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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. As long as you don't claim that betting odds are predictive.
  2. We don't know the results of this election yet. Let's wait until after the votes are counted.
  3. June 3, 2020: there was a peaceful protest at the Capitol.
  4. Again, you don't understand that betting odds are not predictive. https://cointelegraph.com/news/trump-s-odds-near-67-as-polymarket-whale-bets-another-2-m $2 million was enough to impact Polymarket betting odds yesterday.
  5. Great Replacement Theory: Here’s What Jews Need to Know About White Supremacy The Great Replacement Theory is a cornerstone of much of MAGA support. You see it here, using Latinos rather than Jews.
  6. The betting odds are based only on the money bet on each side. Since some French guy dropped $30 million of crypto money on Trump, the odds are in Trump's favor. So, you have been influenced by foreign money. Sucker.
  7. Trump closing the election with "Hitler did some good things" is political malpractice.
  8. There are several symptoms of Fascism, I am going to crib from the internet and post one: "Fascism creates a myth of victimhood, that the majority population is in a humiliating decline from a past greatness because of singled-out minority populations. It’s an us-against-them crisis, the myth goes. The targeted racial, ethnic, religious or gender minorities, and the “liberals” who support them, are thus framed as not just opponents but enemies, demonized so the majority can feel justified in hating and repressing them."
  9. Sorry, I'm not a Brit like you.
  10. You think wrong, comrade.
  11. Live by the polls, die by the polls.
  12. As Early Vote in Nevada enters final week, Culinary Union drives Nevada’s strongest political program with statewide “Trump is for Trump” billboard campaign and 900,000+ door-knocking canvassing program - The people sending you talking points are lying to you.
  13. Clark County mailed out ballots late this year. There are still 1.6 million ballots yet to be received by the county. The people who sent you the talking points didn't tell you the whole story.
  14. Do you oppose racism?
  15. Spoken like a true New Zealander. Of course you know what's best for America.
  16. Are you the average American?
  17. There is always the possibility that Trump could get a massive turnout on Election Day. But that would require a massive GOTV operation. And you have never seen a talking point about the Trump GOTV operation, because he doesn't have one.
  18. There is no information that York County is being blocked from reviewing voter registration forms.
  19. There is no confirmation from York County of Trump's claims.
  20. When did I say Texas will go blue? Maybe I said if Texas were to go blue, that would indicate a landslide, but there is no evidence of Texas going blue.
  21. You are not psychologically able to respond to my question. No need to inform you of Trump's plans to imprison his enemies, if you agree with him.
  22. Actually, the question on the table is whether Trump is a Fascist. Not the same as a Nazi. Although Fascists can emulate Nazi rallies, as Trump did in NY.
  23. I have asked you if you would drop your support of Trump if I proved that Trump intends to imprison people for their political beliefs. Your response has been mindless drivel. I am asking a yes or no question.
  24. You're right. You're woke. Congratulations. Let's hope we don't have Trumpers attacking you now for your rejection of racism.
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