff and landing. I was very familiar with DC-X, during it's manufacture. There were multiple political fights to keep it funded. Unfortunately, NASA eventually got their hands on it, and destroyed it.
  6. I suspect you don't even know what a Likely voter screen is. So when Trump goes down in the polls, it will all be a big surprise to you.
  7. It's normal for a judge to ask a hung jury to try a little more. If the jury reports that someone is "not deliberating", they may be replaced in some venues. This means that a juror is not paying attention to facts, they have an opinion solely based on personal feelings, not the facts of the case.
  8. Most of these polls have yet to convert to "likely voter" screens, so Trump is winning due to name recognition by low propensity voters. After the conventions the pollsters will switch to Likely voters, and you will have a sad.
  9. Trump blew up the deficit and mishandled COVID. There's plenty of time before the elections to rehash Trump's mistakes. And they will be re-hashed in great detail, every day.
  10. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C64ff-HObCG/?igsh=MWdpNG92NmtjZmo2cA== Wildwood had the 20,000 people the police allowed.
  11. That's not a time stamp, that's the time of the newscast, probably the next day. An aerial view shows the throngs massing at Thursday’s Trump rally in the Bronx. Here's the same view of the rally as published by the NY Post. Looks like a crowd at a high school football game. If you have a crowd shot that shows more people, please share.
  12. You could be right, but Ukraine has been destroying infrastructure in Russia for some time, and Russia has yet to respond. Russia seems helpless to defend themselves.
  13. Some of that is good advice under current conditions. If a nasty variant emerges, more will be required.
  14. I would be surprised if Trump would trust her as VP. She would be a good candidate, though. I think Trump will take a lapdog.
  15. If the entries weren't false, what was the point of the meeting where the Trump Organization staff tried to figure out how to pay Michael Cohen without referencing the hush money payment?
  16. You are really in denial over the tiny crowd at the Trump rally. Take a look at the photo.
  17. The question is how far will Republicans go - we are already seeing some Republicans talking about banning birth control pills. I suspect that are some Trumpers here who think this is a bad idea today. But, if Trump supports the ban, they will go along with it.
  18. Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal Too late, Ukraine is working it's way through Russian radar sites
  19. Why was the audience mostly white, if the Bronx is mostly minority?
  20. Hey! I know something about this stuff. Despite the hype, Cosmos 2576 was launched into an orbit much lower than USA 314. Even though the orbits of the 2 satellites are only separated by .8 of a degree of orbital inclination, the difference in orbital altitude means that their orbits will process at different rates. Which means they won't be in the same orbital plane after a few days. Bottom line, as test of Russian capability to insert an ASAT into the same plane as the target, this makes sense. As an operational mission, no chance, unless Kosmos 2576 makes some substantial maneuvers soon.
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