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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The supply chain is fairly robust. Alternate delivery paths will be used. Instead of delivering materials to NYC to be transported via highway to Virginia, the goods will delivered at ports farther south. Laura Logan gets nuttier every year.
  2. Don't forget the government persecution of Hunter Biden.
  3. The new Trump company is merely a mechanism for the Trump faithful to lose more money.
  4. A large boat being the requirement. Not so easy to operate by a small group.
  5. My position has been consistent: Trump will file his appeal, and the verdict amount will be reduced in the appeal process. Thank you for your concern about me.
  6. You guys really don't understand how SPACs work. If Trump were to sell a significant amount of his stock this year, the value of the rest would go down to zero pretty quickly.
  7. Trump will do anything to be able to appeal his verdict. If he can't get a bond, he would certainly tell his lawyers to try again with the appeals court to lower his financial requirements.
  8. Trump's wealth depends on Truth Social maintaining its share value during his lockout period. I would not be surprised if the stock were to open at a high price and slowly dwindle over the next 6 months. It happens that I am doing the same as Trump (at a much lower scale), and I don't have any control over share value, or much insight into the process. It is entirely possible that my share value might go to zero after 6 months, as might happen to Trump.
  9. Not so many Trump fans are posting about polls lately. Why is that?
  10. I suspect that UTapao growth will happen in 2047. Before then, not much. I checked the Google for Aerothai progress at UTapao. Nothing since the announcement in 2023.
  11. Oh, I think Trump will lose, because he is an incompetent lunatic, and most people understand that.
  12. Putin's watch. The buck stops with him. Despite a specific warning, Putin allowed 166 Russian citizens to be butchered. You never stop talking about the 16 Americans killed by ISIS, but you give Putin a pass. Why is that?
  13. UTapao could certainly use more flights. The airport is underused, and has a lot of excess capacity. Back in the day, there were flights from UTP to Isaan, very handy for bargirls.
  14. Note that, despite his pronises, Trump has never invested in his presidential campaigns. So, the judgment doesn't impact his campaign.
  15. Fitzmas! A reference to similar predictions of imminent justice 20 years ago.
  16. I doubt that the trial will change anyone's mind. Trump fans are unable to change their minds, those who are not fans aren't going to vote for him anyway.
  17. Actually, the Appeals court ruling makes sense, if you believe they will ultimately reduce the verdict. The ones having a bad day are the "experts" and former prosecutors who never considered that the Appeals court had a calendar.
  18. Hunter Biden didn't plead the Fifth. It turns out that virtually all of Comer's allegations were based on Russian disinformation. Comer bailed on the hearing with Hunter Biden. This whole investigation is a joke.
  19. The Appeals court probably assumes that $175 million will be the verdict amount after the appeal. Moreover, NY State has control over Trump's assets, he cannot sell or transfer anything with their approval. So, the State is protected, even if there is no bond, when the verdict is reduced to $175 million.
  20. The haze is bad here in Krabi, which is far from Isaan. I notice that solar panels are rare in Thailand, you would think the government would encourage their use.
  21. It is still early, and the polls are still not predictive. The only impact of the Biden lead is that the Trump fans have stopped posting about polls.
  22. It may be beneficial to try some of the small fry in advance, get convictions, and then leverage the convictions into cooperation deals.
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