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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The major supermarket chains re-stock during night shift for efficiency. It also allows longer operating hours since night crew can run the store a couple of hours in the morning.
  2. I guess you are one of those people who don't know what "woke" means, you just think it's bad.
  3. No, I am making this about Karens and snowflakes who are upset that transpeople have a national day.
  4. There is something called "night crew", which apparently doesn't exist in Thailand.
  5. In 1919, the Spanish Flu killed millions. In 1921, not so many. You see, an epidemic only lasts for a while. The fact that an epidemic ends doesn't mean that it wasn't dangerous at its peak.
  6. Many Trump fans here are supporting the idea of a multipolar world. Do you agree with them?
  7. Nope. Everyone knows that the corruption allegations were manufactured by the Russians, and passed along by a Russian agent and Rudy Guiliani. You were fooled by those guys. I would be angry if I were you.
  8. Your post didn't age well. I don't think you are going to make many points quoting Caitlyn Jenner.
  9. It seems you are not thrilled about gay people. Do you think they shoukd be confined to special camps?
  10. Former NYPD officer gets 10 years in prison for participating in the Jan. 6 insurrection
  11. Your last post on Trump will be when they cart him off to prison, and you write "how can they send that poor man to jail when he is clearly mentally unfit?".
  12. Not yet. I suspect that will be his last card to play when they haul him off to prison.
  13. Common sense tells us that the official numbers are correct, since Trump's claims of voter fraud were proven to be false. Or do you think there was substantial voter fraud in 2020? I don't mean that you have questions because you don't understand how elections are operated.
  14. No lack of posts by foreign Trump fans cheering on Putin, or desiring a multipolar world. They support Trump because they want to see a weaker America.
  15. The majority will, but there will be many who don't vote, and a larger than normal number will vote for Biden. Everyone ignores the other issues on the table: abortion initiatives on the ballot in some states; and some crazy MAGA types running for higher office. There is a historical record of crazy MAGA candidates losing in general elections, the crazier, the bigger the loss, in all but the reddest areas. For example, the GOP candidate in NC is a full blown MAGA nut, and by himself may lose the state for Trump. The only way he wins is if there is a black swan event that upsets everything.
  16. Trump is a remarkably inept politician. He doesn't seem to understand that by pleasing his core white racist supporters by insulting minority groups, he gains no votes from his base, and loses votes among others. Recently, Trump has insulted trans people, gays, Catholics, Latinos, blacks, and judges. More of this will doom his election in November.
  17. Does the evidence that the Biden DOJ is corrupt exist only in your mind?
  18. It's hard to imagine what the Trump fans are thinking. They don't seem to understand the derangement of Trump. How is that possible?
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