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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Trump had the worst job performance of any President since Herbert Hoover.
  2. And this proposal was never heard from again.
  3. I am installing solar panels at my place. Does that count?
  4. You're just setting yourself up for a date with a ladyboy "against your will".
  5. Standard practice for any tour, pretty much for anyone.
  6. I have taken many Chinese tours, both in China and in other countries. You are describing standard tour bus practice. The tour members are not afraid of being separated from the main group.
  7. The City of Pattaya needs to make some bus parking lots, and then ban overnight bus parking on city streets.
  8. Claiming that human induced climate change is not possible is really ignorant. More to the point, it's indefensible.
  9. Ask and ye shall receive: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/08/us-jobs-global-inflation-climate-change-debt-august-11/
  10. For a political candidate to advocate jailing their opponents should make them unelectable.
  11. Reality disagrees with you: “Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the American economy added 353,000 jobs in January, bringing the total jobs created under President Biden to 14.8 million. The unemployment rate held at its steady, low rate of 3.7 percent. This continues a two-year trend of a jobless rate under four percent, the longest stretch in more than 50 years. Your number of 2 million jobs created by Biden is fake.
  12. I agree with you. It is totally inappropriate to call for jailing political opponents during an election campaign.
  13. What's your point? Another transitory talking point? If Trump is convicted next month, are you going to post that "Trump has never served time"? If Trump is sent to Rikers, are you going to post "Trump has never served time in Federal prison"? My opinion is that Trump has the resources to appeal convictions for the rest of his life, BTW.
  14. Watch and learn. "Trump has not been convicted yet" is not the great defense you think it is.
  15. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperature_record_of_the_last_2,000_years Here's new data for you.
  16. At the end of 2020, China's total installed photovoltaic capacity was 253 GW, accounting for one-third of the world's total installed photovoltaic capacity (760.4 GW). It's not all bad in China.
  17. Your post is irrelevant because posting climate data from periods where humans could not survive doesn't inform us. I have a spoiler alert for you: Earth was once a flaming ball. So what does that tell us about climate change? The true test of the data is to measure the climate against the existing natural forces. For example, decreased solar output should result in lower average temperature. If it doesn't, something else is impacting the climate. Here's a hint for you: the people who sent you those charts are lying to you.
  18. You do understand that Trump supports Putin, a neoCommunist who wants to put the USSR back together. The war in Ukraine is part of that effort. So when you support Putin's war, or his minion Trump, you are a tool of the neoCommunists. Congratulations, Comrade!
  19. What do you mean by "mixed the pot"? Trump lost by 8 million votes in 2020.
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