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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The CNN poll you referred to has some interesting cross tabs. It shows under 35 voters giving Kamala Harris a 52% - 40% edge. A new poll of young voters shows Harris with a commanding 31 point lead over Trump Other polls disagree with CNN.
  2. We are soon going to be in October when Republican polls will flood the zone. Some will be offered by Republican SuperPACs precisely to confuse low information voters.
  3. https://www.project2025.org/ Project 2025 is the Presidential Transition plan, authored by the Heritage Foundation and intended for use if Trump wins. Project 2025 More on Project 2025: Project 2025 proposes breaking up the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the parent agency for the National Weather Service, describing it as “one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry.” Yeah, they want to eliminate NOAA and the National Hurricane Center. Trump with Kevin Roberts
  4. Lots of foreigners love Trump. Especially in Russia.
  5. If you believe that the 2020 election was stolen, there is a topic to post the proof. Strangely enough, the Trumpers post claims that the election was stolen, but have never posted any proof. Why is that?
  6. No. The wording of The Hill article is misleading. The September 11-12 poll showed a lead of 5 points. The new September 24-25 poll has a lead of 7 points. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/harris-builds-lead-over-trump-voters-see-her-debate-winner-reutersipsos-poll-2024-09-12/
  7. "The Reuters/Ipsos survey was conducted Sept. 11-12 among 1,029 adults and had a margin of error of about 4 percentage points." Old poll.
  8. How did they solve inflation in your country? Or do they have a planned economy?
  9. Well, that was a Gish Gallop. Do you have any proof for any of these assertions?
  10. It looks like this issue impacts people with driver's licenses issued before 1996. Anyway, the glitch has been identified.
  11. Is inflation a problem in your country, too?
  12. After Putin falls, the new Russian government may agree to deliver Russian war criminals to The Hague for trial.
  13. Anyone who was opposed to the Soviet Union should likewise oppose Russia, right?
  14. The context of Putin's illegal invasion of Ukraine, Russian laws don't matter.
  15. The Soviet Union is dead. Sorry. Your position is similar to if Hitler had claimed that the Holy Roman Empire was never legally shut down, and therefore Austria and Germany were one country. For that matter, the Russian monarchy was never formally abolished by the rules of the monarchy, and therefore Putin needs to step down.
  16. I vaguely recall Hitler saying similar words as he annexed Austria.
  17. 09/24/24 (cumulative) 2020 118,439 2024 143,948 Note that the final number in 2020 was almost 4 million, so there is a long way to go.
  18. Do you believe that Haitians in Springfield are eating the dogs and cats?
  19. And they often do U-Turns in the middle of street, blocking traffic.
  20. Next, you'll be saying that the Haitians are stealing pets and eating them.
  21. Sorry, but I am a US citizen, unlike many others here. I don't know enough about Canadian immigration policy to comment on it.
  22. I'm sorry that you as a Canadian are so worried about immigration in the US.
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