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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. And no one has been electrocuted in the shower, despite the water heater not being grounded. This is a classic mentality of only dealing with a problem after a disaster.
  2. And when and if Trump is convicted, are you going to still say that Trump is innocent?
  3. Yeah, there are people like that: "If you don't install a ground wire for your water heater, someone is going to get electrocuted while taking a shower". "No one has died yet, I'm not spending any money on that". The future is always a surprise to people who cannot anticipate problems.
  4. The planet continues to warm, as you have alluded to. How much more warming would still be beneficial? At what point would warming become a problem?
  5. Landslides and massive flooding kills dozens in Brazil Hundreds Die In Floods Around The World As Schools Closed, Flights Canceled, Mandatory Evacuations Ordered Kenya floods claim 228 lives as cyclone approaches coast I don't think you are keeping up on current events.
  6. Carbon Dioxide levels are increasing and push up global temperature. That's reality.
  7. Conversely, if you say there is no warming, but the temperature rises, you are wrong.
  8. What a weird approach, you do know that we have these things called "satellites" which can warn people about imminent storms, and have saved countless lives? To you, that means global warming isn't real.
  9. Nope. There was great debate 20 years about whether there would be warming - remember the great hockey stick chart controversy? Gore himself did not make predictions about warming; rather he quoted mainstream climate scientists who got it right. The Deniers claimed the warming wasn't real, and some predicted cooling. Now they are in the dustbin of history. This guy got a lot of play 20 years ago: Russian scientist predicts global cooling
  10. Global temperature is increasing.
  11. Nope. You are fixated on one statement by Al Gore, and ignoring his central prediction: more carbon Dioxide would result in higher global temperatures (100% correct).
  12. Your logic is flawed. Let's assume that the current warming is completely natural. In that case, something has got to be done to protect against increasing rainfall, floods, hurricanes, etc. Are you on board for that?
  13. No problem with student protests, as long as they don't break the law. Trespassing is breaking the law.
  14. Link, please. I know for sure, the President gave the Medal of Freedom to a bunch of people on Friday. The previous day , he had a bunch of events, and then went to North Carolina. The previous days he had a bunch of events: https://rollcall.com/factbase-calendar/ I think your sources are wrong.
  15. I can kind of relate, in way. I rather liked Boris Johnson, but a lot of Brits thought he was the devil incarnate.
  16. Nope. They were going to block verification of the vote, dispose of Mike Pence, and have Chuck Grass let declare that the states need to do something to put Trump back in power. Alternate electors and all that. I guess they didn't include you in the planning. As discussed before, guns were brought to the insurrection. Your memory fails you again.
  17. Bernie lost elections. That's not sabotage.
  18. Over a million Americans didn't survive, due to Trump's incompetent performance during COVID.
  19. Trump is an adjudicated rapist and a con man.
  20. If you are trying to defend Trump's COVID performance, you are fighting a losing battle. I am sure the anti-vax nutjobs are thrilled about Project Warm Speed
  21. It looks like you survived the Clintons and Biden okay. It also looks like you are worrying about nothing. As for surviving Trump, he contributed to the deaths of one million Americans from COVID.
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