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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The fly in the ointment is the support Iran gives to anyone who attacks Israel. Of course, Iran doesn't care about the Sunni Palestinians, they use the conflict to tamp down any domestic opposition, by changing the subject.
  2. We have a basic disagreement on the optimum strategy for saving the Palestinians. My belief is that stopping attacks on Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah, stopping any violence by Palestinians, and instead portraying the Palestinians as innocent victims would motivate world opinion to give Palestinians their independence. This approach has never been tried. Your strategy is to have Hamas and Hezbollah shoot rockets at Israel, and then a miracle happens and Israel is abandoned. Good luck with that.
  3. Tell us, using your common sense, what would be the financial impact of Trump's tariffs on the average American.
  4. Here is the impact of Project 2025 on the average American: Project 2025’s Tax Plan Would Raise Taxes on the Middle Class and Cut Taxes for the Wealthy "Specifically, Project 2025’s tax reform plan would: Enact a two-income tax bracket system that would raise taxes by $3,000 for the median family of four—which makes about $110,000 a year—and raise taxes by $950 for the typical single-person household, which makes about $40,000 a year. (see Appendix for state-specific data) Provide an average $1.5–2.4 million tax cut for the 45,000 U.S. households making more than $10 million annually from the combination of the “two-bracket” system and cuts to taxes on the wealthy’s investment income. Cut the corporate tax rate to 18 percent, which amounts to a $24 billion tax cut for the Fortune 100."
  5. Name one US citizen who has lost their benefits to illegals. BTW, Trump's tariffs would make things even more expensive, so you are clearly misinformed.
  6. It sounds like the problem of the rising baht will take of itself. The Thai economy will crater, and the baht will drop. The invisible hand of the market at work.
  7. If not for these futile attacks on Israel, the world would be focused on the Palestinian occupation.
  8. Woman claims to be Trump's 'adopted daughter' and 'vice president' A lot of Trumpers resemble this lady
  9. Larry Hogan confirms he won’t vote for Trump, despite the former president’s endorsement How many Trumpers will claim next year that they didn't vote for Trump?
  10. Trump has obviously lost his mind, and is deep in dementia. At least Biden could mostly hide his bad days, but Trump doesn't care because the Cult doesn't care. Not a single Trumper here will mention Trump's apparent insanity.
  11. I would imagine it would be tempting for leadership of any Middle East political organization or social welfare group to take up arms against Israel - Iran will spew cash at you. Unfortunately, these militant organizations hide the real problem - the oppression of Palestinians in the occupied terrorities. This will never be alleviated by terrorist attacks. We've lost a year due to the Hamas attacks.
  12. It's the usual Fleet Street nitpicking of any party that's in power. At least Fleet Street is obnoxious to both parties.
  13. For @illisdean: New poll shows Kamala Harris pulling away in Nevada with 7-point lead over Donald Trump Donald Trump is slowly sinking in the polls
  14. The reports from North Carolina are awful, but what worries me are the places that aren't reporting. I suspect that there are big problems that we haven't heard about.
  15. @mogandave: Clearly, you have miseducated about corporate taxation. When Eisenhower was president, we had the highest marginal tax rates, and America was most prosperous. Do you disagree? Lowering tax rates makes America poorer.
  16. The lives of the working class citizens of Springfield Ohio have not been diminished by the arrival of the Haitians, so I disagree with your premise. The exception is the mess that Trump created with his lies, the bomb threats.
  17. The US stock market doubled in value under Biden, but crashed under Trump. Your pension manager must be losing his marbles.
  18. Over 100 drones sent to destroy those buildings. We may be seeing the law of diminishing returns here, the cost of the drones may be greater than the value of the target.
  19. The problem is that they purge citizens, too, and there's no time to reinstate them.
  20. Fact check: To attack Harris, Trump falsely describes new stats on immigrants and homicide
  21. The problem is that a Russian woman would do without a man if he's not Russian.
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