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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Trump's campaign manager provided private polling data to the Russians to allow them to micro-target US voters
  2. How does that post convince anyone of anything? It sounds like you have some anxieties that need a release.
  3. Anyone deny that Trump knew Stormy Daniels? Anyone deny that he arranged to have her paid off before the election to keep her quiet? Anyone deny that he labeled the payments as business expenses? Yes, I know @Yellowtailwill quibble about the spelling of the entries in the books
  4. You mean the Russia "hoax" that landed Trump's mooks in jail?
  5. Still way too many buses.
  6. Trump subsequently invited Ms. Daniels to Trump Tower, where there was a witness. He also invited her to the launch of Trump Vodka in Hollywood, where she met Karen McDougal.
  7. The trial is about business fraud, and Team Trump isn't interested in a defense for the actual charges.
  8. I guess you didn't pay attention to the earlier testimony that demonstrated the level of panic in the Trump campaign after the Access Hollywood tape release. So quashing another bombshell was a high priority for Team Trump, at least until the election.
  9. Stormy Daniels provided specifics about the date and location of their encounter. It would be trivial for the Defense to provide records proving Trump wasn't there, didn't spend the night, or was with someone else.
  10. The point of her testimony is to demonstrate the danger to his 2016 campaign if her story came out before the election.
  11. In other words, you don't know enough about the law to make a coherent comment on the legal issues in this case.
  12. To be clear, when your attorney sends you a bill, you "gross up" the amount to cover their taxes?
  13. The Defense - so far - has not attacked her story, just the aftermath.
  14. Please cite the legal errors in the post you quoted. Spewing childish insults convinces no one. If you truly are knowledgeable about US law, educate us.
  15. Trump: "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." Liars like the BBC, NY Times. Yeah, I know you can't believe your idol said that.
  16. Meanwhile, Trump has been very quiet after the judge warned him about jail. Its almost as if he's afraid of jail.
  17. You mean a wannabe dictator would simply try to seize power after losing an election by having their followers attempt an insurrection. Okay, maybe you're right.
  18. You lost the plot. Cohen was the guy who pleaded guilty to the hush money payments. Trump tried to cover it up with fraudulent business entries.
  19. What's your point? Trump committed business fraud. You can't use semantics to rescue your idol. The only question is whether it was felony fraud or just misdemeanors.
  20. You misread my post, sorry. Trump covered up Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels - both FEC and the Feds considered Cohen's payment to be illegal.
  21. A distinction without a difference. The lawyer bills for legal services. The customer pays for those legal services and considers them legal expenses. Same same. I can't believe that you are trolling over this. The point is that Trump reimbursed Cohen for the hush money payment to Stormy Daniels and claimed the money was for legal services. Are you disputing that?
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