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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Lie. What's with you these days, you are recently in a pattern of just making stuff up?
  2. This court case is about illegal campaign contributions and a subsequent coverup. I don't need a crystal ball to tell you that.
  3. Link, please, to Obama and Clinton personally engaging in a coverup of campaign finance violations.
  4. Well, there was COVID, there were readiness issues on the Russian side, and also, if Russia invaded and Trump did nothing, Trump might lose the 2020 election.
  5. Everyone gets campaign finance violations. The problem comes if you try to cover one up. Which is what Trump did.
  6. Illegal donations to a political campaign are...illegal. Yeah, I know it's hard to wrap your head around that. So, go blame the judge or his daughter, but they didn't arrange to pay Stormy Daniels.
  7. What's the point of trolling here about the charges? The Prosecution is laying out the case now. They will speak slowly so you can understand all of Trump's alleged criminal behavior.
  8. Deflection. Trump says the gag order prevents him from testifying. Do you believe him?
  9. So Trump claims the gag order prevents him from testifying. Do you agree with Trump?
  10. Like Hitler's Munich beer hall putsch?
  11. Like Hitler's Munich beer hall putsch?
  12. Lie. Both the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Customs and Border Protection told PolitiFact they do not financially assist people who cross the border illegally. NYC is thinking about providing debit cards to legal migrants.
  13. Both. It seems that you think that Trump is above the law.
  14. The border is far from open under Biden, his Border Patrol is catching more illegals than when under Trump.
  15. Wow. Your panties are in a bun over minor issues. The immigration situation wasn't great under Trump, but you guys didn't whine about it then. As for "wokism", the opposite is racism, and you guys never complain about that. You sound like those poorly educated old white guys dreading that their white privilege is going away.
  16. Any witnesses so far have disproved Michael Cohen's account of Trump's criming?
  17. Lie. https://www.fec.gov/files/legal/murs/7313/7313_28.pdf Given these facts, the Commission’s Office of the General Counsel (“OGC”) recommended finding reason to believe that Cohen and the Trump Organization made, and Trump and Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. (the “Committee”) accepted and failed to report, illegal contributions. The Act prohibits making, or knowingly accepting, a campaign contribution in excess of the contribution limits set forth under the Act. In 2016, the inflation-adjusted contribution limit for an individual was $2,700 per election. The Act defines a “contribution” as, in relevant part, anything of value made “for the purpose of influencing any election for Federal office[.]” Under oath, Cohen admitted to making the payment for just that purpose. It appears clear that he made an illegal contribution. However, because he was criminally prosecuted for the same conduct at issue in these matters, we did not support authorizing an investigation into the allegations against Cohen.
  18. There are really 2 questions for the jury to decide here: Was the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels an illegal campaign contribution (ie, over the $2500 limit)? And Did Trump try to launder the illegal campaign payments as business expenses? That's it. Concerning the former issue, Michael Cohen pled guilty.
  19. Illegal campaign contributions to silence someone, as an example.
  20. Any jury may be hung by a single juror. It doesn't even have to be a Trump supporter, it could just be someone who doesn't like the government.
  21. What you are saying here is that many of the new jobs created by Biden were recoveries from the Trump disaster, much like FDR was able to bring back jobs lost under Herbert Hoover. This is not really a great defense of Trump's job creation performance.
  22. The knuckle draggers never have a scientific explanation for the recent warming. All they have is "Al Gore has a big house".
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